Love with the Lord 1a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Love with the Lord

1 a

Rama give the love of your feet

It’s blissful to be at Your feet.

Most Hon’able and revered Swamiji Maharaj today has started the topic “ tears of repentance”. Before this he took “ separation”. After “ tears of remorse” it is “ message of love”. All these three topics are indicative of devotion. All these three “ the separation” , “ tears of repentance “ and “ message of love” have the prominence of love.

The Lord who is love is residing inside all of us. In birds, in animals, in humans. Therefore all of them have the emotions of love in them. In humans, animals and birds. Anytime, if you see the birds eating the seeds, from so many places they bring the seeds and put it in their babies’ mouth. This is the manner of expressing their love. You can see tears in the eyes of the animals. Showing that they all have love. Like in humans. Let’s see an example and we”ll continue the discussion further.

A Shepard. He had a lot of sheep, goats too. He was returning back from the forest to the village after feeding them back to their owners . Amongst the herd, there was a lamb. It was lame, and as it was small it was unable to keep pace with the rest of the sheep and the goats. The shepherd sound sometimes beat him, or push or shove him. Poor thing would fall. Still he was unable to go fast. As if it was challenging for him to walk fast.

It is said that Mahatma Buddha was there only. He saw this scene. He requested the Shepard to kindly allow him to hold the lamb in his arms, as it was weak, could not walk, and on top of that a kid. He picked him up and held him close to his chest. At one time the lamb’s heart beat really grew very fast. Wonder what this cruel person is going to do. The one one used to hit me, to force me to walk fast, even though knowing that I did not have the capability to walk fast. Goodness knows what this cruel person is going to do. For once the heart beat went very fast. When Mahatma Buddha rubbed his hand on its back, on his head on its face, then lamb got conscious. The lamb got better.

Now it’s fearless. It has no fear of any kind. To check, the lamb licked Mahatma Buddha’s hand, face, saying if you are loving me then I too want to love you. I want to recipe with you only. As if both were in love. The entire journey, Mahatma Buddha kept loving him, rubbed his hand on his back, head, as if invoking love in it. On the other side too there is shortage of love.

If you speak egoistically with somebody, you invoke ego in others. The ego rises. Here you love, then love will be invoked in the other person. There is no doubt in it. If not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the day after, but it’ll definitely happen. There is not an iota of doubt in it, no diffidence of any kind at all.

The destination arrived, all the sheep goats reached there. The shepherd tried taking the lamb from Mahatma Buddha. Mahatma Budhha said to the lamb- go dear, your home has come. I take leave of you. He rubbed his hand again on the back. The lamb is not ready to go home. Keeps turning to see Buddha. As if saying take me with you, or stay with me. This is love, this is affection.

The shepherd on seeing this is very surprised. Says to Mahatma Buddha- the way he is responding to you, why didn’t he respond to me? Mahatma Buddha immediately said- the manner in which I dealt with it, you never did. Then why expect that he will behave in a similar manner with you. So love is there in animals, birds and humans. Even though they cannot use this love for the Lord. Only humans can use this love for the Lord, so that they can beget the Lord’s Grace and love. See, it got awakened in an animal, so why not in the Lord? Why won’t the Lord be impressed by you? Why He’ll not give love in return? He’ll give immense, He is the ocean of love.

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