Karmyoga 3b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 3b

The topic is how to make an action into Karmyoga ( action enjoined with the Lord). How to convert labor into worship? Meaning how to convert action into Karmyoga such that the action which is the cause of our bondage , the action that binds our hands and feet in handcuffs, the same if removes the bondages and becomes the reason for our salvation, then dear Son, it’s called Karmyoga .

How to perform our action such that it becomes a reason to be enjoined with the Lord, to get connected with the Lord, to beget the Lord, this is the topic that what do we need to do?

One by one we’ll start our discussion. Will you remember it, whatever is being said now? Whether dear lady it’s household work, whether it’s office work, whether business, farming , work of garden , collect all these work, then also you’ll not achieve salvation. Then also you’ll not be free from the cycle of birth and death. Such a declaration is made by the scriptures. Saints and Divine Souls say, you may get it written on a blank sheet of paper. How so much learned you are, we have no qualms about writing it down, if you do not convert it into worship , then this action can never provide you with salvation. In many many births you will not attain salvation. That department is different. The action that gives salvation is different, those things are different. That is called spirituality. That is called worship. That is called chanting of chanting of Name, meditation, etc etc.

We have to have a communion of these two. How to do it? Ladies and gentlemen, there is no respite for action. Keep doing it. If we see, a man can perform worship of at the most one hour in the morning, and if you are a great devotee then one hour in the evening. Many don’t even do that. We don’t even have time more than this. Why? We are so busy in our work, the work of worshipping the livelihood, we are so busy in our work that time is that much only. You cannot increase 24 hours. So what do we have to do? The action that takes up most of our time of the day , the worship of livelihood, we all are busy in this only, right? Then how to convert that action into worship , this is the topic of discussion.

Let’s start the process. What process we need to apply such that our action becomes worship. It’s a long discussion, ladies and gentlemen but very productive.

One topic, if it enters our lives, then our practices with be successful. Only by chanting on rosary, meditation, singing hymns, with Divine company, it takes a lot of time. But this work that you are doing for the maximum amount of time, if the entire thing becomes a worship, if the entire behavior becomes worship then things can work out really fast. As it and Divine Souls go to this extent and say that your practices will only be successful if you convert your actions into worship. Then it’ll become very easy. How to do it? Let us begin.

Arjun is ready to go to the battlefield. Before going what does he do? He makes Lord the charioteer of his chariot that is his life. Come with me please, otherwise I will not go. Kindly take o de my chariot . You kindly hold the reins, you run it. I will sit comfortably. Tomorrow, when you go out of your home, why tomorrow? From today itself, when you come out of your home, to go for your business, ask the Lord, to kindly come with us. Kindly stay with us. Wherever the Lord’s company is, wherever the Lord is near, wherever the Lord takes the reins of your life in His hands, then those actions are inspired by the Lord. Where will that chariot go? Where the Lord will make it go. The chariot will not go there where Ego will remain, where selfishness prevails, where anger sustains, where jealousy prevails. It will not go there. Where will the action go, where the Lord will turn the reins of the horses. Where the horses faces will turn, there the action is going to go.

So the first tool: think a little bit as you go home today. Who is the charioteer of our life? Arjun’s charioteer we all know. The Lord Himself is seated. Who is the charioteer of our life? Ask for this answer, contemplate, think, then you will realize that the charioteer of our chariot are the defects, selfishness. These pleasures, they do not leave us. Wherever we have this desire of worldly pleasure , there the action will remain an action only. Forget these mortal pleasures. These pleasures of life are the cause of bondage. These are the reasons of your bondage. These cannot become the reason to set you free. These are not the reasons for your salvation. These are the reasons for bondage. But we want the tools for salvation. If we want to attain salvation, if we need to beget the Lord, if we want to free ourselves from the cycle of life and death, then.

So, firstly , take the Lord with you when you step out of your house. If staying at home then, keep the Lord all around and near you. When going out, then take the Lord with you. Ask Him to kindly be seated on the charioteer. The chariot of life, kindly be seated on it. Kindly take its reins in Your hands and make us work. We will come after You. But now what is happening, we want the Lord to work according to us. We want this, we want that, do this for us, do that for us. Right now we are making the Lord work according to our needs. And Paarth says- Oh no! Don’t do this stupidity. Don’t make this mistake. Walk in accordance with the Lord.

So this is the first tool/ resource that will convert the action into karmyoga. We will continue this tomorrow. Today kindly allow to end here. Thanks.

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