Meditation 1a

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri

Meditation 1a


Close your eyes. Sit straight. Back straight, spine absolutely straight. Look at the third eye. Look with immense love. Don’t strain. Sometimes see the third eye with open eyes. It’s very sweet very important place, the Agyachakra. Ida, Pingla and Sushumna, the three nerves meet here. It’s a very important place.

O Ram please give me one pointed devotion, and bless me with the Divine Love in everything I see

Bless me with strong determination and knowledge of thy path

The goal of meditation – one pointedness in devotion to Ram. How will it happen? When we don’t need to do anything then why should the hand move? When we don’t have to go anywhere then why should the feet move? When other than Ram we don’t have to say anything then why should this tongue move? When other than the third eye, we don’t need to see anything then why should the eye open? When there is no desire then why should wishes rise in the mind? Why should the mind be thoughtless then? The silence of the body, silence of the mind ,silence of the heart. The combination of these three is meditation. We conserve the outside energy with these three. The entire energy should be used for meditation. The game is not for the weak. It’s for the brave. Those who know how to conserve their energy only they will be the players of this game. Otherwise they will fall, break and burst . They will not be able to reach their goal.

In this context a letter was written to a lady. Her letter had not come . The letter was written on this statement if hers, she had some problem, she had come to tell but went away by saying that people like us are not heard. I don’t know, but she sent a little slip through Mr. Kalra.

Ma’am , a little clarification, this place, which is called Shree Ram Sharnam, it’s a temple, in a temple we worship God, remember Him, and forget the world. The world means, our body,ailments of our body, problems of our relations and their ailments, the place where we forget all of these, that temple is Shree Ramsharnam. This is not a center for hearing grievances, nor a court, nor a police station to register FIR, nor a register to take complaints.


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