Selfless Worker

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 8 b

On one station, a blind person boarded a train. Let’s call him Soordaas. A soordas boards the train. The train moves. Sings a hymn. He starts singing the hymn. He roams in the entire coach and finishes the hymn. And then starts begging. He opens his both hands and asks. There are 2-4 people sitting on the lower berth. One of them gave one rupee in his hand. The one sitting on the upper berth said that kindly give mine to him too. He gave the money to the person sitting on the lower berth. Those money also he gave in Soordas’s hand. May you be blessed. Soordas ji ( ji is used as respect) says May you be blessed. Gave blessings. The one one the lower berth says, I did not give this money. You are giving me blessings. The money has been given by the one sitting on the upper berth. Soordas ji gives a very beautiful response. Says – I am blind. But not the blessings. It’ll go where the money has come from.

The good work that you do, by doing service, whatever, the good karma that you acquire, it’ll come to you only, dear seekers. Wherever you are. This life, next life, this era, next era. It’s yours. It will remain yours only. This is the Lord’s rule. Do service, devotion, do it selflessly. When you do service, don’t ask for worthless praise. Worthless praise, worthless name and fame. It’s not decent. If you just want respect, the Lord has no qualms about giving. He says, good riddance. They just want this.

Saints and Divine Souls say that you want respect, give respect to others with open heart. You’ll get it by yourself. Every worker should know how to respect another worker. The problems that are now dear seekers, they are not new. They were there in old times too.

During the time of Mahatma Buddha. There was a discussion, that who is the greatest? The most unfortunate day for the Guru. When he sees that these kinds of things questions are cropping up in his workers. Who is the greatest? This question came up during the time of Mahatma Buddha too. It must have come in everybody’s time. No problem. Man is coming the same way only. Some people have done their elevation. Others have just slipped down, towards downfall.

Mahatma Buddha said only this – we all are the servants of the Lord. Servants of the Lord, servants of the Lord’s people, servants of Lord’s form, all mean the same. You are moving towards being a worker, serve as if you are serving the Lord. If you serve the man, you will have a downfall. If you serve the Lord, you will get everything. Your world will improve as well the other world too. Be relaxed.

Mahatma Buddha said- the one who is the servant of all these workers, he is the greatest. This kind of emotion we need to have. The worker should have this emotion while working, that I am everybody’s servant.I am everybody’s worker. What do you want? We want Lord’s love. We are asking for devotion, meaning the Lord’s love and nothing else.

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