About me

I am Anupama Mahajan.

This is my journey penned down from 2016, since I was brought upfront in the public. (2014).

I met my Master as a high school student. Got disconnected and when I got connected back as a college graduate, the life has just not been the same since then!

My Master’s teachings resonated with my being and I started taking in all mesmerized.

It was in 2016 that I was suggested to set up ramupasna, a storehouse of my learning in a different dimension all together.

I was made to write. I was made to talk and then came the books!

Most of the material here is in Hindi, but there are sections in English too!

Hope you find something that makes you connected as you cruise through your own journey ….

Be you ! Be love and sow those seeds wherever your journey takes you !