Kill the Ego

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 7 b

How will ego die? The way surrender is the easiest and the fastest way to beget God. Likewise, to kill the ego, the fastest way is to accept our follies. It’s a very difficult thing. O the ones who see other people’s faults, this is the biggest mistake, that we see faults in others, not ours. The trench in which you are going, where are you going. You are very concerned about the world, not about God. In Lord’s eyes, you are going towards ruins.

Does anybody has any courage, that they can find fault in you. Your eyes turn red right away. How dare he finds fault with me. What kind of service is that ? It’s a very serious issue. Be cautious. Everybody needs to be cautious. If you want to avoid getting ruined, then you need to have strength to accept your folly. First we need to know that this is our fault. We don’t come to know. You chant Ram Ram, at least this much one comes to know by chanting Ram Ram. You know that this is my fault. Then to accept it, ask for strength from God. So that you can accept your fault. Other finds fault, and if you say that I cannot find my own faults, then it’s ok.

In the world also, this only goes on. For mortal things, this happens. You have headache, you have body ache. Morning you had medicine. No improvement. You go to the doctor. He finds the fault. and tells you. There you don’t get angry , there you don’t show him eyes in anger!

But here, if anybody finds fault in you, that you cannot see for yourself, he tells you, then you need to see him as your friend not as enemy. Just think. Be a seeker or a worldly person. If you show eyes in anger, then you are not a seeker.

First you need to recognize your fault. Then one needs strength to accept the fault. Then one will improve.


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