Karmyoga 5c

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri 

How to convert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English] 

Part 5c

Tomorrow we’ll especially discuss about being happy and sad, but because you have no right on what so ever the result of the action will be, whether success or failure, happiness or distress. So, you are free to do the work, free to desire, but the action that is based on desire , will give you happiness or distress, it’s not in your hands. It’s not under your control. So the action that gives you happiness you would want to do it again and again But again, on doing that action repeatedly, it will not always give you happiness. It will give you distress at one time of the other.Thus the action will give happiness as well as distress. 

The action which you start liking or with which you get attached, one day or the other it will bring in pain. Thus in this world perform the action, but don’t get attached to it. Remember one word – why are we working ? It’s my duty. I am performing my duty. The responsibility

has been given to me by my Lord and I am taking care of it. 

Just imagine, you are parents. You take care of you son very lovingly. Way more than the daughter. The daughter is not taken care of in the same way as the son is. The daughter is not ours. That’s why the poor thing is not asked. The son is taken care of in a special manner. He is the one who will take care of us. Where ever O devotees, you expect or wish to be served or taken care of, why are you performing work? So that when he grows up he will take care of us. There only you will falter! The action will no longer remain a duty, but will become a desire. The painful action. Who knows that the son will turn out to be abusive tomorrow , kick you out of the house or will take care of you at home. Your action will no longer remain a Karmyoga. Why? You are taking care of the son , it’s my responsibility . That’s it. This responsibility will become Karmyoga. 

A lady doctor, helps pregnant women  to deliver their child. Today there, after 10 years somebody’s son was born. The doctor knows about the history. After ten years a child has been born. This. she comes out of the operation theatre and congratulates the family, don’t know about the mother. A son has been born. Just this much was the news that it reaches home. There is festivity , sweets are distributed . The atmosphere becomes so happy. Two three days, due to some reason the mother and the child are kept back in the hospital. After one week, the child dies. What does the doctor say today? Both mothers are inside. Father is outside. Family is outside. Just says this much that I am sorry, after much effort I was unable to save your son. She wraps the child in white cloth. And just says you may kindly take your child now. Empty the room please. Next patient has to come here. The doctor is neither elated st the birth nor saddened at the loss of their son. She is just performing her responsibility. She goes home. If at home also she does like this then she is a karmyogi. But when she goes home, it does not happen the same way. St home it is, my son, my daughter, my home, my husband , everything is mine. At the hospital she is performing her duty, but at home forgets her duty. Thus to perform our responsibilities dear ladies and gentlemen is Karmyoga.

Attachments, actions with desire are the reason for bondage. The day after we will continue this discussion further. Kindly allow to end here. Thanks. 

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