Karmyoga 5a

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]


Today is Raksha-Bandhan. It’s full moon too. On this auspicious occasion wishing all congratulations . Best wishes . Yesterday in the newspapers it was mentioned that the auspicious time to tie the holy thread is between 7:45-9:00. So after the satsang, those who get the Rakhi tied and those who get to tie the Rakhi, may kindly go and tie. So much trouble you took to come here today. This discomfort is not through a person, it’s through the Lord, the Nature. You all so joyfully accepted this discomfort and have come here , so I hope that today’s distress the Lord will accept as austerity. If He won’t agree then I pray to the Lord with folded hands that the distress that you experienced while coming and will experience while going then O Lord ! it may not turn out to be a distress but kindly accept it as an austerity. Heartfelt thanks to you all that you came.

The discussion that is going on is how to convert labor into worship. Discussion is going on how to make an action into Karmyoga? Today at the completion of the 6th chapter, The Supreme Teacher of Gita, Lord Shri Krishna, has sung the glory of Yoga. In the first and the second chapter Arjuna wanted to become a yogi. But which yogi ? The one that begs. I will not fight. I will not perform my duties. I will beg and survive. In chapter one this is the wish. Lord decides there and then, Paarth, I will make you a yogi, but the one that performs actions. Today also, at the end of this chapter, he is saying the same.

Become such a yogi, who works selflessly. This kind of yogi is called a karmyogi. His status is very high. The karmyogi who has devotion, his status is still higher. Swamiji Maharaj calls a devoted Karmyoga as devotional Karmyoga ( bhaktimay karmyoga)

What are the practices of Swamiji Maharaj? Devotional Karmyoga. We all too want that we should become devotional karmyogis. So, the subject of the discussion is, this only, O seekers! This discussion is going on since last few days.

Karmyoga is also called selfless action. Whatever you have heard earlier, there is no need to repeat it. Let us move on. Karmyoga is also called selfless action. That is, without any desire when work is performed.

What is desire? You have been told earlier too that the names can be different. They can be many. A worldly person has only one desire that he wants the comforts of the world. Whether it is in the form of success, winning, promotion, name or fame, in the form of an award, or to become something.

The desire is one only. From all these, what do you want? Comforts of the world. To want the worldly pleasures is desire. Till the time this desire is there, Saints and Divine Souls say that the real desire of absolute bliss , the real desire cannot be born in you. When this desire is not born, till then you cannot attain absolute peace. You will get comforts of life. Small house, you’ll get a big one. Pleasures you will get. Earlier you had little work, now you have expanded it. Now you have become a big industrialist. So many factories you have now. Showrooms are there. Hotels you have. You will get comforts Son with this. Ur not peace. This scriptures say very confidently. Do remember that these things can give you comforts but not the Absolute bliss, not the Supreme peace.

What is the Supreme peace related with? To beget the Lord. When you have the desire to beget the Lord, the intense desire, it is a desire too. But this desire gives salvation. There are so many desires , but this one desire gas the capability to give salvation.

All those desires bind you with handcuffs, bind your feet , these desires cause bondage. Till the time that these bondage causing desires are not done away with, till them Supreme peace, you cannot attain , scriptures make it very clear. The Supreme Teacher of Gita ji makes it very clear .


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