Soul Content 1a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 a

The discussion regarding soul content is going on. Today Swamiji has started the topic of happiness. It’ll take about 2-4 days. The next is peace. We’ll spend couple of days on happiness and peace, to understand what they are?

Today Most Revered Swamiji Maharajshri stated that the source of happiness is the Soul. The distributor of happiness. It is as if, our own form, our true form, the real form is the source of happiness. From these soul content topics Swamiji Maharajshri is trying to make us understand that whatever you are searching outside it’s not true. Everything is within you, everything is in your Soul, everything is in the Lord. Search for it then you’ll get the real thing.

Outside it is pleasure, the mortal pleasure. The pleasure with which unhappiness is attached, the kind of life that is attached with death. These things are on the outside. Therefore the person is always wandering. He gains nothing. The way he came empty handed, in the same manner he goes empty handed too. This empty handed is not being said for something mortal. The real happiness, the Supreme happiness, the spirituality, if the hands are empty of them, then saints and Divine Souls say that the person goes empty handed. As if the life has been a failure. The life has been wasted. So dear seekers, let us begin the discussion on happiness.


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