Karmyoga 3a

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 3 a

The discussion that’s going on is, Paarth, you are entitled to only action and not on the result. If a person gets sick, if somebody at home gets sick , the daughter gets sick, wife gets sick, sister gets sick, husband gets sick, your entitlement is only such that his/ or her treatment does not suffer. Get the illness treated. If the person needs care, then do not whine or complain and serve but serve with joy. The Lord has given you this service, the Lord has given you this duty , do it diligently.

The person will get better because of the medicine or will not get better, neither you know nor the medicine knows. This is only under the control of the Lord.

“I treat He cures”

A good and intelligent doctor always says, I treat , the Lord cures. The medicine does not cure, if the medicine cured, then dear friends, why would the people die by taking medicines.

People still die inspite of taking medicines. It is as if medicine is just an excuse. Whether the treatment will cure or not, it’s under the control of the Lord. From our side, we should not slack.

Let’s move ahead O seekers!

Scriptures say that there is two kinds of worship. One with which everyone fills his tummy. And the other the Lord’s worship. Saints and Divine Souls here say, that be it the worship for the tummy or for the Lord, it’s not enough. Today Lord is telling us such practical things. Lord, the instructor of Gita, Lord Shri Krishna. Says in Gita ji , one who sleeps a lot, his union does not get fructified, nor the one who does not sleep at all. One who eats a lot cannot attain the union, and one who does not eat at all , even he cannot attain the union. It is as if saying to take the middle path. What does Gita ji teach us – give up both take the middle path. See how practical things the Lord is teaching us. So this scripture is such a practical one, it’s not a mere theory, or a principle , it is practical. If you take the middle path you are fine.

So if you worship, to fill the tummy, then you will not be benefitted. Only Lord’s worship you’ll do, even then you’ll not the benefitted. It’s not possible. It’s not practical. Therefor, saints and Divine Souls say that the conjunction of these two paths is the correct path, path of salvation, path to come out of the circle of birth and death. So son! What is the conjunction of these two paths? Work to fill the tummy as well as worship the Lord too, then you’ll be elevated and benefitted.

Much of our time ladies and gentlemen is spent in earning for our livelihood. See, step a little ahead and see, what happens at home. The woman who works, has no time at all. It’s work for livelihood. She is busy the entire day in her livelihood. There is a businessman, a shopkeeper. He goes to his shop in the morning, early he goes. Comes back late at night. The whole day is spent at the shop. Just for the livelihood. There is an employee. Works at a bank, or in a school, or any other job, he also goes in the morning, and comes back tired at night. With great difficulty eats food and then goes to sleep. Again in the morning gets ready to work. All these are worship for the livelihood.

In the language of saints and Divine Souls, dear ladies, working for livelihood is our word. What do we say we are doing? Worshipping the livelihood. This is our word. Saints and Divine Souls say that this is what we are doing but we call this labor. How so? The way a laborer breaks stones on the road. In the evening whatever work he has done, he gets paid accordingly. A worker, collects apples from the garden and takes the load down, the whole day’s work, he is paid. He is performing labor. This is about the labor. The shopkeepers also do the same, employee also the same, in other words, one poor thing is a small laborer and the other one is a big one. They get paid after one month. You are a teacher, they get paid after a month. For what ? For the work they did. So the worship of this livelihood , the saints and Divine Souls call this as labor. Where you do labor, whatever was it’s cost, you took that . That’s called labor. The work that you performed, the work that you did the whole day, you taught the students, and kept teaching for one year, there was a Sunday, maybe another holiday, but the moth that you worked , your hard work, it’s labor you got in the form of a salary, so these are big laborers. The roadside laborer, the apple picker laborer, the one who works in tourism is a bigger laborer. The manager, GM, etc, etc big laborers.

The doctor whose nursing home is there. Very reputed. Very big. These are more bigger laborers. The husband is a Chief Engineer, but he is a laborer. But dear that one after your hard work. The government pays after a month. Whatever you are, a Prime Minister, President, those are big laborers but are still laborers.

What the saints and the five souls want to clarify here, whether you are a small laborer or a big one, or the biggest, with this labor, you will never attain salvation till many births. These little things we need to understand. There is no escape from work. No escape from worship of the livelihood. The moment we are out from here, the worship for livelihood will begin. Work will begin. One has to do it, never leave it. But the things here need to be clear. Then the emotions gets transformed and then labor becomes worship.

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