Soul Content 2a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content

Eternal Happiness

Part 2 a

Within the context of soul Content, the discussion on happiness is going on. Swamiji Maharaj is telling us about the emotions that we need to have towards our Soul. The discussion was , that from an ant to Brahma ji all have one basic desire , happiness. Whatever we do, Kindly introspect deeply that we do to achieve this only.

To have a child, for happiness.

We make them study, get them a job, for happiness.

Whatever you do, dear seekers, the demand is that happiness.

Get the son married, we’ll get happiness. Daughter gets married, to get that happiness, etc etc.

You earn money, for happiness; house is small , get a bigger one, for happiness; you have one car, you want many, so the basic demand is happiness only.

What kind of happiness is this ? Dear seekers it is important to understand this. The other day you saw that the pleasures where we are stuck, it is a mere reflection of the real happiness, it’s not real happiness. The basic demand is real happiness, so what is this real happiness?

What kind of happiness is it? The happiness that is present every where, every time. You are very happy as you are sitting here. You don’t want that when you reach home you are greeted with unhappiness. Meaning, that you want happiness here also and there too. Then you go to the office or your store ( shop) , there also you want happiness. This kind of happiness is called the one that is present at every place. At every place you want happiness. It’s not also like you want this happiness just in the morning and in the afternoon unhappiness starts. You want happiness in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night too. This kind of happiness is called the one that is present every time. Happiness Every place and every time. It’s not that you are sitting very happily here. When you go home, your parents give you immense happiness. You talk to them and it gives you happiness. But the wife troubles you. You don’t want this kind of happiness. Meaning you want happiness every time and at every place and from everybody. More over you don’t want happiness that is dependent on others. To be dependent on others, such happiness is called dependency on others.

Actually dear seekers, we are all afflicted with sickness of the happiness that depends on others. Someone is dependent on the pleasures of alcohol, somebody on smoking cigarettes, somebody on husband, somebody on money, somebody on praise. We are all used to this kind of pleasure. We want independent happiness. We do not want our happiness to be dependent on somebody else. Neither do we want the happiness to be less. We want happiness to be really big. So many things are linked with pleasure.

We want this, that, here, there, from this person, that person, we need independence in that. It must not be less, it should be in great quantity, etc, etc.

This kind of happiness is called Absolute Happiness.

This happiness is called God.

This happiness is called the Lord.

This happiness is called the eternal happiness.

This happiness is called Supreme peace.

Who has this kind of happiness, The Supreme Soul. If you want this kind of happiness then you need to take refuge of the Lord, who has everything. The One who is the Source of everything we need to approach Him. You need to connect with Him, then you’ll get happiness.


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