Soul Content 1b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 b

The happiness that we are acquainted with is what ?

There is a princess. She went to bathe in a pond near by. Friends are also with her. Everybody entered the water, to play. All their clothes were near the banks of the pond. The princess has a very expensive necklace. That time, when the necklace cost 9 lacs. Just imagine, how precious that necklace must have been. Before she stepped into the water, she removed the necklace. Everybody took bath, all Friend’s are with the princess. Everybody is enjoying a lot. She cans out of water, and sees that the clothes are there, but the necklace is missing. The search has started.

The king receives the news. My daughter’s necklace has got lost. Where could it have gone? The girl does not remember where it fell. She removed it outside but nowhere if could be found. Different kinds of divers, are trying in so many ways, but it’s not to be found.

Today, after some days a woodcutter, is coming back after cutting woods from the jungle. He went near the pond to drink water. The word was out from the king, that anyone who tells the whereabouts of the necklace or will find it, will get one lac ripped. The news of this prize money had spread far and wide. So to win that money, many people had been coming. In the same search, the woodcutter, while drinking water, what does he see? He sees the necklace in the water. He saw the necklace at the bottom. He dived in, he knew how to swim. But the necklace is not coming in his hand. Only dirt comes in his hand. He kept waiting for a while. I have seen it with my eyes. Where did it disappear? Again when the water cleared, he saw the necklace. Anyways, his job was done. He goes and informs the king.

O King! Your daughter’s necklace is in that pond only. I have seen it with my own eyes. I tried catching it also, but it was not coming in my hands. Now the efforts really increased manifold. Anybody who goes there, when the water is clear, if the water is still, not moving, then everybody can see the necklace. And anybody who dives in does not get the necklace but gets dirt in his hand.

When they hold the dirt, the water gets murky. Then it settles after a while. This is all that’s going on. Everyday huge crowd gathers. A wandering saint, happened to pass by. He asked, what happened? What do many people have gathered. He was told the whole story. Said, the king’s daughter’s necklace has got lost, in this pond, but nobody can find it.

Saints are after all saints. Said- brothers, the necklace that you are seeing is not the necklace. The necklace is hanging up there. The eagle took it up in its nest. There is the tree, whose reflection can be seen in this pond. Who can catch a reflection? You are seeing a reflection. The necklace is hanging up there. Anybody who goes up the tree will be able to get the necklace. If you keep trying for ages also, you will never be able to catch the reflection. Only thing you’ll get is the dirt. Not the necklace.

Dear devotees, the pleasure that we are acquainted with, the pleasure that we keep searching for in this world, it is the mortal one, linked with desires. This pleasure is a reflection of that Supreme happiness. This pleasure is not the real happiness.

The search is on for that Supreme happiness. The everlasting immortal happiness, that one that never finishes up. The one that does not have unhapiness related to it. That is called Lord, that is called absolute peace, that is called Supreme happiness. All are One. We have got this life to acquire that happiness.


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