Category Archives: Meditation

ध्यान 3 – शरणागत (c)

परम पूज्यश्री डॉ विश्वामित्र जी के मुखारविंद से

ध्यान 3 – शरणागत (c)

10:11- 13:48

एक संत मृत्यु शय्या पर हैं। पता है सबको ।शरीर छोड़ने वाले हैं। यह शरीर के नाते से, एक चाची मिलने के लिए आई है। चाची कहती है अपने किए हुए पाप कर्म जाने अनजाने हुए उनको कर्मों की क्षमा परमात्मा से माँगी कि नहीं माँगी । भतीजे को पूछते हैं। भतीजा संत है इस वक़्त। भतीजा तो उसके लिए होगा । यह तो देवियों शरीर के नाते हैं न। यह आत्म संबंध नहीं हैं। यह शरीर के संबंध हैं । नश्वर संबंध । संत चाची ले कहते हैं चाची , मुझे एक ज़िन्दगी में एक क्षमा नहीं जब परमात्मा के साथ मेरा मन मुटाव हुआ हो। उन्होंने कुछ कहा और मैंने न मानी हो । मुझे कोई ऐसा क्षण याद नहीं। ऐसा अवसर मुझे याद नहीं। मैं उसकी हाँ में हाँ मिलाता रहा। जैसे उसने मुझे नाच नचाया मैं नाचता रहा। क्षमा किस बात की माँगूँ ? क्षमा तो तब माँगू जब मैंने उनकी किसी इच्छा को पूर्ण न किया हो। जो उन्होंने किया जैसा उन्होंने मुझे उंगल पर नचाया मैं सारी ज़िन्दगी नाचता रहा। मुझे ऐसा अवसर याद नहीं जब उनमें और मुझमें मन मुटाव हुआ हो। क्षमा किस बात की? वैसे तो मैं क्षमा हर समय ही माँगता रहता हूँ पर कोई ऐसा अपराध मैंने विशेष किया हो मुझे याद नहीं है। शरणागति ।

परमात्मा की हाँ में हाँ मिलाना भक्ति और भक्ति की पराकाष्ठा है। चर्चा यहाँ समाप्त हुई थी । ऐसे शरणागत । आपकी सेवा में उदाहरण दी है कि शरणागत कैसा होता है। ऐसे शरणागत को परमात्मा उसके कर्मों के अनुसार नहीं चलाता । क्या रह गया ज़िन्दगी में ? मौज ही मौज है अब । आनन्द ही आनन्द है अब । कर्म तो ख़त्म हो गए भस्म हो गए । तुझे मैं सारे पापों से मुक्त कर दूँगा । यदि यही नष्ट हो गए ख़ाक. हो गए तो दुख कहाँ से आएगा । उसे मैं अपने अनुसार चलाता हूँ। अपना वाहन । परमात्मा को अपना काम चलाना है कि नहीं चलाना । किनके माध्यम से चलाता है वह ? ऐसे शरणागतों के माध्यम से। जिनको परमात्मा अपना स्वीकार कर लेता है । जो परमात्मा के हाथों पहले बिक जाते हैं और फिर परमात्मा उन्हें ख़रीद लेता है बस। उनको अपना वाहन बना लेता है। उनके माध्यम से परमात्मा करता है। उनको मैं उनके कर्मों के अनुसार नहीं अपने अनुसार चलाता हूँ ।


Meditation 3b

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal translations from the Hindi discourse)

Meditation 3b

5:32- 10:10

Today Arjun went with Madhav for a stroll. Lord saw a white pigeon and said See Parth! Such an ugly black crow! Yes Madhav really ugly. One does not wish to see it. They went further ahead, an saw a real black crow. Madhav said, See Paarth, such a shining white pigeon. One wishes to hold it. Take it in one’s lap. One wishes to love it. Yes Keshav, you are right. Bhagwanshri was surprised to hear Arjun’s responses and said, Paarth! Tell me one thing, did you actually see what I was saying? Arjun said, Madhav, Whatever you say, I accept. Why? If those things are not like that, then you are caoae of making them like that. There why it is better to accept them. Surrender. Arjun has understood this concept. That’s why the most valuable teaching – leave all religions and take my refuge, take only my refuge. That’s the condition. I will remove all your sins. What do you have to do? It’s all done. Everything is done. Don’t despair. Don’t worry. I will free you from all your negativities.

Bhagwaanshri has reached the river Pampa. It’s the area where Mother Shabri lives. Wanted to go for a bath. Lord is holding the arrow in his hand. He thought that I need to take a bath so there is no need for the arrow. He dug the arrow in the sand. After the bath, he took out his arrow and found blood at it’s tip. Laxman! Whose blood is it? See!! Who is inside. I had put the arrow in the ground. See who is in the ground? There is blood. After little digging, saw a frog soaked in blood. It is a beautiful example of surrender. All discussions of surrender and giving oneself up are extraordinary. It’s because surrender is so beautiful, giving oneself up is just beautiful.

Oh Frog! Whenever we see you are always croaking. When you got hurt, why didn’t you say so? Oh Lord of all Lords, when the life giver himself is taking away life, then whom to pray? I thought that there is no need to think not open one’s mouth. Earlier whoever I was in distress, I would call out that Ram please save me. The savior has not become the predator whom to pray? This is surrender….



Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)



Discussion on surrender is going on. Samarpan. The ultimate of devotion is being discussed. Before we continue from where we left last, let us take some examples of surrender and understand, what is it? Everybody has heard about it. We offer all our karma. We all have heard about it. What does a normal regular practitioner know about it? Where we have no desire of our own, that is surrender. It’s very easy to hear about it, but to actually do it, that is really challenging. It’s us the ultimate of Bhakti. Where there remains no desire of one’s own. This is surrender. Where there is no doership. That is surrender. Then who is doer ? These words are from the path of devotion and not of knowledge. In the path of devotion there is just one doer- the Lord. Only one wish is working. That is the Lord’s. When there is no personal wish then the one is there is the Lord’s. This is surrender. One becomes the vehicle of the Lord’s wish.

The lord fulfills His wishes through that person who has become His vehicle. His thought becomes the Lord’s thought, his words the Lord’s words and his doing the Lord’s doing. The does everything through Him. One who surrenders. The Lord works through him. When the Lord accepts the person as His own, then there is no personal wish left of that person.

If you want to surrender do it as fast as possible. There should be no place for your own personal wish, only one wish remains and that is called the Lord’s wish.

The issue my dear mothers is that we do not know what His wish is? A grave problem indeed! I don’t know if you all face this problem or not. But, for me, a low category devotee, it’s a nice problem. He does not say, cannot see Him, how do we know what does He want? That’s why man spends his life in doubts. He us unable to reach that state, as he is of low category. I am saying this for myself. Lord says what is actually this world? Do you see the world? Then you have not set foot on the path of devotion. This world appears as the world to the non-devotee. The devotee sees the world as the Lord’s form. Who so ever says anything, think that it’s from Me. This is surrender. That’s why, this path is very difficult. But if one does surrender then he does not have to do anything else. Everything happens by itself.


Meditation 2 (c)

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)

Meditation 2 (c)

11:00- 14:00

The moment we get the pipes touch of the Lord, St that very moment you become Him. He starts opening all His secrets for you. All the layers start falling off.

The light merges in the light. The light joins with the light. The soul merges with the Supreme Soul. The two souls get united. They become One. Advaita sets in. Two zeroes become One. It’s like this term zero that is being used here is of great importance. You all sit for meditation, I have no doubt in it, whosoever sits. You try that we attain this zero state. Here, dear devotees, our path gets divided into two. One is zero only.

You are doing jaap, ( chanting). In meditation jaap is not an obstruction, if performed appropriately. Only jaap is being performed, no worldly thoughts, then that jaap really helps you. This jaap is called zero. The state is of zero only. Why? It’s free of worldly thoughts. Zero, meaning free from worldly thoughts. Devotees, first attain this state.

After that comes the time when a person goes more deep and when he starts experiencing peace and bliss. Then jaap automatically stops. One does not have to stop jaap by own efforts. Because if it’s being told to you and we stop doing jaap then it’s not a good thing. I needs to stop by itself. If it stopsny itself then you become ready to attain the second state of zero. The supreme zero state. The state that is of the Lord and now you’ll attain it then only you’ll gave union with the Lord. Two zeroes become One. In spirituality in meditation two zeroes become One. Such a person is called Brahmgyani, such a person is called brahmveta.


Meditation 2 (a)

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)

Meditation 2 (a)

1:00- 6:52

Listen to the steps of the meditation again. Sit cross legged. Sit as if Lord is around you. Bow down to offer your salutations. Bow to a great extent. The Lord says- the more you bow to me, the more you gain from me. There is a limit to how much we can bend with the body. But there is no limit from the mind. Learn to bend from the mind. Learn to bow from the heart. Take blessings of the lord . Sit absolutely straight.

How to sit straight? The way you are sitting cross legged, you can keep your hands and palms in any manner. The thing that matters the most is that, for whatever time we sit in meditation we need to sit without any movement. No movement at all. Sit for 10 min, 15 min, if there is any movement then it is no longer meditation. If becomes chanting or whatever you may say. That’s why keep the duration of meditation to a few minutes only. In the beginning 10-15 mins. The time for which we remain in bliss. Till we enjoy. Keep that much time. No need to exert yourself. How much time you can give happiness to the Lord give. How much you receive from Him. Meditation is the time to give and receive bliss. Time of meditation.

You bowed and received blessings. Now you are sitting straight. Have closed your eyes. Swamiji Maharaj says that the area between the eyes, krituti spot, aagya chakra, lord Shiva’s third eye , your third eye too. Close your eyes and see this spot. Don’t see the bindi. See the area of the bindi. It’s the outer sign. Whatever the Lord will show you, everything is behind this spot.

The kundalini rises up, comes from below, turns a little and again goes straight. The route appears to be straight, but, it is very long. Till the kundalini does not move from the top, till then there is always a danger of a person’s downfall. Most of us are stuck here only. That’s why everyday we fall and then get up. Some days meditation was excellent and some days, even after forceful attempt, one is not able to focus. One week you are able to rise early and then so many days pass without waking up early. All this is because of these reasons only. Till the kundalini moves, which comes due to blessings of a guru, from the head to beyond, till then we are in danger of falling.

Yesterday also you were requested that what do we need to see at the third eye? When Swamiji Maharajshri gives initiation ( deeksha) , He says, look at this area.After a few years he gives Shree Adhisthan Ji, and that means that see the Name. See the word Ram or any form of God you prefer. It does not matter. We have to see Ram, be in in Krishna’s form, understand this point very well, We have to reach at this stage. Whom do we have see here? Ram, the formless one. Who Ram? The formless Ram we need to see. You may see the formless One in the form of the King Ram with bow and arrow, you may see Him as Banke Bihari , in form of Shiva- Parvati, in form of mother Laxmi, Mother Saraswati, Maa Kaali, in form of The Supreme Master, in the form of Hanuman ji. Whatever form you like, you may see Ram as such. Never forget who is behind all these forms.


Meditation 2

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri

Meditation 2

Bend and offer salutations to the Lord. Those who have space, they may touch their forehead on the floor at the Lotus feet of the lord and then sit straight. Keep your back straight. Neck straight eyes closed. Everyone close your eyes. See at the place where bindi is put. Look at the third eye and keep looking there. Within , remember, the loving Lord. You may call out to Him vigorously or elongate Ram and call. The way it appears sweeter to you. If both feel sweet then you may call by both methods. Meditation is the time when you constantly remember God for His constant remembrance. To forget about the world. What happened with me, forget it. Did I do anything with anybody, forget it. If you have done good for somebody forget it. If somebody has wronged you, forget it. That’s why this time of meditation is so important. To be in constant remembrance of God, and whatever has happened in the world, to forget it. The more we remember the world it’ll bring distress. The more we remember God, it’ll bring more happiness and peace.

Forget that you are a Brahmin or a kshetriya. Forget that you are a doctor or an engineer. Forget if you are rich or poor. Forget if you are a sinner or a saint, a female or a male. At this moment you are the part of the Divine. This is time to bring forth our true self, our Soul content. I am not the body that perishes. Then what are you? I am constant, pure, enlightened, free, illuminated blissful Soul. I am the indestructible part of the indestructible Divine. The body can go through pain and discomfort , not me. The body can be upset, but not me. The body can get sick, not me. This is the time to awaken our true Self. What is my relation with God? This is the time to explore it. What is my relation with the world? This is the time to find it out. Who am I? What am I ? This is the time to find it out.


Go thoughtless. Thoughtless means, there are no worldly thoughts. This time is such that God makes you realize that who are you? Who am I ? Who is God? What is our relationship? All these things you need not search in the books. If your meditative state is such, then even a minute of deep meditation, can burn your sins to ashes. The way the atomic bomb is so destructive and causes wide destruction, in the same manner, meditation and the time of mediation can burn all negativities of several past births, such is its importance.

Kindly keep sitting. Be thoughtless. Excellent! Close all the windows and doors of your thoughts. Kindly keep sitting till the meeting ends.

Raaaaaam Ram Ram Ram Raaaam

Meditation 1a (b)

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri

Meditation 1a (b)

6.46 min – 13:22

A young couple came. I was not able to recognize them. The wife started speaking. The husband was standing next to her, but was quiet.

The wife says – my mother had a surgery, it went well. Now she is better.

I said – It’s God’s grace. Very good.

But she is very weak.

After the ailment there is weakness. She’ll be better.

She said _ I am pregnant.

Many congratulations. Keep doing your prayers and chanting.

She said- My sister is not engaged yet.

I said – Beta, these things are fixed. Keep working on it and wait.

The last thing was – my husband’s sister too is not married yet.

Then I wrote to that earlier lady – Shreeramsharnam is not a place to register your problems. It is a place of devotion. Come here and remember God. Try to forget the world. On behalf of Swamiji Maharajshri wrote that swamiji says – without devotion, there is no peace.

That’s why-

Bless me with one pointed devotion, Ram

Ask Lord for His one pointed devotion.

She received this letter, and then responded back, felt beautiful, must be educated, pure Hindi, somewhere English too, it was mixed. She wrote that I have understood.

What is the fruit of meditation? Whatever is the reality, we get to understand that. This is the fruit of meditation. It will happen only in meditation. That lady is lucky, she understood just by the letter. Without devotion, there is no peace. She said these words herself in her letter. She had sent it by post. It’s clear. Without devotion one cannot get peace.Even if the problems get solved, do we get peace? She asked this question. Then answered herself that, so many problems we faced in life, so many got solved, but still there is no peace. I will take care from next time. When I’ll go to Shreeramsharnam, I myself will work towards getting peace and will let others know too that there is one place where we get peace.

I really liked her letter, that’s why shared it with you all. With devotion, by coming to Shreeramsharnam if you say your worldly and spiritual problems get solved, then I will make it clear to you, that it’s the power of devotion. When you sit peacefully for a little time while you are here, the energy that you accumulate , conserve, you become a vessel for the blessings of the Lord. Even if the problem does not get solved, devotion gives you great strength, it makes you patient. It gives restrain to keep quiet and provides energy to keep the doors of the mind closed. Devotion.


Focus your mind on this sound. Listen and focus your mind on the inner echo of this sound.

Meditation 1a

Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri

Meditation 1a


Close your eyes. Sit straight. Back straight, spine absolutely straight. Look at the third eye. Look with immense love. Don’t strain. Sometimes see the third eye with open eyes. It’s very sweet very important place, the Agyachakra. Ida, Pingla and Sushumna, the three nerves meet here. It’s a very important place.

O Ram please give me one pointed devotion, and bless me with the Divine Love in everything I see

Bless me with strong determination and knowledge of thy path

The goal of meditation – one pointedness in devotion to Ram. How will it happen? When we don’t need to do anything then why should the hand move? When we don’t have to go anywhere then why should the feet move? When other than Ram we don’t have to say anything then why should this tongue move? When other than the third eye, we don’t need to see anything then why should the eye open? When there is no desire then why should wishes rise in the mind? Why should the mind be thoughtless then? The silence of the body, silence of the mind ,silence of the heart. The combination of these three is meditation. We conserve the outside energy with these three. The entire energy should be used for meditation. The game is not for the weak. It’s for the brave. Those who know how to conserve their energy only they will be the players of this game. Otherwise they will fall, break and burst . They will not be able to reach their goal.

In this context a letter was written to a lady. Her letter had not come . The letter was written on this statement if hers, she had some problem, she had come to tell but went away by saying that people like us are not heard. I don’t know, but she sent a little slip through Mr. Kalra.

Ma’am , a little clarification, this place, which is called Shree Ram Sharnam, it’s a temple, in a temple we worship God, remember Him, and forget the world. The world means, our body,ailments of our body, problems of our relations and their ailments, the place where we forget all of these, that temple is Shree Ramsharnam. This is not a center for hearing grievances, nor a court, nor a police station to register FIR, nor a register to take complaints.


Meditation b

Divine discourse of Param Pujyashri Maharajshri

Meditation b

6:47- 13:30

We work less with our hands but more with mind and heart. That’s why in Swamiji’s Sadhna there is predominance of contemplation, of chanting of meditation, but very less is needed from the action from the body.

We are chanting on the rosary, the fingers are moving, but, in this chant if the mind is not connected, then it is like a tape recorder. Totally mechanical. How valuable that’ll be, Lord knows.

So, the first thing that we understood today is that Swamiji Maharajshri’s methodology of Sadhna is mental worship. What do we need to do in this? What kind of emotions do we need to have in this? Mental or imaginative.

Imagination, like, you are sitting in your room right now, at home, you entered your place. You removed the cloth covering Shri Adhishtaan ji or open the door for it and bowed. After bowing you sit and burn the incense or dhoop. Just think ladies and gentlemen that first you’ll light the lamp, or the incense, whatever maybe your order. It does not matter. You burned the incense. What for? One needs to think about it. Why are you burning it? Do you want to give fragrance to the Lord? What would the Lord do with the fragrance? History vouches for it, that wherever Lord appears, the atmosphere gets filled with fragrance. This is the sign of his presence. It’s clear, the room does not have his presence, so you are burning the incense, that the Lord is present there now. So why was the incense stick burned? Such that the environment gets filled with fragrance and we feel the Lord there.You lighted the lamp, etc, etc.

What does the fragrance of the incense stick tell us? What does the dhoop tell us? Even if you stop it, the smoke of the dhoop the fragrance of the incense stick will reach there, where you are not even will go out, and people outside will know that mummy has lighted the incense stick, as if, if it reminds us of the omnipresence of the Lord then it is worthwhile. Otherwise mechanical. Now you are sitting at that place, where the omnipresent Lord is seated. Why? The environment is filled with fragrance. They say that wherever there is fragrance, Lord is present. Now you are feeling the presence of the Lord, now your worship begins.

For today, only this much. Well, we know for sure, that the methodology of our worship is mental. It’s not object based. If we use any object then it is in preparation for the mental worship.


Meditation 1 a

Divine discourse of Param Pujyashri Maharajshri


1-6:47 min

Bow your head in reverence to the Lord and then sit up straight. Close your eyes and see the position of the third eye. Sit in the meditative condition. Let me remind you of the steps of meditation.

Believe that the Lord is with you, now in reverence and sit straight, close your eyes and seeing the area of third eye, calling out to the loving Lord within is called meditation. We call out, chant the name first then call out to Him and then go in remembrance of Him. Keep this pattern. Follow this. The Lord will bless.

We all here are worshippers of the Lord. Our worship is different from other worship, the ones that we are more familiar with. Swamiji Maharajshri says –

Worship the Lord, Keep the Lord in your body

Consider the mind as the temple, the One who is the greatest.

Never to forget this verse. Swamiji Maharaj has explained his mode of Sadhna here. The Hindi word for ghat is also called the clock, the body is also called the ghat. If we look at the top of the body then it is the inverted ghat. The clock has been kept inverted. and the rest of the part is at the top. This head is our ghat. Worship the Lord, by meditating on the head. Swamiji Maharaj is explaining the methodology of the worship.

Our focus should be on the head. Our focus should not go on the outer things. Not on the outside. Consider the mind to be the temple. Swamiji Maharaj has made it more clear that the One who is the greatest, One who is seated in the temple, worship Him.

It’s clear that our worship is not object based. Our worship is also not action based. Ordinarily we light the incense with our hands, the lamp with our hands, offer flowers, and fruit, sweets and we walk to the temple. After we reach there, we offer prasaad, take the prasaad, do the aarti, take the Aarti etc, etc. we are familiar with this worship. We know about this. There is nothing wrong with it. If this worship is done, the way Swamiji Maharaj is explaining, then you need not do anything other than this worship. It is complete in itself. Otherwise, incomplete like the karmas. Right now the worship we perform has involvement of the body, we go to the temple, with feet, offer flowers, light lamp, incense and offer prasaad with hands. It’s an action performed by the body. If the mind, intellect and emotions are connected with it, then it becomes a complete worship. Saints call it mental worship.
