Karmyoga 4b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 4 b

Today a Divine Soul saint has gone to a Barney’s shop. He went and said – brother, for the sake of God, Kindly do my hair. To get a hair cut, the Divine Soul has gone to the barber’s shop. You also go. Sometimes you find the barber alone otherwise somebody is getting the shave done, someone is getting a haircut and some are sitting and waiting . Waiting for their turn. The moment the barber heard the saint utter the words- For the sake of God, Kindly do my hair,

So to others who were seated he said – The Lord’s work first, my apologies please. This saint has come. His work first. If you can wait, please do keep sitting. If you need to go elsewhere, then do some after a while. People said, a great saint has come. How else we could see him , so all kept sitting. Kept having his darshan. A true saint’s even darshan never goes waste. From the saint, what one gets to see, there is way more that is unseen. This is the glory of the saint. This is the Lord’s Grace. The Lord, does not allow one to know, that what all you attain through the saint. Just by his presence, just by his darshan, so much satisfaction, peace one gets and the mind gets stabilized. The stability that one does not get after elaborate practices, the same one gets just by having the darshan of the saint.

Thus, those who all were sitting, they thought that we would keep having the darshan of such a big saint, otherwise how is it possible? The barber made the hair. Very lovingly he made the hair. After getting the hair done, the saint got up. There is a small bag at his shoulder. He took out the money to give it to the barber. No, said the barber with folded hands. O saint ! What is this ? The moment you entered you said- for the sake of God, make my hair. I did not do the hair for money. I did it for the Lord.

There is so much difference in the talk now. The saint in his own words said – In my discourses I always then said that I learned Karmyoga from that barber. What he demonstrated. I merely said that for the sake of God Kindly do my hair. He actually did it. O Divine zone ! I did not do the hair for money. You came and said- For God, do my hair, and I did it for God, nor for money. The saint liked it and felt slightly guilty too. See, how good this barber is. He put the money back in his bag. This is Karmyoga. Where the action gets enjoined with the Lord, where action is done for the Lord,

There is no harm in doing business. You will do it for the world, for yourself, for your loved ones, that is selfishness, that action will remain an action. So clear is the Gita, the scripture. You will do it for yourself, for your loved ones, that action will remain an action. The action is the same but if you enjoin it with the Lord, not for yourself, not for your loved ones, only for Lord, then that action becomes a Karmyoga. That will pave path for your salvation.

RamaKrishna Paramhansa goes further. He was illiterate. His talks are very sweet and dear. How does he teach Karmyoga? Today you listened to the hymn, “ if we get the support of Lord, then nothing else we need”. What does it mean ? To stay connected with the Lord, meaning to stay in the Lord’s refuge. Yesterday we saw that till Paarth gave the reins of his life to Lord Krishna he did go go out of his house. Meaning, Arjuna has taken refuge in the Lord’s Lotus feet. He has kept the Lord, with him and around him. Just recollect that when Swamiji Maharajshri gives us deeksha, the first thing He says is keeping the Lord sound you and with you, bow and pay your salutations. As if Swamiji Maharajshri kept these words the foremost. Keeping the Lord with you around you make porridge. Whatever you make. Anything you make. When we make anything keeping the Lord with us and around us, then that preparation is ultimate, it is eligible to be offered as a prasaad.

RamaKrishna Paramhansa gives a beautiful suggestion. Arjun had the Lord directly with him, one who could be seen. We don’t have. RamaKrishna Paramhansa has Mother, but not the temple. Mother of the temple could not be kept side by side at all the times. So how did RamaKrishna manage then, and how does he explain it to us? He says, with the right hand dear ones perform the work, and keep the left hand at the Lotus feet of the Lord. Automatically the work will get connected with the Lord. Connection has been made, the line has got connected. With one hand perform the action, keep the other at the Lotus feet of the Lord. The unseen Lord. “ With folded hands and bowed head I pay my salutations to you again and again, to You O the Lord, the Supreme Soul, the most auspicious One! So says Swamiji Maharaj in Namaskar Saptak. Which feet? Our Lord is the formless One! The form One only some have, one who can see Him. One cannot refuse this. Everybody’s Lord is the formless One. So for that formless One, RamaKrishna Paramhansa says, perform work with one hand, use the spatula, and keep the other hand at the Lotus feet of the Lord. When the work of spatula is done, then bring that other hand too at the Lotus feet of the Lord.

What will happen with this? RamaKrishna Paramhansa says that the one who is using the spatula, will realize that whatever work you made us do, it was You who made us do it, all we offer at Your Lotus feet. Keeping both hands at the Lotus feet means, that work was performed with Your energy, with Your Grace, with Your wish. So therefore, both hands are at Your Lotus feet.

So kindly allow to end here. Tomorrow we’ll continue with this discussion. Do you remember the topic of the discussion? How to convert this labor into worship, how to convert action into Karmyoga? Kindly remember this subject. Tomorrow it’ll be continued further. Thanks.

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