Immortal Message 5(ii)

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 5(ii)

The words that you uttered, it burnt the heart of the other. You think that Nature is u aware of your action. Absolutely not, the Lord is very big. He dies not care for these little things. His is the greatest, merciful. If He takes into consideration the little little things, we will be left nowhere. He is too great. He is sitting up in the sky. From there we appear so small, so he does not see and hear our little talk.But Nature, has its ears all spread out.She does not spare. It only knows how to punish. She does not know how to forgive. If you burnt one heart, if she does not burn your heart, that’s not it’s rule.

Remember your old times. When you had uttered those cruel words and pierced somebody’s heart. Now at home, die to your own child , due to its own failure , your heart is burning like that. Maybe, even more, heart burn. His burning might have gotten over, to whom you gave the brunt, but in your it is still burning. Why? The son is sitting at home. It is giving non stop heart burn. This is play of Nature. Nature some way of the other, keeps bringing excuses, such that you keep experiencing that brunt, you keep enduring the pain cause by the brunt, the pain that you gave to somebody some day.

Remember about Nature, ladies and gentlemen, it does not know how to forgive. It only knows how to punish. Like the judge. They can punish, the right to forgiveness is only with the Lord. The child is not getting success. The parents will be getting upset looking at the child or not? They will be experiencing the burn or not? Our work is not getting any success. Why ? Think about it. For whom you have committed the crime, in mind itself. If you don’t have the courage to go straight and apologize to that person, then ask for forgiveness from the mind. Ask forgiveness from the Lord. The burn can go away. The Nature will continue to do what it does. Therefore, with folded hands I pray to you all, it’s a request, that the sins that happen so easily from us, we are not al all careful about it. Our personality has become such. A seeker needs to be very cautious regarding that. Nobody knows to who all you have caused hurt by your hurtful words. Such pain, such a burn, that one has not forgotten. If the other person has not forgotten then Nature too does not let you forget. She will make you burn like that, and it makes your suffer. Just take a look on the inside, then you’ll see everything very clearly.

This is what is happening with all of us.

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