Love with the Divine 1b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Love with the Lord

1 b

It’s strange dear seekers that the Lord whose form is Love resides in our hearts. HIS form of Love, it won’t be of course in small amounts. Inspite of this, what are we? From where do enmity, dislikes, hatred, jealousy, pride, etc, come? From where does selfishness come. Love meaning selflessness, where selfishness has no role, neither any scope. From where do all these things come? It’s a matter of contemplation and introspection , we need to think. In us The Supreme Being, whose form is love, resides, but at the same time, there is selfishness, pride, jealousy, dislike, hatred, etc, etc, from where did all of them dropped in?

Saints and Divine Souls, give only one answer to this. Dear ones, the truth is that till now you have not awakened Love inside of you. If you had awakened love, then these things would not have remained there. You chant Ram Ram, the practices that we perform, it’s only for us to awaken the Love inside us, so that He appears inside us, His attributes may appear in us, then we are richest of the rich within.

Lord’s attributes are, His Nature is, love, Grace, forgiveness, etc etc , these are His qualities. If He awakens within, then all these qualities get installed within. Otherwise nothing. He is sitting very comfortably within. Till the time you don’t awaken Him.

So you are practicing such that He gets awakened, we all do these practices, such that He gets awakened within, and we can make use of His qualities.


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