Soul Content 1 c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 c

Dear ladies and gentlemen, from an ant to Brahmaji, everybody’s basic desire is this happiness. Which happiness? This happiness, that we call eternal happiness, that we call the bliss from hymns, the soulful happiness, the eternal happiness. The search for this happiness. But where are we stuck? The lives are getting ruined running after this mortal pleasure. We think the pleasure from things is the real happiness. How can this illusion be removed from our lives, how can we attain the Supreme happiness? We’ll discuss about this in the coming days.

Today the discussion on happiness has started. What is happiness? Is it the name of a thing? Do we get happiness from a thing or does a situation gives us happiness? Saints and Divine Souls declare, No.

Happiness is that, which pleases our mind. That is happiness. The one that does not please our mind is unhappiness. The play of the mind and not of the things. There is no happiness or unhappiness inherent in things/ objects. Not at all. This is the play of the mind. Whatever pleases the mind, that is pleasure for you. Whatever is not in accordance with the mind, that is unhappiness for you. So this pleasure and unhappiness are the play of the mind.

For example, it’s going to be winter. Blankets will come out, quilts will come out. The blanket is so comfortable in the winter, but so uncomfortable in the summer. As if there is no comfort in the object. Hot water feels so good in winters and gives discomfort in summers. The water is the same.

A person goes to the fish market. Meat market. The one who eats it, does not feel the discomfort of the smell. Even if it smells, still he purchases. Comes home to cook. With great enjoyment and pleasure he eats it. Another person, who has no interest in eating meat, nor fish, when he passes through that market, he puts a napkin on his nose and walks. For one the same thing provides pleasure and for the other discomfort. People who smoke, so comfortably they smoke, they show it to everybody and smoke. You may feel so bad about the smoke, especially those who do not smoke. The object is one, but for one it is pleasurable and for the other it is discomfort. So, the object does not contain pleasure or discomfort. It is the play of the mind, to what it attaches pleasure and to what it attaches discomfort. The one that pleases is supportive and it is pleasure. The one that is non supportive is discomfort.

Where will happiness come from ?

The Soul content that Swamiji Maharajshri is discussing, He is saying :

The Soul’s firm is happiness

The Soul’s form is peaceful

Soul’s form is Truth

Soul’s form is Purity

Why is Swamiji Maharaj telling us all these attributes of the Soul ? As if our perception, our vision is being directed inside, towards our Soul, towards the Lord, the Source of happiness, peace, purity, energy, bliss etc. To connect our emotions with these, that’s why these attributes are being discussed.

Why ?

All saints and Divine Souls know, it’s possible that maybe you know it too, that where we are wandering, that is the reflection of happiness. It can never be acquired.


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