Meditation 2 (a)

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)

Meditation 2 (a)

1:00- 6:52

Listen to the steps of the meditation again. Sit cross legged. Sit as if Lord is around you. Bow down to offer your salutations. Bow to a great extent. The Lord says- the more you bow to me, the more you gain from me. There is a limit to how much we can bend with the body. But there is no limit from the mind. Learn to bend from the mind. Learn to bow from the heart. Take blessings of the lord . Sit absolutely straight.

How to sit straight? The way you are sitting cross legged, you can keep your hands and palms in any manner. The thing that matters the most is that, for whatever time we sit in meditation we need to sit without any movement. No movement at all. Sit for 10 min, 15 min, if there is any movement then it is no longer meditation. If becomes chanting or whatever you may say. That’s why keep the duration of meditation to a few minutes only. In the beginning 10-15 mins. The time for which we remain in bliss. Till we enjoy. Keep that much time. No need to exert yourself. How much time you can give happiness to the Lord give. How much you receive from Him. Meditation is the time to give and receive bliss. Time of meditation.

You bowed and received blessings. Now you are sitting straight. Have closed your eyes. Swamiji Maharaj says that the area between the eyes, krituti spot, aagya chakra, lord Shiva’s third eye , your third eye too. Close your eyes and see this spot. Don’t see the bindi. See the area of the bindi. It’s the outer sign. Whatever the Lord will show you, everything is behind this spot.

The kundalini rises up, comes from below, turns a little and again goes straight. The route appears to be straight, but, it is very long. Till the kundalini does not move from the top, till then there is always a danger of a person’s downfall. Most of us are stuck here only. That’s why everyday we fall and then get up. Some days meditation was excellent and some days, even after forceful attempt, one is not able to focus. One week you are able to rise early and then so many days pass without waking up early. All this is because of these reasons only. Till the kundalini moves, which comes due to blessings of a guru, from the head to beyond, till then we are in danger of falling.

Yesterday also you were requested that what do we need to see at the third eye? When Swamiji Maharajshri gives initiation ( deeksha) , He says, look at this area.After a few years he gives Shree Adhisthan Ji, and that means that see the Name. See the word Ram or any form of God you prefer. It does not matter. We have to see Ram, be in in Krishna’s form, understand this point very well, We have to reach at this stage. Whom do we have see here? Ram, the formless one. Who Ram? The formless Ram we need to see. You may see the formless One in the form of the King Ram with bow and arrow, you may see Him as Banke Bihari , in form of Shiva- Parvati, in form of mother Laxmi, Mother Saraswati, Maa Kaali, in form of The Supreme Master, in the form of Hanuman ji. Whatever form you like, you may see Ram as such. Never forget who is behind all these forms.


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