Surrender 6c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6c

A saint is on his death bed. Everybody knows that he is going to transcend his body. Due to the relation with the body an aunt came to visit. She asks her nephew- Have you asked for forgiveness from God for all sinful acts, negative actions, knowing or unknowingly committed. She asks her nephew. The nephew is a saint. He is nephew for her. These are relations of the body, these are not the relations of the Soul, these are of the body, mortal relations.

The saint says to his aunt- Auntie! I do remember a single time in my life when I was upset with God. I have always said yes, in His yes. How so He made me dance, I danced. For what should I seek forgiveness for ? Forgiveness one needs to ask, when, I have not fulfilled any of His wishes. Whatever He did, how so ever He made me dance on His fingers, I kept dancing my entire life.

I do not remember any occasion when there was a friction between Him and myself. Forgiveness for what? But I do keep asking for forgiveness every time. But I don’t remember doing any such act. Surrender. Saying yes, to the Lord’s wishes. The ultimate of the devotion and the devotee. Here we had stopped our discussion.

These are surrendered ones. There have been only brought in to offer at your service, that how a surrendered person is. Such a person, is not made to work according to his karmas.

So what is left in life now? Enjoyment and enjoyment ! Bliss and only bliss. All karmas are gone! All got burnt. I will free you from all sins, will take you beyond sorrow. If these are gone, finished, got burned, destroyed, then where will unhappiness come from? I make him work according to Me. I make him my tool. The Lord has to get His things done or not? How does He gets His work done? Through these surrendered Souls. Whom the Lord accepts, the ones who have sold themselves for the Lord! and the Lord buys them! That’s it! He makes them His tool. He manifests through them. I do not make them go according to their own karmas, but according to myself.

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