Monthly Archives: June 2019

Love with the Divine 2b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Love with the Lord


Yesterday we were discussing, Maa Kaushalya called a person, who was going to Chitrakoot. She said to him- Dear! You are going to Chitrakoot, give Ram a message from my end, for once come to Ayodhya.

Alright Mother. I will request Lord Ram that Older Mother, remembers you a lot. In your remembrance she really flutters, suffers, kindly for once return back to Ayodhya.

Mother Kaushalya says, No dear one! Not from my end. I have no right over Him. Why no right? I could not love Him like King Dashratha. If my love was like King Dashratha, then I would have died, the way King Dashratha left his body. No don’t say from my end.

Then Mother, from whose end May I say? Say from horses. The horses remember you a lot. How lovingly you used to rub their backs, they used to look at you, now too they remember all these things. They cry in your remembrance. At least come once and have a look at them. After meeting them, if you still can muster some courage, to go back to the forest, then you may go. I am sure that seeing the love of your horses, seeing them cry, seeing them upset for you, you will not be able to return.

Mother Kaushalya tells the person, that I am very sure that My Ram will not believe you. Why? As He will say to you – No No it’s not like that. Bharat is there. He loves all my things way more than me. So he must be loving the horses too. Tell Him- No doubt in it Ram! Bharat loves every thing of yours ten times, hundred times more. But the problem is, that the horses, even though they are receiving Bharat’s love are still becoming very weak. It seems in your separation, whatever they are eating, it’s not serving it’s purpose. Bharat’s love is not giving them care that your love used to give. Not only this, Ram you say that more Bharat loves them, the more they remember you. This is the condition of theirs. Try to understand! Just see what is their condition. Their tears don’t stop. For how many hours Bharat serves, to see Bharat’s body, his form, all reminds them more of You and they cry more in parting from you. Please believe, your Mother is telling the truth. With this their pain of separation does not become less, it increases.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, this pain of suffering is a huge thing. Pain of parting or pain of separation , it has great potential. How this suffering expresses itself, in tears, one does not feel hungry, nor thirsty, one has to eat, to live, but everything is done without any interest. Not from the mind. The mind is somewhere else, the mind is at another place. Therefore one has to eat, drink, sleep, one cannot do without these. Without them, one cannot do spiritual practices, without these one cannot even love God, if one wants to, therefore doing all these, one does it in disinterested manner. Not from the mind, eats, drinks, sleeps because one has to.

Goodness knows how many times one wakes up at night. After few minutes keeps looking at the clock. By sleeping only the night might not pass away. The tears that flow, ladies and gentlemen, they are called tears of separation. Those tears have so much potential, it cannot be explained. They have so much of capability that s not in anything else, that can make the Lord cry. It is only in the tears of separation, tears of love, that these can make the Lord cry.These tears have the capacity to make the Lord cry.

Love with the Divine 1c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Love with the Lord

1 c

Let’s see another example. Sumant, after he is ready to leave Lord Ram, Laxman, Maa Sita, the horses are not ready to go. They keep looking back. They have tears in their eyes. They are neighing. As if telling Sumant, leave us here only. We are not used to going back without RAM. We have always been with Him. We have always received His love and care. Today, do not deprive us of His love and care. Leave us here only. We will go with them and not say anything. Humans can be stopped, but they will not stop us. We know Ram’s generous, great, enormous heart. Such were their emotions.

But Sumant had to return therefore they came back. It’s about some time later. Mother Kaushaluya, Lord Ram’s Mother is upset. Her pain dear ladies and gentlemen, we cannot imagine. Only those who can imagine themselves to be Kaushalya, can feel. They will know how Maa Kaushalya is suffering, Kakayii’s suffering, nobody knows, about Sumotra’s nobody knows.

But Mother Kaushalya’s pain, sorrow should be u sets told by every mother. You also gave birth to Ram. You also gave birth to sons, the way she did. You, then must know about the pain of a son’s separation. She is suffering a lot. There is old age and Maharaj Dashrath is no more. She is experiencing herself to be completely helpless.

Today see saw a person who is going to Chitrakoot. The Queen, comes to know that there is a person going to Chitrakoot. She signals and calls him. Are you going to Chitrakoot? Yes Mother. Give one message to Ram. Go and tell , just for once return to Ayodhya. Yes Mother. I will go and say Mother Kaushalya is remembering you a lot. No, No. Don’t take my name. I have no right to call him. I wish, I was a real lover of Ram, then like King Dashratha, I would have died too. I do not have the kind of love that should have for Ram. So don’t say anything from my end. Then, whom should I say is calling? Say, your horses are remembering you a lot. Just for once, not for me, please come for those horses, just see what they are going through in your absence. After that, if you could gather the courage to go back, then you may return.

Mother Kaushalya is in pain, and she can understand other’s pain. She can understand the pain of those horses, she would go sometimes, to them. Two suffering from the pangs of separation. Two together then provide solace to each other. Sometimes she must be going to see them, the way I am suffering for Ram, the same way, the horses too are suffering without Ram. Seeing each other they must feel elated, happy, how they would boost each other’s morale. Alright Mother, I will go and tell that your horses remember you a lot.

It’s time dear ladies and gentlemen. Tomorrow we’ll talk about it. Kindly allow to end here. Thanks.

Love with the Divine 1b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Love with the Lord

1 b

It’s strange dear seekers that the Lord whose form is Love resides in our hearts. HIS form of Love, it won’t be of course in small amounts. Inspite of this, what are we? From where do enmity, dislikes, hatred, jealousy, pride, etc, come? From where does selfishness come. Love meaning selflessness, where selfishness has no role, neither any scope. From where do all these things come? It’s a matter of contemplation and introspection , we need to think. In us The Supreme Being, whose form is love, resides, but at the same time, there is selfishness, pride, jealousy, dislike, hatred, etc, etc, from where did all of them dropped in?

Saints and Divine Souls, give only one answer to this. Dear ones, the truth is that till now you have not awakened Love inside of you. If you had awakened love, then these things would not have remained there. You chant Ram Ram, the practices that we perform, it’s only for us to awaken the Love inside us, so that He appears inside us, His attributes may appear in us, then we are richest of the rich within.

Lord’s attributes are, His Nature is, love, Grace, forgiveness, etc etc , these are His qualities. If He awakens within, then all these qualities get installed within. Otherwise nothing. He is sitting very comfortably within. Till the time you don’t awaken Him.

So you are practicing such that He gets awakened, we all do these practices, such that He gets awakened within, and we can make use of His qualities.


अद्भुत प्रेम

June 22, 2019

अद्भुत अद्भुत अद्भुत

आज पूज्यश्री महाराजश्री का अंग्रेज़ी का प्रवचन पूर्ण रूप से थथार्थ

रूप में उन्होंने झोली में उपहार दिया !!

शाम को सैर पर निकली तो सकट के दूसरी ओर एक विदेशी बुजुर्ग महिला अपने चार कुत्तों के साथ जा रही थी । जब मैं आमने सामने होती हूँ तो ज़रूर रुक कर उन चारों को खूब पुचकारती हूँ ! पर आज सक के उस पार थी तो हाथ हिला कर आगे बढ़ी पर किते रुक गए । वह महिला उन्हें खींचे पर वे न हिलें ! और सभी मेरी ओर ताकें और बैठ गए !

मैं खिलखिला कर हँसी !! और सड़क पार करके गई ! और सभी मेरे ऊपर !!! इतने प्रेम !! एक एक को बहुत प्यार किया !

तभी ज़रूर की कहीं से आवाज़ हुई और एक कुता डर गया और बैठ गया । उसका सारा शरीर काँप रहा था । महिला ने बताया कि यह कुता सात वर्ष तक केज में रहा और इससे पिल्ले पैदा करवाते और पिल्ले बेचते ! सात वर्ष तक वह कुता न चला न केज ले बाहर आया । जब वह पिल्ले देने के क़ाबिल न रही तो पशु संरक्षण में दे आए !!

क्योंकि वह काँप रही थी तो मैं बैठ गई उसे सहलाने ।

बैठते ही जो सबसे छोटा कुता था और बार बार आ रहा था पर हाथ न लगाने दे रहा था। अब आकर गोदी में कूद गया ! और हृदय से लग गया । इतना ख़ुश कि बयान करना कठिन !!

इतना सुंदर सिखाया कि कई जनों को प्यार देने के लिए बहुत छोटा बनने की आवश्यकता है !! इतना सुंदर सिखाया !!!

मैं उस कुते को सहलाती जा रही थी और अब उसकी कम्पन बंद हो गई थी !! और कहा अब जाओ !!

मुझे जाना पड़ा क्योंकि वे कुते अभी भी हिलने को तैयार न थे !! मैं आगे निकल गई उन महिला का हृदय से धन्यवाद करके कि इतना प्रेम परमेश्वर ने किस ढंग से लुटाया !!

प्रेम का यथार्थ रूप में बीजारोपण

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

चिरऋणि !!

Love with the Lord 1a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Love with the Lord

1 a

Rama give the love of your feet

It’s blissful to be at Your feet.

Most Hon’able and revered Swamiji Maharaj today has started the topic “ tears of repentance”. Before this he took “ separation”. After “ tears of remorse” it is “ message of love”. All these three topics are indicative of devotion. All these three “ the separation” , “ tears of repentance “ and “ message of love” have the prominence of love.

The Lord who is love is residing inside all of us. In birds, in animals, in humans. Therefore all of them have the emotions of love in them. In humans, animals and birds. Anytime, if you see the birds eating the seeds, from so many places they bring the seeds and put it in their babies’ mouth. This is the manner of expressing their love. You can see tears in the eyes of the animals. Showing that they all have love. Like in humans. Let’s see an example and we”ll continue the discussion further.

A Shepard. He had a lot of sheep, goats too. He was returning back from the forest to the village after feeding them back to their owners . Amongst the herd, there was a lamb. It was lame, and as it was small it was unable to keep pace with the rest of the sheep and the goats. The shepherd sound sometimes beat him, or push or shove him. Poor thing would fall. Still he was unable to go fast. As if it was challenging for him to walk fast.

It is said that Mahatma Buddha was there only. He saw this scene. He requested the Shepard to kindly allow him to hold the lamb in his arms, as it was weak, could not walk, and on top of that a kid. He picked him up and held him close to his chest. At one time the lamb’s heart beat really grew very fast. Wonder what this cruel person is going to do. The one one used to hit me, to force me to walk fast, even though knowing that I did not have the capability to walk fast. Goodness knows what this cruel person is going to do. For once the heart beat went very fast. When Mahatma Buddha rubbed his hand on its back, on his head on its face, then lamb got conscious. The lamb got better.

Now it’s fearless. It has no fear of any kind. To check, the lamb licked Mahatma Buddha’s hand, face, saying if you are loving me then I too want to love you. I want to recipe with you only. As if both were in love. The entire journey, Mahatma Buddha kept loving him, rubbed his hand on his back, head, as if invoking love in it. On the other side too there is shortage of love.

If you speak egoistically with somebody, you invoke ego in others. The ego rises. Here you love, then love will be invoked in the other person. There is no doubt in it. If not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the day after, but it’ll definitely happen. There is not an iota of doubt in it, no diffidence of any kind at all.

The destination arrived, all the sheep goats reached there. The shepherd tried taking the lamb from Mahatma Buddha. Mahatma Budhha said to the lamb- go dear, your home has come. I take leave of you. He rubbed his hand again on the back. The lamb is not ready to go home. Keeps turning to see Buddha. As if saying take me with you, or stay with me. This is love, this is affection.

The shepherd on seeing this is very surprised. Says to Mahatma Buddha- the way he is responding to you, why didn’t he respond to me? Mahatma Buddha immediately said- the manner in which I dealt with it, you never did. Then why expect that he will behave in a similar manner with you. So love is there in animals, birds and humans. Even though they cannot use this love for the Lord. Only humans can use this love for the Lord, so that they can beget the Lord’s Grace and love. See, it got awakened in an animal, so why not in the Lord? Why won’t the Lord be impressed by you? Why He’ll not give love in return? He’ll give immense, He is the ocean of love.

Surrender 8 c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 8 c

Dear seekers, let us continue with the discussion of the charitable Karna. He is courageous, philanthropist Supreme. He is way expert in archery. In every way, say the scriptures, he is superior to Paarth.

What is the shortcoming ?

The entire power, the power that provides success, did not give support. That’s it.

Arjuna got that in entirety. Arjuna is considered His own. My Arjuna. My Arjuna should not get affected. The entire world may get destroyed, no concern for that. My Arjuna should not suffer in any way. Where the person gets surrendered, where the person takes the refuge of the Lord, this is the promise of the Lord, I do not make him go in accordance with his karmas. I make him go according to my wish. Wao! That’s the glory of surrender. What could be more glorious than this!

See, dear seekers, today, Karna has gone to Dronacharya. Says kindly teach me the knowledge of the weapon Brahmastra. I want the weapon and the knowledge too. Dronacharya understands his wicked move. Therefore says no. Goes to Parshuram. Taking the form of a Brahmin.

Deceit with the Guru, taking support of wickedness, lies, he is going to support the evil. How Will the Lord tolerate it? Taking the form of a Brahmin, telling I am a Brahmin, he knows that Parshuram has taken the vow that I will not teach any warrior class person this knowledge. Due to some reason, you might be remembering that he was in a war with Bhishma. A war of Guru and disciple. Since then he had decided, that I will not teach this knowledge of archery to any Brahmin. Therefore, Karna declares himself as a Brahmin, has gone to take His refuge. Taking support of lies, the results are going to be destructive or not. Ofcourse they will be.

Deceit with the Guru, wickedness, lies with the Guru, taking support of all these He has gone to Parshuram. He has declared himself as a Brahmin. Therefore, Guru Maharaj taught him the knowledge of archery. Many years passed in learning. Must have.

Today, the Guru Parshuram has put his head in his disciples’ lap and taking rest.,While taking rest, a poisonous insect, a demon of previous birth, previous era, some demon of previous lives, very cruel demon, Parshuram’s forefather Maharishi Bhrigu’s wife’s abductor, he got cursed, today he came and bit Karna. This insect creates a hole . It does not bite but but crates a hole. A deep hole. Understand that the blood started flowing. Warm blood. The drops fell on The Guru’d face. Not to move! If I move then Guru Maharaj ( word of respect) will awaken. The warm blood fell on the Guru’s face. He saw and opened his eyes. The insect turned into a demon. He told his story. But leave that part. Parshuram is a Guru. He is Lord Parshuram, a Brahmin, belongs to the family of Rishi Bhrigu, he is not an ordinary one. Therefore, it does not take him a second and said at once- Karna! Tell me the truth. Who are you? No Brahmin can endure this intolerable pain. You came to be as a Brahmin. You are not a Brahmin. Tell me the truth. You are you?

He dropped to his feet.

Anger of the Brahmin, Anger of Guru, who can endure? “ If a Guru gets upset, then there is no respite, if Lord gets upset then Guru is the respite. “ There is no respite, if the Guru turns away.

It’s time dear seekers. Kindly allow to end here. We’ll continue with this discussion. Today allow to end here. Thanks.

Selfless Worker

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 8 b

On one station, a blind person boarded a train. Let’s call him Soordaas. A soordas boards the train. The train moves. Sings a hymn. He starts singing the hymn. He roams in the entire coach and finishes the hymn. And then starts begging. He opens his both hands and asks. There are 2-4 people sitting on the lower berth. One of them gave one rupee in his hand. The one sitting on the upper berth said that kindly give mine to him too. He gave the money to the person sitting on the lower berth. Those money also he gave in Soordas’s hand. May you be blessed. Soordas ji ( ji is used as respect) says May you be blessed. Gave blessings. The one one the lower berth says, I did not give this money. You are giving me blessings. The money has been given by the one sitting on the upper berth. Soordas ji gives a very beautiful response. Says – I am blind. But not the blessings. It’ll go where the money has come from.

The good work that you do, by doing service, whatever, the good karma that you acquire, it’ll come to you only, dear seekers. Wherever you are. This life, next life, this era, next era. It’s yours. It will remain yours only. This is the Lord’s rule. Do service, devotion, do it selflessly. When you do service, don’t ask for worthless praise. Worthless praise, worthless name and fame. It’s not decent. If you just want respect, the Lord has no qualms about giving. He says, good riddance. They just want this.

Saints and Divine Souls say that you want respect, give respect to others with open heart. You’ll get it by yourself. Every worker should know how to respect another worker. The problems that are now dear seekers, they are not new. They were there in old times too.

During the time of Mahatma Buddha. There was a discussion, that who is the greatest? The most unfortunate day for the Guru. When he sees that these kinds of things questions are cropping up in his workers. Who is the greatest? This question came up during the time of Mahatma Buddha too. It must have come in everybody’s time. No problem. Man is coming the same way only. Some people have done their elevation. Others have just slipped down, towards downfall.

Mahatma Buddha said only this – we all are the servants of the Lord. Servants of the Lord, servants of the Lord’s people, servants of Lord’s form, all mean the same. You are moving towards being a worker, serve as if you are serving the Lord. If you serve the man, you will have a downfall. If you serve the Lord, you will get everything. Your world will improve as well the other world too. Be relaxed.

Mahatma Buddha said- the one who is the servant of all these workers, he is the greatest. This kind of emotion we need to have. The worker should have this emotion while working, that I am everybody’s servant.I am everybody’s worker. What do you want? We want Lord’s love. We are asking for devotion, meaning the Lord’s love and nothing else.

Selfless service of devotion

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 8 a

Many Many salutations My Mothers Gentlemen at your feet. Infinite times my pranaams.

The discussion that is going on is – Paarth, Give up all religions you take My refuge. I will free you from all sins. Don’t be sad. You don’t have to be upset. The Lord is Himself telling Paarth about this.

Such secret the Lord is telling him as he is so dear, so close , so much His own. That’s why hHe is revealing such secret to him. At the end, in the 18th chapter, 66th shaloka, aftercso many shalokas, He says-

Paarth! You take My refuge, let go of all religions. It’s in this context that the surrender is being discussed. It’s very challenging. Today Trilogy ji sang a hymn, See His doing and don’t open your mouth. Be quiet. It’s very difficult. But then surrender is this. This is surrender. The one who reaches this state, that one attains, the ultimate of devotion. Surrender is the ultimate of devotion.

If a person learns how to be quiet, not to open the mouth in response. Total quiet. This is called surrender. See His doing and endure, see His doing and endure, this is surrender. Where you’ll start following your religion, there only you’ll fail.

The Egoistically talented philanthropist Karana’s discussion was in progress. In that context service was discussed too. Let us expand on that a little bit. Then we’ll talk of the philanthropic Karana.

This world is a servicescape. In Reality if we see, people do a lot of big talk. We too listen to big talk. And we have become habitual in listening to those talks. But a person with such low intellect , ignorant person, has come to understand that this life is for the devotion of the Lord and to serve the world, which is the form of the formless Lord. A combination of both.

The devotion can only be of the Lord, not of the world. Even though the world is the form of the Lord. You all are Lord’s form, there is no doubt in it. But the devotion will be of the Lord. The service will be of the world only. Both things are done by serving. Saints Divine Souls say that do service but in a selfless mode. There is no need to ask. If you clean a place, the service is automatically done. Why do want to ask that May cleanliness be there? There is dirty creek, if you clean it up, the filth will automatically be gone. You’ll wash a cloth, applied soap, water, it’s cleansed. The dirt will come out. Why do you want to ask? In simple words, it is called selfless.

Neither selfish devotion, nor selfish service.

Cut them both out. Forget it. You are a devotee. We all are devotee workers of the form of the Lord. That’s why after great thought and understanding the saints and and Divine souls have said that this world is a service place. Everybody has come here to finish off his/ her debt. Serve all. Without any self interest. Selflessly. No need to ask anything.

Devotion too selfless. Why do you do it? It’s my duty. To please the Lord, what else does anyone want? Need devotion. Nothing else. What do you want from serving others? Lord’s love. What else? To please the Lord, I serve others. These should be the thoughts or emotions of a devotee who serves. This is selflessness. Whatever you do, it will never go futile. It will come back to you many fold. Believe it. It’s true. Absolute truth. Get it written on a blank sheet of paper, if you wish! It will come back to you. It may come now, next era, this life or the life next, this country or abroad, wherever you’ll be, it will reach you. Straight to you. You don’t have to think anything opposing to this. This is absolute truth.


Surrender 7c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message



Part 7c

If the Lord has given you a talent , a quality, then you don’t accept the giver of those qualities , you don’t remember Him, you don’t acknowledge Him, then you are Egotistically talented. To kill any negativity you need a quality. If you need to erase enmity, you need to have a quality of forgiveness.

Saints and Divine Souls say that where did this quality come from? Surrender all to Him. I have only negativities and negativities in me. My life’s earning has been sinful and of bad karmas. If any quality is there, if any good karma has happened, it has occurred because of Your Grace, because of Your wish, Your energy. Dedicate this . If you do not dedicate to the Lord, then Egoistic Quality.

What happened with Karna? They say, Karna was in every way better than Arjuna, oldest Pandava. But the love , the care, the security what Arjuna received, Karna did not. When he turned himself away from the The Absolute giver of power then how? Whatever Lord gave Paarth, He did not give Karna. He is talented, has valor, patience, he is way superior in archery than Arjuna, etc. etc.

The Lord tells Arjuna Himself – Paarth! There has been no philanthropist as Karna not there will ever be. In this manner He has praised Karna fir his charity , burned his body on His hands, He did give Karna this respect, what quality he had. But he got pride because of his talents, then thought that this cruel person needs to be killed. He needs to go.

What has happened? Let us start today, dear seekers, we won’t be able to complete it.

Guru of Great-grandfather Bhishma is Parshuram. Learned archery from him. Due to some reason there occurred a fight between the Guru and the disciple. Parshuram pledged that he would never teach archery to any warrior class person. Karma wants to obtain the weapon Brahmastr. He wants to get the knowledge.

Dronacharya understood his wickedness, that it’s a wicked move of his, such that he would use it against Arjuna, hence, refused him. Said thus knowledge can be obtained by those who have practiced strict abstinence., be a Brahmin or Kshatriyas ( belonging to warrior class)

Karna was considered to be from a lower class. So when Dronacharya refused he went to Lord Parshuram. There Parshuram ji has pledged not to impart knowledge to warrior class. Therefore, he impersonated as a Brahmin , took the support of Negativity, to gain success, that also with the support of unreality. With whom? From the Guru! Wickedness from whom? From the Guru! So the result is going to be disastrous.

With the support of talents readiness for negativity. The consequence is not going to be good. The Guru accepted him as his disciple. He taught him the knowledge. Every kind of knowledge. Taught how to use the weapon brahmastr. Today, The Guru is resting in his disciple’s lap. One such insect, imagine the head of Guru in disciple’s lap, the disciple is not supposed to move, but the insect has come. Very poisonous. It not Karna. His wound is as if a hole is created deep , it’s not superficial. Poisonous insect. It goes deep within. Blood came out of the disciple. Warm blood when dropped on the Guru, he woke up. When the Guru looked at the insect, it turned out to be a demon. Told his story. It’s time dear seekers. We’ll continue with this discussion next Sunday. Today kindly allow to end here. Thanks..

We are servants of Your court Baba

Give us your vision in return as labor.

We are servants of the Lord, of our Masters. Do not create your own court. Never commit this mistake. The services then can be taken away in no time.

Kill the Ego

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 7 b

How will ego die? The way surrender is the easiest and the fastest way to beget God. Likewise, to kill the ego, the fastest way is to accept our follies. It’s a very difficult thing. O the ones who see other people’s faults, this is the biggest mistake, that we see faults in others, not ours. The trench in which you are going, where are you going. You are very concerned about the world, not about God. In Lord’s eyes, you are going towards ruins.

Does anybody has any courage, that they can find fault in you. Your eyes turn red right away. How dare he finds fault with me. What kind of service is that ? It’s a very serious issue. Be cautious. Everybody needs to be cautious. If you want to avoid getting ruined, then you need to have strength to accept your folly. First we need to know that this is our fault. We don’t come to know. You chant Ram Ram, at least this much one comes to know by chanting Ram Ram. You know that this is my fault. Then to accept it, ask for strength from God. So that you can accept your fault. Other finds fault, and if you say that I cannot find my own faults, then it’s ok.

In the world also, this only goes on. For mortal things, this happens. You have headache, you have body ache. Morning you had medicine. No improvement. You go to the doctor. He finds the fault. and tells you. There you don’t get angry , there you don’t show him eyes in anger!

But here, if anybody finds fault in you, that you cannot see for yourself, he tells you, then you need to see him as your friend not as enemy. Just think. Be a seeker or a worldly person. If you show eyes in anger, then you are not a seeker.

First you need to recognize your fault. Then one needs strength to accept the fault. Then one will improve.
