Meditation 2 (c)

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)

Meditation 2 (c)

11:00- 14:00

The moment we get the pipes touch of the Lord, St that very moment you become Him. He starts opening all His secrets for you. All the layers start falling off.

The light merges in the light. The light joins with the light. The soul merges with the Supreme Soul. The two souls get united. They become One. Advaita sets in. Two zeroes become One. It’s like this term zero that is being used here is of great importance. You all sit for meditation, I have no doubt in it, whosoever sits. You try that we attain this zero state. Here, dear devotees, our path gets divided into two. One is zero only.

You are doing jaap, ( chanting). In meditation jaap is not an obstruction, if performed appropriately. Only jaap is being performed, no worldly thoughts, then that jaap really helps you. This jaap is called zero. The state is of zero only. Why? It’s free of worldly thoughts. Zero, meaning free from worldly thoughts. Devotees, first attain this state.

After that comes the time when a person goes more deep and when he starts experiencing peace and bliss. Then jaap automatically stops. One does not have to stop jaap by own efforts. Because if it’s being told to you and we stop doing jaap then it’s not a good thing. I needs to stop by itself. If it stopsny itself then you become ready to attain the second state of zero. The supreme zero state. The state that is of the Lord and now you’ll attain it then only you’ll gave union with the Lord. Two zeroes become One. In spirituality in meditation two zeroes become One. Such a person is called Brahmgyani, such a person is called brahmveta.


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