Monthly Archives: June 2019


Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 7 a

Many many pranaams my mothers and gentlemen at your feet. Infinite times thanks , infinite times pranaams. I am indebted to you for everything. Discussion on Surrender is going on. Easy and a fast mode to beget Lord. It’s remarkable! It is difficult. But achievement , again listen , easy, fast mods to beget the Lord . Nothing you need to do. Only take refuge. Such a thing is easy to listen but probably very difficult to achieve.

Today we’ll discuss, a talented proud warrior under surrender. The brave giver Karna. Before we begin, what is this talented pride?

Day before yesterday there was lot of festivity here. Lots of guests had come. Now they have gone back to their homes. The hosts are here only. The workers here, served the guests who had come from the spiritual retreat. They served them really well. A worker does not become a worker merely be being addressed as a worker. These are some serious talks to understand what is talented pride?

One needs to be a worker. Don’t go after the label. We really “want” people to call us a worker a sewak . Like – to be called a good person. The need is to be good and not to be called a good person. You will be called by yourself.

So the need is to be a worker. You will be called a worker by yourself. You will not need to desire it. This desire is not good. Be good, be a worker, don’t go after these labels. What use is that success that gives pride. What use is that achievement that gives greed.

Tulsidas ji very clearly says, that every success brings greed. The success that makes one full of pride, what is the use of that success. The success that makes you proud, egoistic, what use is that success to you. Service is to destroy the ego, the pride. Not to increase it. The one who wants to interfere in everybody’s job, does interfere, but does not want others to interfere in her or his job, what kind of worker is she or he?

I will again say. It’s a universal thing. You can apply it here, at your home, in your organization, office. Where ever you are, you can apply it. This should become a practice. You interfere in everybody’s work, why? Do you consider yourself superior? So it’s very clear. The scriptures are very explicit.

Why do you interfere ? Why? You think you are superior than them? That’s why you are interfering? You do not want others to interfere. You feel very bad. As if your superiority is getting hurt. You cannot tolerate that. What kind of worker are you ?

You chant Ram Ram. Everything should be in accordance with you, how will that work? If there is another one like you? He also thinks that every thing should be in accordance with me, then both egos will clash. What will be the condition. At home this is the case. Everywhere it is the case. Where Two egos clash, what will be the condition? Just try to imagine.

Two angry people if they are together, then what will happen? Just imagine. Two egos together, imagine what the condition will be . We were going to become workers. That service is of what use that it makes you egoistic. You are going to be a worker. I am not talking about being called a worker. You are going to be a worker but you started smelling of the ownership ! You have become the master. From every angle only our thing needs to be followed.


Surrender 6d

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6 d

Taking some examples from the Mahabharata, dear seekers, let us clarify this talk. Those people whose names will be discussed if they had not listened to Madhav, then Mahabharata would have been and looked very different. That’s why said – Do not worry about your religion. Leave them. What I say, you follow that. I will make you work according to Me. Not according to You. Not in accordance with Your karmas. I know what your karmas look like. But I will not make you work in accordance with your karmas. In accordance with Me.

Dronacharya’s Son Ashvatthama. Due to attachment with his son, Ashvatthama got immense love and attention. His father’s wish was that he should be the best in archery, surpassing Kauravas and Pandavas. But he was not very intelligent. He was immature. After great persuasion, he took the Narayanan astr from his father.

Father, while giving said – It’s due to attachment with the son. He did not deserve. But father, how to let go of son’s attachment. Dronacharya was unable to let go. He persuaded and took the weapon from his father. He said – son! I am giving you Fire! You will be able to burn the entire world with it. It’s so powerful. Thousands of bombs, atom bombs, cannot cause such devastation as this can. Remember one thing son – it will not work on the Lord or on His devotees. Second thing- he was given the weapon, taught how to operate it, but was not taught it’s return. In Dronacharya’s own words- He is immature. If I teach him how to bring it back, then he’ll use it again and again and make mistakes. So let him use it only once. It’s enough.

Dronacharya is dead. Ashvatthama has gone mad. Everything is finished. If he were not Dronacharya’s son, nobody would have known him. Who would remember a sinner or ignorant one. Very few. Today, everybody knows Ashvatthama. He is Dronacharya’s son. He is going mad. Behaving like mad. So to kill all pandavas, he released the weapon.

Very strange scenario was observed. Entire sky , entire planets got vanished. Nothing was visible. The weapon was multiplying itself and thousands more weapons appeared and every where there was fire . Whole sky was filled with fire . Some were getting burned, some dying. Ashvatthama was sitting on a tree and observing everything. To collect the ashes of the Pandavas. When they’ll die, when I’ll collect their ashes.

Paarth saw everything and said – Madhav ! What is this ?

I know Paarth what it is. Nothing can be done. If you want to be saved then leave your weapons and sit down. Pay salutations to this weapon. Then only you’ll be saved.

If he had not listened to this, then Mahabharata would have been different.

All big warriors , Bhim, etc opposed. They did not believe that Lord was Lord Himself. But for Arjuna, He had to do everything. Why? Arjuna is mine, Arjuna has surrendered. He would listen to opposition, insults too. Lord did Everything for Him. Only for Arjuna. Arjuna is mine, surrendered. After some time everything got quiet. The weapon Narayan, entered in Narayana ( The Lord) Everybody witnessed. That the weapon entered the Lord. Everything became quiet.

Ashvatthama is very disappointed. He asked Maharishi Vyas dev ji – I know the power of the weapon Narayana. What happened? It did not do anything?

Your father told that this weapon will be ineffective on the Lord and His devotees. Do t you know that the Lord is with the Pandavas?

Nobody can harm those, with whom the Lord is there.

So one example today. Rest on coming Sunday. Allow to end here now.

Again remember. It’s such a big achievement, where the Lord does not make us go according to our own karmas but according to Himself. Wao! Amazing ! The one who has surrendered and You my Lord! Thanks.

Surrender 6c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6c

A saint is on his death bed. Everybody knows that he is going to transcend his body. Due to the relation with the body an aunt came to visit. She asks her nephew- Have you asked for forgiveness from God for all sinful acts, negative actions, knowing or unknowingly committed. She asks her nephew. The nephew is a saint. He is nephew for her. These are relations of the body, these are not the relations of the Soul, these are of the body, mortal relations.

The saint says to his aunt- Auntie! I do remember a single time in my life when I was upset with God. I have always said yes, in His yes. How so He made me dance, I danced. For what should I seek forgiveness for ? Forgiveness one needs to ask, when, I have not fulfilled any of His wishes. Whatever He did, how so ever He made me dance on His fingers, I kept dancing my entire life.

I do not remember any occasion when there was a friction between Him and myself. Forgiveness for what? But I do keep asking for forgiveness every time. But I don’t remember doing any such act. Surrender. Saying yes, to the Lord’s wishes. The ultimate of the devotion and the devotee. Here we had stopped our discussion.

These are surrendered ones. There have been only brought in to offer at your service, that how a surrendered person is. Such a person, is not made to work according to his karmas.

So what is left in life now? Enjoyment and enjoyment ! Bliss and only bliss. All karmas are gone! All got burnt. I will free you from all sins, will take you beyond sorrow. If these are gone, finished, got burned, destroyed, then where will unhappiness come from? I make him work according to Me. I make him my tool. The Lord has to get His things done or not? How does He gets His work done? Through these surrendered Souls. Whom the Lord accepts, the ones who have sold themselves for the Lord! and the Lord buys them! That’s it! He makes them His tool. He manifests through them. I do not make them go according to their own karmas, but according to myself.

स्वयं के मित्र बनें

June 13, 2019

धार्मिकता से अध्यात्मिकता की ओर

स्वयं का रूपांतरण

आज विनय प्रश्न गया था कि यदि हम जीवन में रूपांतरण चाहते हैं तो क्यों चाहते हैं ? क्या कारण है ?

बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद उन सभी प्यारे साधकों का जिन्होंने इस चर्चा में अपना योगदान दिया । बहुत सुंदर उत्तर आए व बहुत चिन्तन भी हुआ । गुरूजनों का अनन्त धन्यवाद ।

स्वयं को जानना है , कि हम क्या चाहते हैं और क्यों कुछ कर रहे हैं विशेषकर साधना में । यदि हम यह जानने लग जाते हैं तो हम अपने व्यवहार के पीछे छिपी भावना व कामना को भी जान सकेंगे ।

आज क्यों मन उखड़ा है ? आज क्यों मन नहीं लग रहा । हम प्रयास करेंगे कि क्या हमारे मन की कामना अड़ी हुई है कि हम इस तरह का व्यवहार कर रहे हैं ! हम देखेंगे कि जैसे जैसे हम अपने व्यवहार व भावनाओं का कारण जानने लगेंगे, तो जो व्यर्थ की कामना है वह त्याग सकेंगे !!

आज बाहर तो दूसरों के बच्चे से अच्छे से बात की पर अपने बच्चे को डाँट दिया ! क्या कारण था इसके पीछे ? क्या कामना काम कर रही थी ?

स्वयं का रूपांतरण भविष्य के बीज बोना है ! क्या इस पल मुस्कुरा नहीं सकते ? क्या हम पल मुस्कुरा नहीं सकते ? क्या इस पल आनन्दित और मस्त नहीं रह सकते और हर पल ऐसे नहीं रह सकते ? सब सम्भव है ! उसके लिए अपने आपके साथ मित्रता करनी आवश्यक है ! उसके लिए अपने प्रति सजग होना ज़रूरी है !

भीतर संयुक्त होकर स्वयं का रूपांतरण !

प्रयास के लिए क़दम बहुत बड़ा योगदान है अपने सुधार हेतु !

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

Surrender 6b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6 b

Arjuna has understood this concept. Today, he is going with Madhav ( Lord Krishna) on a recreational trip. The Lord, saw a duck, maybe a white pigeon. He says to Arjuna, Paarth! See a black crow. Yes Madhav, it’s really ugly. One does not wish to see.

They went further. There they actually saw a black crow. Madhav said- See Paarth! A shining duck! A bright white pigeon. One wishes, to catch it and live it. Take it in the lap. Yes, Keshav. ( Lord Krishna) you are right. The Lord, on seeing Arjuna’s response asked him with surprise- Paarth! Tell me one thing. Did you actually see what I was telling you?

Arjuna said – Madhav ! Whatever you say, I accept. Why?? If it’s not that, then you are capable to make it happen that way! That’s why it’s better that what you say, to accept it is surrender.

Arjuna has understood the concept.

That’s why the ultimate discourse he received- Give up all religions take My refuge. Gita ji says – Take My Refuge. I will free you from all your sins. What do you have to do? Madhav, the person has been freed from all sins! What he had to do, he did all. Everything is done. Don’t be sad . Don’t worry. I will free you from all sins.

Lord has reached river Pampa. It’s that area where Mother Shabri lives. Had to go for a bath. Lord had his arrow in His hand. He was thinking that I have to take a bath at the river, what do I need it there for? He put it in the soil. Will come and take it out. When He came back and took out the arrow, He saw that it had blood on it. Laxman whose blood is it? Just see who was revere in the soil. I just put it in the earth. See there is blood on it. As if some animal is there. See who Is it? He dug up a little bit and saw that a frog was bleeding. It’s a beautiful example of surrender, of offering oneself. All things regarding surrender and offering oneself are amazing. They are very beautiful, extremely beautiful! Why?

Surrender is so beautiful. And so is offering oneself. It’s beautiful.

Dear Frog! Lord says, whoever we see you, you are croaking. When you were hit with an arrow. You must have had pain. Frog said why not? Said – the Lord of Lords, when the One who gives life I’d taking away life, then whom to call out? I thought- neither I need to think, nor I need to say anything! Earlier also, when’re there used to be a problem or chaos, I would call you – Ram save me ! When the savior has become the predator, then whom to ask for help. This is surrender.

Surrender 6a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6a

My revered salutations my mothers and gentlemen at your feet. Infinite times accept my ob

The discussion on surrender is going on, giving oneself up is going on. The ultimate of devotion is going on. Let us start where we stopped. Let us try to understand surrender by way of some examples. What is it? Everybody has heard the name, hymns too, surrender too, offering oneself too. Every action I surrender, you have heard. For a normal ordinary seeker what does surrender mean to him? What is offering oneself?

Where there is no wish of one’s own. That is surrender. It’s easy to listen, but to actually do it, it’s very challenging. This is the ultimate of devotion. Where there is no desire Where there is no desire of one’s own, that is surrender. That is offering oneself. There is no doer ship of one’s own. Then who is the doer? These are words of the path of devotion. Not of knowledge. These words are of devotion.

Therefore there is only one doer in the path of devotion, one who is called God. Only one wish prevails. No wish of one’s own. Then only one wish prevails, that is called the Lord’s wish.

This surrendered person becomes a vehicle for the Lord’s wish. The Lord, fulfills His wish through him. His thought is the Lord’s thought. His words, are the Lord’s words. His actions are the Lord’s actions. The Lord works through him. The surrendered one. The Lord does everything through him. Whom the Lord accepts, then there is no space for one’s own wish. One has to do, that’s why don’t take too long. His early you can do, do it. Let there be no wish of one’s own. No objective of one’s own. Then only one wish remains and that is called the Lord’s wish.

But the problem my mothers and gentlemen is that we do not know what His wish is. It’s a huge problem. I don’t know whether you face it or not. But for such a low category seeker as me, it’s a big issue. He does not speak. Does not appear. Does not come face to face.How to know what He wants.

That’s why man spends his life in doubt. Is not able to reach this status. Is of low category, like I said for myself, that I am of low category. Lord says, what is this world? The world can be seen, but then you have not stepped on the path of devotion. This world is not the world. A non seeker or ignorant one sees this as the world. But To a devotee, this world does not appear the world. As if he sees the Lord’s form. Whatever comes out from somebody’s mouth, consider it mine. Then surrender. Then offering one self. That’s why it is a very challenging thing ladies and gentlemen. But if it’s done, then after that one does not need to do anything. Everything happens by itself.

Immortal Message 5(ii)

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 5(ii)

The words that you uttered, it burnt the heart of the other. You think that Nature is u aware of your action. Absolutely not, the Lord is very big. He dies not care for these little things. His is the greatest, merciful. If He takes into consideration the little little things, we will be left nowhere. He is too great. He is sitting up in the sky. From there we appear so small, so he does not see and hear our little talk.But Nature, has its ears all spread out.She does not spare. It only knows how to punish. She does not know how to forgive. If you burnt one heart, if she does not burn your heart, that’s not it’s rule.

Remember your old times. When you had uttered those cruel words and pierced somebody’s heart. Now at home, die to your own child , due to its own failure , your heart is burning like that. Maybe, even more, heart burn. His burning might have gotten over, to whom you gave the brunt, but in your it is still burning. Why? The son is sitting at home. It is giving non stop heart burn. This is play of Nature. Nature some way of the other, keeps bringing excuses, such that you keep experiencing that brunt, you keep enduring the pain cause by the brunt, the pain that you gave to somebody some day.

Remember about Nature, ladies and gentlemen, it does not know how to forgive. It only knows how to punish. Like the judge. They can punish, the right to forgiveness is only with the Lord. The child is not getting success. The parents will be getting upset looking at the child or not? They will be experiencing the burn or not? Our work is not getting any success. Why ? Think about it. For whom you have committed the crime, in mind itself. If you don’t have the courage to go straight and apologize to that person, then ask for forgiveness from the mind. Ask forgiveness from the Lord. The burn can go away. The Nature will continue to do what it does. Therefore, with folded hands I pray to you all, it’s a request, that the sins that happen so easily from us, we are not al all careful about it. Our personality has become such. A seeker needs to be very cautious regarding that. Nobody knows to who all you have caused hurt by your hurtful words. Such pain, such a burn, that one has not forgotten. If the other person has not forgotten then Nature too does not let you forget. She will make you burn like that, and it makes your suffer. Just take a look on the inside, then you’ll see everything very clearly.

This is what is happening with all of us.

Immortal Message – The words we utter

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 5

My humble salutations at your feet to my mothers and dear gentlemen. Kindly accept Infinite times my obeisance. The discussion of surrender is going on. Giving ourselves up to our Lord, surrendering ourselves to our Lord. Giving ourself up means merging in the Lord. Before we continue with this discussion, a little discussion in your service. A major hinderance that does not allow us to move ahead in devotion.

In a Gurukul ( an ancient residential school) disciples are sitting. A discussion is going on. The teacher is not there in the classroom. They are discussing..

What is the most powerful thing of this human body? The most powerful part, organ, which is it? The discussion is going on. But no conclusion is being reached. They are arguing. But nobody can come to a definitive conclusion. The teacher enters and listens to the discussion. After listening he pretends to be really angry and reprimands all the disciples. You all have polluted your intellect, you have become stupid, is this a matter of discussion? He kept on scolding them. He was at peace from inside. After a while he became quiet from outside too.

But the disciples were angry. They could not take in the insult from the teacher. The eyes turned and got red. What kind of guru is he? We did not do any wrong at all. They started whispering. The teacher is watching them. After a while, when the atmosphere got a little better, they all were quiet. He said – You all are very good. Told the disciples that – good ! A little time you get free, you start intellectual discussions. I am proud of you.

All faces lit up. The disciples are happy. He was just now reprimanding and now he is praising. He shows them the difference in the two and says this is the most powerful organ. The tongue. This speech. Two things this tongue does. One it tastes. Second it speaks. Both are very important departments. The one who knows how to control them, consider that his spiritual practice has risen a lot. It has a very close relationship with spiritual practices.

In childhood if we took out harsh words for somebody then even in old age that person can never forget those words. Harsh words, strong words, words full of pride, jealousy, inside there is frustration, envy, the words are mixed with those, guided with those, there is wickedness, hence the words guided by it.

Swamiji Maharajshri really said it correctly – The wounds of the sword they get healed fast.

Such sensitive thing Maharaj has said. The injury of the sword gets healed fast. The words that causes the hurt, they give pain always.

Why this is being brought to your service, don’t take it lightly. Now also nothing has lost. Hold yourself together. Take out words from your mouth, in a very conscious manner, speak very carefully. It’s a great sin, that we commit very easily. You’ll see that the words with which you have hurt others, there in their heart, you have put a scar of a flame. As if one got injected. Harsh words, egoistic words, sour words are extremely painful.


Surrender 5b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 5b

Surrender. The daughter is given away. The daughter goes to her home. That’s how it is said, isn’t it? Has gone to her home. Beautiful!

This is surrender. This is the sign of surrender. The in-laws house , this word is not good. Has gone to her home. Leaving one parents has gone to other parents. That’s real fun! This is called surrender. Now she has starting putting vermillion on her forehead. I am somebody’s. She has put the sign of surrender. Now the entire world knows that she is married. When a person becomes the Lord’s then it is called surrender. This example is being taken for you. When she used to go there, the first thing would be to change her parents’ house name. Not now. The surname changes. The Sub caste changes. She accepts all their customs. The house is hers. Kids are born. They go to school too. Today parents have to go to school more than the kids.

Mother is calling home. She says the little sister is getting married, so come. Writes a letter, calling her. Kindly do come a month earlier. Help me with the work. She calls back saying – what are you saying ? Kids have to go to school. They have exams. They have this, they have that. The brother in law too is getting married, how can I come? Kindly excuse me. She has spent 20-25 years with her parents now her home has changed, surrender, giving oneself up.

I will not be able to come. At the most maybe one day before the wedding, that also with great difficulty. Don’t wait for me. Kindly do make your own arrangements. Now grown little more. What kind of home is it? Only dear ladies you have to put your feet in there. The moment the person puts his feet in there, he is surrendered. That’s it, then he belongs there only, this is surrender.

The kids are married now. The daughter in law has come. Has left that house and has gone to another house. What does she say- since the time you have entered my home, you have brought distress. This home is mind now. Surrender. The son has got married. Has become mother in law, has become the owner, surrender.

Those who offer themselves to the Lord, the Lord accepts them. Everything then belongs to the person, including the Lord Himself. This is surrender.

Dear devotees. Those who are accepted by the Lord, the one who becomes Lord’s , the Lord does not make him go according to his karmas.

How do we identify surrender? How do we know that the Lord has accepted us, made us His own, how do we recognize it? Dear ladies a very clear identification is there-

Then He does not go according to our karmas, our dirty karmas, our vicious karmas, no, He does not make us go through our own karmas. Then He makes us go according to His own wish. This is the sign that I have accepted you.

In The epic Mahabharata , there are beautiful examples. In Ch 18, 66th shaloka, everything started from here, Paarth! Renounce all religions you take refuge in Me! If Arjuna would have followed his own religion, then the outcome of the war would have been different. If Draupadi had followed her religion then she would have been different. Lord makes the surrendered devotee go as per His wish.

Next Sunday, we’ll continue with our discussion further.

Today allow to end here itself. Thanks. .

Surrender Part 4

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )


Last Sunday the discussion was going on, Paarth ! Renounce all religions take My refuge.

Ch 18’s 66th shaloka. Renounce all religions. Immortal Discourses from Gita ji are going on. This message cannot be called the last one, but this message’s discussion is going on. Renounce all religions and take My refuge. I will free you from all sins. Don’t worry. Don’t be sad!

Last Sunday it was requested that from the 1st chapter to the 18th one, the Lord has shown Paarth so many homes, but Paarth cannot find his home. You go to Nagpur or Pune. You get rest only when you come home.

Vishaadyoga – Communion with Lord through pain, he says not mine.Sankhyayog-Communion with Lord through Knowledge, Karma, etc, etc, so many homes Lord showed Paarth , but in none of the homes Paarth entered. He cannot feel that these are my homes! So at the end says, Paarth, your home is that which is Mine. What I am! Take My refuge. Renouncing all religions, only My refuge. Next Sunday’s we’ll also continue with this. Let’s begin .

Dear daughter! Try to understand. What is it to reach My home? So many words have been used, Refuge, surrender – meaning offering all to God. All mean the same.

What does it mean though ?

In simple language what do understand ? It’s a very High thing, surrender.

Surrender means to beget Lord. A drop hit one with the ocean. A river got one with the ocean. That’s it. The life’s journey is over. What one had to attain one attained.

Ordinarily, dear ladies, what is it’s meaning? Saints and Divine Souls, tell us in a very simple manner. They say- you do “ Kanyadaan” in a daughters marriage. Surrender while listening seems so simple , we are surrendered devotees, we are surrendered. He is of the one who is surrendered, there is no doubt in it. But are we surrendered or not? The actual thing to be pondered in is this. He is the One who has compassion for the poor , for the devotees , there is no doubt in it. But have we been able to make ourselves helpless or not? Have we been able to make ourselves as devotees or not? Doubt is on this thing. A big question mark ?

You did kanyadaan for your daughter. After that, you child leaves you and goes to her home. Talk of the scriptures. What does it mean today ?

God knows what scriptures say. You used to give blessings to your child. When she would go, or be in her parting time, you would cry and depart her. You are leaving my house, going to your house, be happy at your place, you used to give such blessings. As if this is no more your home. Your home is where you are going. Today it is called in-laws place. Earlier it was addressed as your home. You are going to your home, May your dead body come out from there and not you. These was messages of those times, education of those times. Accept that house, as yours. This was offering oneself.

What did the girl do? Now things have changed. Earlier the band too used to change. A stamp was there- the vermillion, The bindi, the bangles, clothes, auspicious clothes she was Mae to wear. Those parents were considered parents. The in-laws came now only. Those parents would change the name . Name got changed. Miss Priyanka Chopra, became Mrs. .. some other name. Mrs. Khosla. None got changed, the subcaste got changed.

But surrender not just this. Today it’s the festival of Rakhi. Brothers are waiting for their sister. Bd it brothers that go or sister that comes. Comes once a year. Later says- Mummy( birth Mother) here there is no custom of Rakhi. Discussion ends.

The name got changed, surname too, customs . If these things happen for the Lord’s home, then it’s called surrender, it’s called giving oneself.

Next Sunday, we’ll continue with our discussion. Kindly allow to end here.
