Soul Content 2b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content

Eternal Happiness

Part 2b

You are connected with the world, dear ladies and gentlemen, the world does not have happiness, His will it give it to you. If we understand one thing, then we do not become dependent on our husband for happiness. Right now we are dependent on him, money, on this, on that, etc, etc. So, you all do receive pleasure but momentarily. But this pleasure brings in so much of unhappiness, that you are unable to forget it for the rest of your life. If you really think that you are getting happiness within, then you’ll nod your heads that no, we are not happy. The happiness that you are seeking from the world, the world does not have it.

At the vegetable shop you’ll not get jewelry. At the utensils shop you’ll not get medicines. Where these things are sold, you need to approach that particular area. There only you’ll get these things. It’s an illusion and this illusion needs to be removed.

It’s not a very pleasing example, but it’s touching. Saints and Divine Souls often give this example to all, because we are suffering from this illness and are stuck there. That’s why, to come out of it, the example is being narrated.

There is a dog. He eats bone. He finds a bone from somewhere and starts biting on it. The more he bites the more he enjoys. The more taste he gets.He has an illusion that he is getting pleasure out of the bone. Saints and Divine Souls say no. While biting the bone, his own mouth bleeds. His own blood is tasty, it’s the blood that gives pleasure. The taste is not of the bone. The more taste he develops the more he bites and his entire jaw gets hurt. But he is getting the pleasure. The pleasure is not of the bone it’s of his own blood.

So likewise, the saints and Divine Souls explain that whatever pleasure you get out of the objects , it’s not from the objects or things that you getting the It’s not of the objects. This is of your own Soul, it’s of your Lord, who is seated within , it’s that reflection. Today you read. Today you read about the peaceful content, other contents, caring content of the soul . Swamiji Maharajshri has written, whatever you receive, whatever is dear to you, whatever appears loving to you, none of it has anything in it. It is your Soul that gets reflected through that.

Your Lord is seated within you, the reflection is from There. That’s why the thing appears dear to you. If not then sometimes one does not like it. Whatever comes from within, Love pours there.


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