Surrender 6d

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6 d

Taking some examples from the Mahabharata, dear seekers, let us clarify this talk. Those people whose names will be discussed if they had not listened to Madhav, then Mahabharata would have been and looked very different. That’s why said – Do not worry about your religion. Leave them. What I say, you follow that. I will make you work according to Me. Not according to You. Not in accordance with Your karmas. I know what your karmas look like. But I will not make you work in accordance with your karmas. In accordance with Me.

Dronacharya’s Son Ashvatthama. Due to attachment with his son, Ashvatthama got immense love and attention. His father’s wish was that he should be the best in archery, surpassing Kauravas and Pandavas. But he was not very intelligent. He was immature. After great persuasion, he took the Narayanan astr from his father.

Father, while giving said – It’s due to attachment with the son. He did not deserve. But father, how to let go of son’s attachment. Dronacharya was unable to let go. He persuaded and took the weapon from his father. He said – son! I am giving you Fire! You will be able to burn the entire world with it. It’s so powerful. Thousands of bombs, atom bombs, cannot cause such devastation as this can. Remember one thing son – it will not work on the Lord or on His devotees. Second thing- he was given the weapon, taught how to operate it, but was not taught it’s return. In Dronacharya’s own words- He is immature. If I teach him how to bring it back, then he’ll use it again and again and make mistakes. So let him use it only once. It’s enough.

Dronacharya is dead. Ashvatthama has gone mad. Everything is finished. If he were not Dronacharya’s son, nobody would have known him. Who would remember a sinner or ignorant one. Very few. Today, everybody knows Ashvatthama. He is Dronacharya’s son. He is going mad. Behaving like mad. So to kill all pandavas, he released the weapon.

Very strange scenario was observed. Entire sky , entire planets got vanished. Nothing was visible. The weapon was multiplying itself and thousands more weapons appeared and every where there was fire . Whole sky was filled with fire . Some were getting burned, some dying. Ashvatthama was sitting on a tree and observing everything. To collect the ashes of the Pandavas. When they’ll die, when I’ll collect their ashes.

Paarth saw everything and said – Madhav ! What is this ?

I know Paarth what it is. Nothing can be done. If you want to be saved then leave your weapons and sit down. Pay salutations to this weapon. Then only you’ll be saved.

If he had not listened to this, then Mahabharata would have been different.

All big warriors , Bhim, etc opposed. They did not believe that Lord was Lord Himself. But for Arjuna, He had to do everything. Why? Arjuna is mine, Arjuna has surrendered. He would listen to opposition, insults too. Lord did Everything for Him. Only for Arjuna. Arjuna is mine, surrendered. After some time everything got quiet. The weapon Narayan, entered in Narayana ( The Lord) Everybody witnessed. That the weapon entered the Lord. Everything became quiet.

Ashvatthama is very disappointed. He asked Maharishi Vyas dev ji – I know the power of the weapon Narayana. What happened? It did not do anything?

Your father told that this weapon will be ineffective on the Lord and His devotees. Do t you know that the Lord is with the Pandavas?

Nobody can harm those, with whom the Lord is there.

So one example today. Rest on coming Sunday. Allow to end here now.

Again remember. It’s such a big achievement, where the Lord does not make us go according to our own karmas but according to Himself. Wao! Amazing ! The one who has surrendered and You my Lord! Thanks.

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