Surrender 6a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6a

My revered salutations my mothers and gentlemen at your feet. Infinite times accept my ob

The discussion on surrender is going on, giving oneself up is going on. The ultimate of devotion is going on. Let us start where we stopped. Let us try to understand surrender by way of some examples. What is it? Everybody has heard the name, hymns too, surrender too, offering oneself too. Every action I surrender, you have heard. For a normal ordinary seeker what does surrender mean to him? What is offering oneself?

Where there is no wish of one’s own. That is surrender. It’s easy to listen, but to actually do it, it’s very challenging. This is the ultimate of devotion. Where there is no desire Where there is no desire of one’s own, that is surrender. That is offering oneself. There is no doer ship of one’s own. Then who is the doer? These are words of the path of devotion. Not of knowledge. These words are of devotion.

Therefore there is only one doer in the path of devotion, one who is called God. Only one wish prevails. No wish of one’s own. Then only one wish prevails, that is called the Lord’s wish.

This surrendered person becomes a vehicle for the Lord’s wish. The Lord, fulfills His wish through him. His thought is the Lord’s thought. His words, are the Lord’s words. His actions are the Lord’s actions. The Lord works through him. The surrendered one. The Lord does everything through him. Whom the Lord accepts, then there is no space for one’s own wish. One has to do, that’s why don’t take too long. His early you can do, do it. Let there be no wish of one’s own. No objective of one’s own. Then only one wish remains and that is called the Lord’s wish.

But the problem my mothers and gentlemen is that we do not know what His wish is. It’s a huge problem. I don’t know whether you face it or not. But for such a low category seeker as me, it’s a big issue. He does not speak. Does not appear. Does not come face to face.How to know what He wants.

That’s why man spends his life in doubt. Is not able to reach this status. Is of low category, like I said for myself, that I am of low category. Lord says, what is this world? The world can be seen, but then you have not stepped on the path of devotion. This world is not the world. A non seeker or ignorant one sees this as the world. But To a devotee, this world does not appear the world. As if he sees the Lord’s form. Whatever comes out from somebody’s mouth, consider it mine. Then surrender. Then offering one self. That’s why it is a very challenging thing ladies and gentlemen. But if it’s done, then after that one does not need to do anything. Everything happens by itself.

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