Monthly Archives: May 2019

Karmyog 2b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to covert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 2 b

The Lord has auspiciously started Ch 6. 6th Chapter is called Dhyaanyoga. It is also called Yoga of Self control. Yoga of practice. It’s a beautiful chapter. All are beautiful. But this too is beautiful. Talked about meditation today. Where did He start from. From there where the discussion of karmayoga was going on. Today, we’ll continue our discussion on this.

Paarth- While performing action, giving up the desire for its result, one is not a karmayogi. Today, ladies and gentlemen, let us try to understand a little bit of this. What is this desire of the result? Whatever you do, what is it’s purpose? Only this, such that you get worldly happiness! A child studies, such that after studies he gets work, get married. Happiness because of job , happiness to pass the exam, then happiness after marriage, as if there is just one result, that is called happiness. What kind of happiness?

It’s not the absolute happiness that one gets from Divine company, one that we get from the Lord’s hymns, one that we get from the worship of The Name !

No! the happiness that we are looking at is the one that we get from objects/ materials. This happiness is worldly happiness and it is for a short span of time. This is bonded with unhappiness. Meaning, this happiness has come and after that unhappiness does not return, this is not the law of the Supreme.

It’s a cycle. If there is sorrow then happiness will come, if there is happiness , sorrow will come. This is called mortal pleasure, this is called worldly happiness. Every action has its result, perform an investigation, if you received success, Name is the success.

What do you get? Pleasure. Pleasure of success. You get promoted, you have become more bigger, what did you get pleasure. You had a hotel, you got two, you had a small home, purchased a big one, what happened? Only this that you received pleasure out of it.

You ate, pleasure of the food, but for how long? Morning you had breakfast, you are hungry at noon, this is called mortal happiness. You ate with tummy full, then at night you are again hungry. This tummy never gets filled. It’s always empty, how so many bags of wheat flour, rice, lentils you put. This is not going to get filled. This is called the mortal pleasure.

Every action has a result, The Teacher of Gita Lord Shri Krishna is saying, till the person does not let go of the result, he cannot become a karmyogi.

A student studies. His right is only till the aspect of studying. If you understand the hidden concepts of Gita ji, you’ll become a karmyogi. Peace will come by itself. Today The Lord has said – Peace is the name of performing Action. By performing action we get peace. Renouncing the action does not lead to peace.

Today in 6th Chapter just now you read, a student studies. What percentage of marks he’ll get, it’s not under his control. This is under The Supreme Being’s control. He has kept it with Him. So, later on Lord will say, Paath! You only have the right to perform the action. Not on the result. You just keep doing your work. I have given you the capability to do work. A little of freedom I have provided. Not complete but just a little bit , you just keep doing your work. But what result you’ll get, that’s not in your hands. This I have kept with me alone! Whether I have to pass or fail that child ! Whether he has to come first or with what Division I need to pass him, it’s in my hands. It’s not in the child’s hand.

There is a girl. You are finding a groom for her. So many years have passed. Now parents start getting stressed out. My girl is 25,26,30 yrs old, we cannot find a good groom for her. To find the groom is the task of the parents., but to be able to find one, it’s not in the hands of the parents. The Lord has kept it in His own hands.

When the groom will be found, where he’ll be found, all these things. The Lord has kept with Himself. Your job is to do the work, you have no right on the result. The devotee, who accepts this, meeting-separating, birth-death, all are under the Lord’s control. All is because of His Divine wish. One who accepts this fact son! he becomes eligible to be called a “ karmayogi”

Continued ……

वे सब देखते हैं व साथ देते हैं

May 23, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर

परम प्यारे सब देखते हैं । एक साधक जी को कार्यक्षेत्र में कृपा स्वरूप ७ वृक्ष भेंट में मिले । बहुत सुंदर मौक़ा मिला विद्यार्थों से वृक्षापोपन करवाने का ! पिछले शुक्रवार से जिन कक्षाओं को वे पढ़ाते उन सबको एक एक करके बाहर लाते और उनसे वृक्ष लगवाते । बहुत उत्सुकता से बच्चे सब करते ! उन्हें बाहर आने का मौक़ा मिलता और साथ ही धरती को स्पर्श करने का ! सभी से माटी वृक्ष को डलवाते !

नए वृक्ष ! और धूप ! सो हर रोज़ वे साधक सुबह कार्य आरम्भ होने से पूर्व लम्बा चल कर जाते और हर वृक्ष को पानी देते । नए पौधे ! कार्य क्षेत्र से बाहर !

हर रोज़ अकेले निकल जाते पानी देने उन वृक्षों को दुलार देने !

देख रहे थे वे करुणानिधान ! कि कैसे केवल प्रेम के वशीभूत वे जाते कि वे वृक्ष जीवित रहें ! आज वापिस घर आते समय अचानक खूब मूसलाधार वर्षा हुई ! मन वृक्षों पर गया और मुस्कुराए कि वे देवाधिदेव भी लग गए साथ ! और तभी माथा खनका ! एक वृक्ष ककार्य क्षेत्र के दूसरे कोने में लगाया था और आज पानी देना वहाँ भूल गए !! तो देखो कैसे वे सर्वाधार , स्वयं बरस पड़े कि मैं स्वयं की पानी दे दूँ , जहाँ वह आज देना भूल गए !

अभी दो और वृक्ष लगाने बाक़ी हैं ।

स्वयं हर कार्य करते हैं और अपना साथ दिखाने , अपना संग दिखाने के लिए साक्षात स्वयं आकर कार्य करते हैं ! यह होता है प्रेम ! जहाँ कुछ कहना नहीं पड़ता स्वयं प्रेम के वशीभूत एक दूसरे के लिए कार्य करते हैं, प्रभु अपने प्रेमी के लिए, और प्रेमी अपने देवाधिदेव के लिए ! कितना सुंदर गठबंधन है ! और दूसरे दृष्टिकोण से देखा जाए तो स्वयं ही अपने बंदों से कार्य करवाते हैं और उन्हें रिझाने व सिखाने हेतु साक्षात स्वयं कार्य करते हैं कि देख मुझे हर एक चीज़ का ध्यान है !!!

कईयों को उन्होंने देवाधिदेन ने बीजारोपण के लिए ही रखा होता है । अलग अलग जगह पर बिठाते हैं, प्रेम का, सकारात्मक कार्यों का, बीजारोपण करवाते हैं और जब बीज प्रस्फुटित हो जाए तो फिर वहाँ से ले जाते हैं और नई जगह बीजारोपण करवाते हैं !!

प्रभुजी तेरी महिमा अपरम्पार !

Karmyoga 2a

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to covert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part 2a

You all are so fortunate that your morning starts with Satsang. Your coming here, is not a small thing. It’s like, your attendance in His presence. Imagine the Lord having a diary, a register, like employees do it in the offices, consider that your paycheck for that day is assured ! Similarly like this, the early morning satsang is an attendance in the Lord’s court. The Lord lets your name in His register , in His diary. This is not a small thing. Just because of coming our attendance gets done. After that, everybody is not engrossed in worship. Physically we are sitting there but mind is elsewhere.

The Supreme Being does not ask for time. He wants your mind. Again and again you’ll read in Gita ji,

Paarth! Immerse your mind in Me,

Offer your intellect to Me,

Everywhere you’ll get to read this.

Why doesn’t our mind gets fixated on Him?

O devotees! The Divine company, Ram Naam is so sweet that if the nectar of its sweetness one cannot feel, then what could be the reason for it?

If somebody get the ……. fever, then if you ask an Aryuvedic Doctor, then the child is given the crystallized sugar. When Mother gives him that, the son says Mummy, the sugar is sour. Ma says, Son, sugar is never sour, the taste of your mouth has become bad. Because of your fever, the taste is lost, that’s why you are finding the sugar sour.

What’s the remedy?

Keep eating the crystallized sugar, it will by itself start becoming sweet when the fever comes down. Those people who do not enjoy the satsang, they have on them the fever of desires!

What do the saints and Divine Souls day? What fever do they have? The fever of desire.

Something or the other they want, more want. These are desires. I want this, that, etc etc. This hunger, these wishes do not die off. This is called desire. Whosoever has the fever of desire, they do not enjoy the Divine satsang, Ram Naam does not feel sweet. There is no nectar in it. When he chants Shri Amritvani , many a times he sees here or there. His mind in not in the satsang. Sometimes he remembers hotel , sometimes home, sometimes physical ailments of its issues, etc, etc.

All these things come under the concept of desire. Because of these reasons, the Divine company does not appear sweet, Ram Naam does not taste sweet. People come here for excursion, alright, satsang is taking place, let’s sit there. The Lord does take attendance, but He knows the real truth, way better than us. What is the truth?

I would like to appreciate your good fortune. At least you come, have dedication, reverence , when you leave home you chant Ram Naam, one can see the rosary in your hand. All these things are alright. If mind is not here then tomorrow it’ll be ? Why? The treatment is this only. There is no other treatment. Sitting at home, the treatment will not take place. Sitting in hotel, the treatment will not take place. You will need to come here. In the Divine company, you will need to eat the crystallized sugar. Then the taste of your mouth will change. Not otherwise. So my dear sadhaks I really really really appreciate your good fortune.

Karmayoga 1c

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Shri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to covert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity) [ An humble attempt to translate His Divine words in English]

Part – 1 c

The Lord has addressed Himself as the Supreme friend. What kind of Love it is, One sided love! One sided , not two sided! Son! One sided, only one person loves, only one sided love, that is called one sided love . Lord says, my love is such that I do not expect that you love me too ! I have done something for you and then you give me something in return, thanks, etc etc. I don’t expect anything of this kind. This is kind of person is called Supreme dear One.

In the eyes of the Lord, O my Mothers! we have so many things but in the eyes of the Lord, there is no ill wish for anybody . According to our own thinking, we might take things accordingly, but in the eyes of the Lord, He has never ever done bad for anybody . You may think that He has punished you, or that He has put obstruction in your work, stopped my work, but you are thinking from your own perspective, this is not the Lord’s perspective!

One who is ultimate, the best, our intellect in limited, nothing, His intellect is limitless. He does not see just today’s occurrence, He thinks about your next life too, and does work accordingly. He does work, that is helpful for you. One that is beneficial for you. But you feel uncomfortable. You feel unhappy. But He does not care about it. Doesn’t matter. Right now he is unhappy. Right now he is feeing hopeless. Right now he is sad. But tomorrow he will understand my action, then he will understand that whatever happened with me had the best intention in it , there was pure benefic in it.

We all have had these experiences. But at that time for once God is cursed ! What did I do? In this life, from what I remember, I have never harmed anybody, never troubled anybody . O Lord! Why did you give me unhappiness? It’s as if you are complaining about Him. The amount of abuses the Lord has to listen, I don’t think the works gets to hear that !

Wr complain, abuse Him, say inappropriate things about Him. He listens. He does not say anything to us. No problem. When you will understand, you’ll realize that this was beneficial for me. That’s why I did it. Person then understand the Supreme dear One, whatever May happen, in the eyes of the Lord, nothing is ever done bad for me. Thus, in the eyes of the Lord, there is never injustice, atrocities, folly, or mistake committed.

One who knows this, one who accepts this, it’s us the truth, one just has to know it accept it, one who knows it, he receives Supreme tranquility. Lord has said this in the 29th shloka of the 5 th chapter. One who considers me as the Supreme dear One, The benefic of all, I am the Mother, Lord says, I am the Mother. A mother may be evil, may be wicked fur others, but to do something bad for her own child her hands and heart trembles.

I am the Mother, says the Lord. How can I think of doing something wrong for my own child? Neither I think like that, now I do that !! Neither I say bad too !! No!

We think negative, say negative and act also negative. But the Lord, neither thinks bad for us, nor says bad for us, and never does wrong for us. Whatever is good for us, whatever is beneficial for us, it’s in whatever He does! That’s the one who is said to be the Supreme dear One!

Kindly allow me to end here. We’ll continue tomorrow.

Today, prior to this, in shalokas 26, 27; 27-28, the Lord has set the foundation for the 6th Chapter. Meditation, next chapter Dhyaanyog, what a wonderful Guru He is, What an amazing teacher He is, such that the foundation for the next chapter is made ready.

Whether Arjun asks, or whether I continue, this Ch 6, Dhyaanyog, today, Lord has laid the foundation in 27th, 28th shaloka.

How to do meditation, what is the state of meditation, how to control the senses, how to control the mind, etc, etc . He has mentioned it in those two shalokas. Such that tomorrow we can continue with our discussion.

So kindly permit me to end here. Thanks.

देवाधिदेव बूटि जब दिखाएँ

May 23, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर

हर साधक अपने ढंग से सीखता है । गुरू कई बार डाँटते हैं, दुलार करते हैं हैं समझाते हैं सिखाने हेतु ! अच्छे साधक सीख जाते हैं ।

किन्तु कई साधक सब कुछ करने पर भी नहीं कुछ हिलता । ऐसा नहीं कि वे सुधरना नहीं चाहते । बहुत अधिक चाहते हैं । किन्तु उनके भीतर का अहम् जाते नहीं जाता । और वह बहुत बढ़ जाता है। गुरू भी शायद अब कुछ नहीं कहते । मानो जाओ !

पर एक होते हैं जो अब भी इंतज़ार करते हैं । आस नहीं छोड़ते । वे जानते हैं कि किस टेढ़े साधक को अपनी ओर फिर भी लेकर आना है ।

साधक तो बाहर फुलवारी में देख रहा होता है… कि भरी हुई फ़ुलवारी में भी कहीं कहीं ख़ाली जगह देख कर बूटी आ जाती है । इस बार मेरी बूटी नहीं लगी? या सफ़ाई नहीं हुई !!

माया दिखा नहीं रही थी बूटी । पर प्रभु जब सर्वस्व बनते हैं तो वे भीतर परम गुरू भी बनते हैं। उनका ढंग समझाना का प्रताड़ना, डाँटना, अपमान नहीं अब रहता । क्योंकि इन सब से तो साधक में सुधार आया ही नहीं होता । वे हल्के से दिखाना आरम्भ करते हैं बूटी ! प्रेम करते हैं न ! और नज़र जानी आरम्भ होती है …. अपने विचारों की प्रतिक्रियाओं पर !!! वहाँ दिखता है …सब ।

यदि प्रभु को चाहे तो प्रभु आ जाते हैं । यदि उनके कार्यों को चाहो तो वह भी वे दे देते हैं किन्तु भीतर के भाव … जो वह अहम् वार्तालाप करता है, उसके साक्षी वे परम प्यारे होते हैं …. और बिना किसी लठ से अतिश्य प्यार से बूटी सामने ले आते हैं ।

परम सुहृद – मेरे राम

Karmyoga 1b

Discourses from Most revered Param Pujya Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to covert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity)

Part – 1b

You are eating food, how to make it worship? You are preparing food, how to make it worship ? How to make it a Karmyoga ? We’ll discuss about these in coming days .

Lord is not asking today to act, but to do Karmyoga. What will happen because of this? Saints and Divine Souls explain, karma is a seed. Many farmers are sitting here, Landlords are sitting here. The manner in which you prepare the land , then sow the seeds, manure, wait for rain, water it, gets sunlight, the seed sprouts. In the longer run, becomes a huge tree. Gives fruit. You eat that fruit or sell it. Saints and Divine Souls say that , that karma / act is the seed. To understand, karma is the seed, which gets planted in the inner consciousness. Whatever action you do, it’s as if you are planting within yourself. This cannot but help giving consequences. The seed that you planted in the soil is giving fruit then why not this? Whether you do good karmas or bad, if you do not make it a karmyog, if you do not make it a pious act of worship, then both are cause of bondage. If you perform good deeds then it’s a golden handcuff , if bad actions , negative deeds, then handcuffs of iron! Handcuffs are tied in both the cases.

So, the Teacher of Gita ji , Lord Shri Krishna explains, that why unnecessarily indulge in this? Make your actions such that neither it puts a golden handcuff nor the one of iron. The actions may not bring in bind the feet. This trick the Lord explains in Gita ji. That action, if gets boiled, the seed if is made to boil , meaning, that action which is converted into Karmyoga that is, the seed that is made to boil, the seed will look like a seed, but when planted in the soil, will not sprout. The seed which is roasted, when it is planted in the soil, it does not sprout, does not open up.

You have seen the snake charmers, they have the snakes around their necks and roam about. It may be a huge snake, a cobra, but the snake charmer is not afraid of anything. He holds it in his hand and roams freely. Because he knows that he has taken out the poison from it. It will hiss. Let it. But it will not effect anybody. Therefore he is relaxed and takes the snake from one street to another.

Lord says , make your actions likewise. that it is unable to give a consequence or a fruit, that it may not sprout. This karma is called Karmyog. We will continue with this discussion. How to make our actions into worship. How make karmas into Karmyoga. All our problems will get solved, if we learn this trick, that his to make karma into karmayoga. Then we are liberated. We don’t have to wait for liberation that we get after dying. We will attain the Supreme bliss of liberation here itself. Bondage free you will become.

What is bondage, it is karma only, one that is unable to bind, how will it bind then? It is as if a rope , is a rope, but it is burnt in such a manner that it is no longer able to tie. Karmyoga like the rope if you burn, then it’s shake remains the same , the face remains the same but if you want to tie it , it is now unable to do so. You have burned it. The action that you have made a worship that karmayoga is no longer capable of tying. Free from bondage. One bondage is, liberation.

When the one that ties, is no longer able to tie, then you become free from bondage, you become liberated, in this life itself. We will continue dear devotees, this discussion in the coming days. Today’s last Shaloka is very important. In the 29th shaloka, Lord declares –

One who believes that I am your most benefic friend, most well wisher

He declares here that you love your husband, then he is your lover and you his love. Your husband loves you then he is the love and you his lover.

Lord says, I am the lover and you all are my love. Lord declares in 29th shaloka, such beautiful and important declaration

Kindly pay attention to this declaration, believe in it, then that person becomes the recipient of Supreme peace. Who can harm me, when my Lord is there.

Supreme friend, Supreme well wisher, these words the Lord has used for Himself. One who believes that I am the Supreme dear to the heart , what does that mean? Friends are those who wish well for others. I have done something for you then you expect that you will also do the same for me, these are friends. If both are causing harm to each other then they are enemies. If you wish well for others but others harm you, then that is called a rogue.

So what is Supreme dear one?

One who always wishes well

One who only does well

One who only wishes well , and nothing else, nothing He wants in return, this is called the Supreme dear one.

To be continued ..


Discourses from Most revered Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri

How to covert action into karmyog ( Action enjoined with Divinity)

Part – 1

Devout Vidur got blessed by the Lord’s Grace. He received the Lord’s Darshan. Lord said – Devotee! Ask for something. He replied – I have received your vision there is nothing else to ask for! This is nothing less than Your Grace.

No, You have to ask for something.

I cannot leave without giving. This is my nature. Ask for something.

Vidur says, O Kinf of Kong’s! I have two ears! These are not enough for me. Kindly bless me with 10,000 ears. Lord smiled and asked – What will you do with 10,000 ears?

He said – I will listen to your glories, and stories. With so many ears I will delve inside, your stories will deep inside , your attributes will enter and I will be blessed! I will straight away go to vaikuntha.

Lord is again smiling and says – even if I give you 10,000 ears, but how can you be so sure that you’ll go straight to vaikuntha? Is it necessary that with 10,000 ears only you’ll be able to hear of my glories, hymns, stories, Ram Naam? Is it necessary that you’ll receive vaikuntha , My abode?

Devotees are devotees only. Their intellect is not comparable to the Lord’s but it’s not less too.

Lords’ Grace ! Says- Lord! I am your son, ain’t I ? Devotee says, I am a part of You. The part will not go the whole, where then it’ll go? The son will not go to his Father’s abode, where else He will go?

The Lord is listening to the devotee’s conversation and is feeling pleased. Again He is smiling. Seeing the Lord happy, he says, I ask for this boon, kindly bless me with the service of Your Lotus feet.

Today’s hymn , as if there is nothing more to beget in life ! The one who has received the Lord’s service, he kicks the emperors , the Rhône of Indra ! It is such a big thing! And believe that the Lord gives to many, but they are unable to take care of it. In no time, because of pride everything gets lost.

What I wish to request to you, leave the other things, Vidur says, give me boon for that ! What does he want? If I go there, then May I receive the service of your Lotus feet.

Lord is happy. So be it! You will get.

Vidur is intelligent. A devotee is. He is innocent from above , but very smart from within. He hold the Lord such, He turns the Lord such , this is the effect of his devotion.

He says – So very easily You said “ So be it “ But there Mother Laxmi is already seated! Who will allow me to sit there, what am I compared to Maa Laxmi? You will also say- She is seated here, serves my Lotus feet, since so many centuries. How can I give you service? You in your innocence just said “ So be it “ to me !

So said – Maharaj ! If Mother Laxmi says I want to serve and then I say, I want to serve, then please kindly do not side with Mother Laxmi! Bless me with this boon.

If one gets the service of Your feet, then what will happen?

With this the 5th Chapter of Karma Sanyaas Yoga ends.

There are 29 verses in this chapter. The chapter starts with Arjuns’s question. Arjuna asks – O Madhav ! Sometimes You praise the Karma and sometimes renunciation. Kindly tell me which path is most benefic?

Dear Sadhaks ! Arjuna is a seeker! He does not keep anything to Himself. He is same inside and outside.

He says – Sometimes in 3rd Chapter, You praised Karmyoga, in 4th too The knowledge Renunciation Karmyoga, You have discussed heavily! And praised extensively too! Sometimes you praise karmayoga, and sometimes you ask to give away the karmas. Whatever is beneficial out of the two, kindly guide me likewise.

Lord hear clarifies . Says – Parth! Both paths are one only. Both are beneficial. People who follow both path attain Moksha. But from giving up karmas, to performing karmas is much better! It’s for all of us. We all are not deserving of Supreme knowledge. It requires extremely sharp intellect , so many kinds of receivers it needs for knowledge, we are not that ! And there is no running away from karmas. Every family person, every seeker needs to perform the action.

Lord in Shri Gita ji is not asking us to perform karma but to perform Karmyoga ! Perform such karmas , so that it becomes a source to connect you with the Supreme Being. Karmyog if through few words, enters our lives, then one need not do many things.

This Karmyoga is such . Perform your such in such a way that it becomes s prayer. It’s just to change the emotion of perspective. So there is a method. How to make our karmas a worship ?

To be continued …

उद्देश्य को प्रमुखता

May 20, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर

व्यवसाय में, संस्थाओं में, परिवारों में हम कुछ करना चाहते हैं। कुछ उद्देश्य होते हैं, कुछ सुने सँजो लेते हैं। किन्तु दूसरों से अपनी अपेक्षाएँ के कारण रूक जाते हैं, दबा देते हैं या दुखी होकर करते हैं या करते ही नहीं !

यदि हम दूसरे के प्रति अपेक्षाओं की गठरी को ज़बरदस्ती ये तो नज़रअंदाज़ कर दें या फिर फेंक दें तो हमारा उद्देश्य हमारे समाने हमें चमकता हुआ दिखेगा और हम बहुत आनन्द से उसकी ओर बढ़ते रहेंगे ।

किन्तु यदि दूसरों की प्रतिक्रियाओं पर रूक गए, या उसी पर बैठ गए, सा इंतज़ार करते रहे, तो जीवन ही बीत जाएगा !

हमारे ही मन की अपेक्षाएँ होती हैं । दूसरे स्वीकार करें, आशीष दें, बधाई दें, प्रोत्साहित करें , आदर दें, सम्मान दें, इत्यादि इत्यादि !! भरा होता है यह जंजाल !

और इस जंजाल के चक्कर में हम उस कार्य को गौण बना डालते हैं जिसे हमें प्रेम होता है ! उस उद्देश्य के भावों को छोटा बना डालते हैं !

यदि हम सकारात्मक कार्यों के इच्छुक हैं, तो दूसरों से अपेक्षा की बजाए दूसरी ओर अपना मुख करके दूसरों को दें ! जो कार्य हम कँपना चाहते हैं वह कार्य करें व दूसरों को राहत पहुँचाएँ !

ऐसा करने से हम अपने मन के अनन्त वेगों पर विजय प्राप्त कर सकेंगे और उद्देश्य का न केवल भरपूर आनन्द लेंगे बल्कि अपने सम्पूर्ण भाव से वह कार्य भी कर पाएँगे ! ऐसे करने से सफलता निश्चित है !

सो हम अपनी अपेक्षाओं को त्यागें और कार्य को प्रमुखता देकर, उद्देश्य को सामने रखकर आगे बढ़ते जाएँ !

कार्य में तू परमात्मा हो तू आप सहाय

अपने आशीष दीजिए मंगल हाथ बढ़ाए

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

जैसे वे चलाएँ हम प्रेम से चलते जाएँ

May 20, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर

साधक साधना नियमों से आरम्भ करता है । भाव चाव से नियम निभाता है । वर्षों बीत जाते हैं नियम से करते । एक दिन नींद नहीं खुलती । नियम भंग हो जाता है । परायशचित के लिए क़दम उठाता है कि नियम भंग हो गया ! तो प्रभु झट से और जल्दी उठा देते हैं !! पर वह इसी में लगा रहता है कि नियम जो भूला उसे कैसे सुधारूँ ?

शायद प्रभु कुछ और कहना चाह रहे हैं !!

वे कहना चाह रहे शायद होंगे कि पगले ! मैं ही तुझसे नियम निभवाता और मैंने ही तुझसे भंग करवाया !! पर तूने मुझे पहचाना नहीं !!! मैं ही रोज़ तुझे उठाता हूँ ! मैं ही तुझसे रोज़ माला जपवाता हूँ ! मैं ही तुझ में सकारात्मक सोच लेकर आता हूँ ! मैं ही तुझ से सकारात्मक कार्य करवाता हूँ ! तू क्यों मुझे भूल गया ?

सो प्रभु अब खेल खेलें कि साधक की दृष्टि प्रत्यक्ष रूप से मेरी ओर जाए ! साधक समझे कि मैं केवल चित्र में नहीं बल्कि सजीव चैतन्य हूँ !

तो देरी से उठा दिया !!

फिर और जल्दी से उठा दिया ! कि मैं सब सुन रहा हूँ और तेरी योजना जानता हूँ !

खेल खेलें परम प्यारे !!

वे बहुत ध्यान रखते हैं । कि अरे थक गई मेरी बच्ची चलो आज अधिक सुला दो ! अरे बहुत दर्द है आज आराम करने दो ! लेट कर जाप कर लेगा !

सो जैसे वे रखें चलते जाइए ! वे अपना संबंध हम से और गहरा करने के इच्छुक हैं ! सो और उन पर निर्भर रहते जाइए !!

बंदा सोचे मैं किया

करनहार करतार

तेरा किया न होवेगा

होवे होवनहार !

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

प्रेम व काम वासना तथा कर्तव्य

April 16, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्म की ओर …

प्रार्थना और ध्यान

स्वामीजी महाराजश्री की साधना गृहस्थ साधना है । पूज्यश्री महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि यह साधना साधक को ऊपरी विरक्त नहीं भीतरी विरक्त बनाती है । पर क्या इसका यह मतलब है कि हम अपने पति पत्नी के संबंध न निभाएँ ? क्या इसका यह मतलब है कि जिसको हमारे संग परमेश्वर ने बाँधा है उसे हर तरह का प्रेम न दें ?

हर कर्तव्य निभाना है । बिना कर्तव्य निभाए भक्ति फ़लित नहीं होती ऐसा पूज्यश्री महाराजश्री कहते हैं। यदि वैवाहिक जीवन मे साथी नहीं इच्छुक तो वह स्वीकारना है । किन्तु यदि साथी इच्छुक है और हम तपस्वी बने है या तपस्विनी बने हैं तो वह तो साधना नहीं ! साधना तो वह कि अपनी देह तक दें दें दूसरे की सेवा हेतु पर मन में राम नाम बसा रहे ! मन में स्वयं चाहत का बीज न हो । मन में केवल दूसरे के सुख का भाव हो , स्वयं के लिए नहीं ।

गुरूजन हमें गृहस्थ जीवन में एक दूसरे से मुख मोड़ना , बात चीत न करना, स्पर्श न करना नहीं सिखाते ! बल्कि यहाँ हर तरह की सेवा बताते हैं। किन्तु यदि दूसरा इच्छुक नहीं तो ज़बरदस्ती नहीं करनी अपने स्वार्थ की पूर्ति हेतु !

गृहस्थ में जाने से पहले आजकल बहुत लोग पहले ही शारीरिक संबंध रख लेते हैं । यह वासना है , कर्तव्य नहीं । जब वह संबंध टूट जाता है, तब भी चाहत बनी रहती है दूसरे की, वह काम वासना ही है । उस संबंध के पश्चात किसी अन्य से विवाह हो जाता है पर पहले की चाहत बनी रहती है वह काम वासना ही है । it’s lust. This is not love.

विशुद्ध प्रेम के लिए किसी देह का होना आवश्यक नहीं । प्रेम बिन कारण बहता है । पूज्य गुरूदेव कहते हैं जब प्रेम बिना किसी “ दूसरे” के कारण बहे वह दिव्य निस्वार्थ प्रेम है । बस बिन कारण बह रहा है । यह प्रेम भावनाओं से पार होता है ऐसा संतगण कहते हैं।

सो काम वासना , मन से ही होती है । चाहत , अन्य देह की । पति यदि साधक नहीं तो उसकी देह की ज़रूरतें हैं यदि साधक भी है तब भी । किन्तु ज़बरदस्ती किसी की सेवा न करना, यह सही नहीं। पति पत्नी का संबंध अलग है, प्रेमी प्रेमिका का संबंध अलग है । एक में कर्तव्य निहित है एक में पूर्ण वासना निहित है ।

राम नाम लेकर हर कार्य व कर्तव्य निभाने हैं

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में