
Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)



Discussion on surrender is going on. Samarpan. The ultimate of devotion is being discussed. Before we continue from where we left last, let us take some examples of surrender and understand, what is it? Everybody has heard about it. We offer all our karma. We all have heard about it. What does a normal regular practitioner know about it? Where we have no desire of our own, that is surrender. It’s very easy to hear about it, but to actually do it, that is really challenging. It’s us the ultimate of Bhakti. Where there remains no desire of one’s own. This is surrender. Where there is no doership. That is surrender. Then who is doer ? These words are from the path of devotion and not of knowledge. In the path of devotion there is just one doer- the Lord. Only one wish is working. That is the Lord’s. When there is no personal wish then the one is there is the Lord’s. This is surrender. One becomes the vehicle of the Lord’s wish.

The lord fulfills His wishes through that person who has become His vehicle. His thought becomes the Lord’s thought, his words the Lord’s words and his doing the Lord’s doing. The does everything through Him. One who surrenders. The Lord works through him. When the Lord accepts the person as His own, then there is no personal wish left of that person.

If you want to surrender do it as fast as possible. There should be no place for your own personal wish, only one wish remains and that is called the Lord’s wish.

The issue my dear mothers is that we do not know what His wish is? A grave problem indeed! I don’t know if you all face this problem or not. But, for me, a low category devotee, it’s a nice problem. He does not say, cannot see Him, how do we know what does He want? That’s why man spends his life in doubts. He us unable to reach that state, as he is of low category. I am saying this for myself. Lord says what is actually this world? Do you see the world? Then you have not set foot on the path of devotion. This world appears as the world to the non-devotee. The devotee sees the world as the Lord’s form. Who so ever says anything, think that it’s from Me. This is surrender. That’s why, this path is very difficult. But if one does surrender then he does not have to do anything else. Everything happens by itself.


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