Category Archives: Aatma or Soul

Soul Content 2b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content

Eternal Happiness

Part 2b

You are connected with the world, dear ladies and gentlemen, the world does not have happiness, His will it give it to you. If we understand one thing, then we do not become dependent on our husband for happiness. Right now we are dependent on him, money, on this, on that, etc, etc. So, you all do receive pleasure but momentarily. But this pleasure brings in so much of unhappiness, that you are unable to forget it for the rest of your life. If you really think that you are getting happiness within, then you’ll nod your heads that no, we are not happy. The happiness that you are seeking from the world, the world does not have it.

At the vegetable shop you’ll not get jewelry. At the utensils shop you’ll not get medicines. Where these things are sold, you need to approach that particular area. There only you’ll get these things. It’s an illusion and this illusion needs to be removed.

It’s not a very pleasing example, but it’s touching. Saints and Divine Souls often give this example to all, because we are suffering from this illness and are stuck there. That’s why, to come out of it, the example is being narrated.

There is a dog. He eats bone. He finds a bone from somewhere and starts biting on it. The more he bites the more he enjoys. The more taste he gets.He has an illusion that he is getting pleasure out of the bone. Saints and Divine Souls say no. While biting the bone, his own mouth bleeds. His own blood is tasty, it’s the blood that gives pleasure. The taste is not of the bone. The more taste he develops the more he bites and his entire jaw gets hurt. But he is getting the pleasure. The pleasure is not of the bone it’s of his own blood.

So likewise, the saints and Divine Souls explain that whatever pleasure you get out of the objects , it’s not from the objects or things that you getting the It’s not of the objects. This is of your own Soul, it’s of your Lord, who is seated within , it’s that reflection. Today you read. Today you read about the peaceful content, other contents, caring content of the soul . Swamiji Maharajshri has written, whatever you receive, whatever is dear to you, whatever appears loving to you, none of it has anything in it. It is your Soul that gets reflected through that.

Your Lord is seated within you, the reflection is from There. That’s why the thing appears dear to you. If not then sometimes one does not like it. Whatever comes from within, Love pours there.


Soul Content 2a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content

Eternal Happiness

Part 2 a

Within the context of soul Content, the discussion on happiness is going on. Swamiji Maharaj is telling us about the emotions that we need to have towards our Soul. The discussion was , that from an ant to Brahma ji all have one basic desire , happiness. Whatever we do, Kindly introspect deeply that we do to achieve this only.

To have a child, for happiness.

We make them study, get them a job, for happiness.

Whatever you do, dear seekers, the demand is that happiness.

Get the son married, we’ll get happiness. Daughter gets married, to get that happiness, etc etc.

You earn money, for happiness; house is small , get a bigger one, for happiness; you have one car, you want many, so the basic demand is happiness only.

What kind of happiness is this ? Dear seekers it is important to understand this. The other day you saw that the pleasures where we are stuck, it is a mere reflection of the real happiness, it’s not real happiness. The basic demand is real happiness, so what is this real happiness?

What kind of happiness is it? The happiness that is present every where, every time. You are very happy as you are sitting here. You don’t want that when you reach home you are greeted with unhappiness. Meaning, that you want happiness here also and there too. Then you go to the office or your store ( shop) , there also you want happiness. This kind of happiness is called the one that is present at every place. At every place you want happiness. It’s not also like you want this happiness just in the morning and in the afternoon unhappiness starts. You want happiness in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night too. This kind of happiness is called the one that is present every time. Happiness Every place and every time. It’s not that you are sitting very happily here. When you go home, your parents give you immense happiness. You talk to them and it gives you happiness. But the wife troubles you. You don’t want this kind of happiness. Meaning you want happiness every time and at every place and from everybody. More over you don’t want happiness that is dependent on others. To be dependent on others, such happiness is called dependency on others.

Actually dear seekers, we are all afflicted with sickness of the happiness that depends on others. Someone is dependent on the pleasures of alcohol, somebody on smoking cigarettes, somebody on husband, somebody on money, somebody on praise. We are all used to this kind of pleasure. We want independent happiness. We do not want our happiness to be dependent on somebody else. Neither do we want the happiness to be less. We want happiness to be really big. So many things are linked with pleasure.

We want this, that, here, there, from this person, that person, we need independence in that. It must not be less, it should be in great quantity, etc, etc.

This kind of happiness is called Absolute Happiness.

This happiness is called God.

This happiness is called the Lord.

This happiness is called the eternal happiness.

This happiness is called Supreme peace.

Who has this kind of happiness, The Supreme Soul. If you want this kind of happiness then you need to take refuge of the Lord, who has everything. The One who is the Source of everything we need to approach Him. You need to connect with Him, then you’ll get happiness.


Soul Content 1d

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 d

The entire life will be spent in searching for happiness, we’ll end up getting dirt in our hands. Like, the ones who took the dive, were not getting the necklace but dirt in hand. They came out by getting their hands dirty. This is our case too. We keep searching for happiness in the world and spoil our entire life. Inside we become so hollow. No energy remains within. No power remains inside.NaN gets ruined and in the end,with this shameful face he enters the Lord’s court. As if he is not worthy of showing his face.

He only understood that this life is for accumulating property, wealth, I’ll get happiness from this only. The life is for accumulating worldly knowledge, to become a doctor, engineer, leader, for winning the elections, etc, etc. some spent their life like this, some spent their life like that. But the real life only the rarest of the rare spent. The real life someone rare did..

A king went to fight a war with another king. Challenged and won! The king that lost, all his property , everything that he had was taken away. Naturally, everything is his, the one who wins. Where will he take it, the one who has come from another kingdom , where is he going to take it? It’s very difficult to carry the entire kingdom with you. Yes, the money can be taken. Jewels, dresses, etc, can be taken. But the kingdom and the entire population, where to take it?

Asked – Does the slain king has anyone of his own? Such that I can give the kingdom to him. Was told- Yes. Has one son but he is an ascetic. He has no connection with the kingdom. He is not at all interested in this wealth. A message was sent that the king has summoned for you. Refused to come. Said I have nothing to do with the king. The king heard and was surprised. The king goes to see this ascetic prince, other people must have accompanied too. Said – Son! I am the king who killed your father. The one who has won over your kingdom. Tell me ! What should I give you? I don’t want anything. Shall I give you the kingdom? No! I said, I do not want anything. Kindly do not waste my time. Let me do my Divine practices, please leave. But what do you want?

This ascetic prince says- O king ! I would like to have a life, where there is no death. I want that happiness, which is not accompanied by unhappiness. I want such happiness that never ends. I want eternal happiness, Supreme happiness. I want that fortune that does not have misfortune with it. I want that life where there is only happiness and happiness. Such a life that does not have old age with it, which does not have sadness with it. If you have it, then please stay here otherwise please leave. The king said – I do not have all that.

Kindly do not waste my time. Please return back. The One who has all these things, why not stay connected to it. Why not enter His Kingdom. What will I do by taking your mortal kingdom, where there is only unhappiness?

If this had happiness, then you would not have considered giving me this kingdom. You would have kept it with yourself. Mortal, whatever is mortal, a lover of God, a devotee of the Lord, the one who is connected with the Source, renounces all in the same manner as after getting up in the morning one freshens up, and relieves oneself of the waste. For him everything is waste. For him, all is like poop. Not of use at all.

He has taken hold of the Truth. He had held that thing which is immortal.

Dear devotees kindly allow to stop here. We’ll continue this discussion further, to understand happiness and peace. Thank You.

Soul Content 1 c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 c

Dear ladies and gentlemen, from an ant to Brahmaji, everybody’s basic desire is this happiness. Which happiness? This happiness, that we call eternal happiness, that we call the bliss from hymns, the soulful happiness, the eternal happiness. The search for this happiness. But where are we stuck? The lives are getting ruined running after this mortal pleasure. We think the pleasure from things is the real happiness. How can this illusion be removed from our lives, how can we attain the Supreme happiness? We’ll discuss about this in the coming days.

Today the discussion on happiness has started. What is happiness? Is it the name of a thing? Do we get happiness from a thing or does a situation gives us happiness? Saints and Divine Souls declare, No.

Happiness is that, which pleases our mind. That is happiness. The one that does not please our mind is unhappiness. The play of the mind and not of the things. There is no happiness or unhappiness inherent in things/ objects. Not at all. This is the play of the mind. Whatever pleases the mind, that is pleasure for you. Whatever is not in accordance with the mind, that is unhappiness for you. So this pleasure and unhappiness are the play of the mind.

For example, it’s going to be winter. Blankets will come out, quilts will come out. The blanket is so comfortable in the winter, but so uncomfortable in the summer. As if there is no comfort in the object. Hot water feels so good in winters and gives discomfort in summers. The water is the same.

A person goes to the fish market. Meat market. The one who eats it, does not feel the discomfort of the smell. Even if it smells, still he purchases. Comes home to cook. With great enjoyment and pleasure he eats it. Another person, who has no interest in eating meat, nor fish, when he passes through that market, he puts a napkin on his nose and walks. For one the same thing provides pleasure and for the other discomfort. People who smoke, so comfortably they smoke, they show it to everybody and smoke. You may feel so bad about the smoke, especially those who do not smoke. The object is one, but for one it is pleasurable and for the other it is discomfort. So, the object does not contain pleasure or discomfort. It is the play of the mind, to what it attaches pleasure and to what it attaches discomfort. The one that pleases is supportive and it is pleasure. The one that is non supportive is discomfort.

Where will happiness come from ?

The Soul content that Swamiji Maharajshri is discussing, He is saying :

The Soul’s firm is happiness

The Soul’s form is peaceful

Soul’s form is Truth

Soul’s form is Purity

Why is Swamiji Maharaj telling us all these attributes of the Soul ? As if our perception, our vision is being directed inside, towards our Soul, towards the Lord, the Source of happiness, peace, purity, energy, bliss etc. To connect our emotions with these, that’s why these attributes are being discussed.

Why ?

All saints and Divine Souls know, it’s possible that maybe you know it too, that where we are wandering, that is the reflection of happiness. It can never be acquired.


Soul Content 1b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 b

The happiness that we are acquainted with is what ?

There is a princess. She went to bathe in a pond near by. Friends are also with her. Everybody entered the water, to play. All their clothes were near the banks of the pond. The princess has a very expensive necklace. That time, when the necklace cost 9 lacs. Just imagine, how precious that necklace must have been. Before she stepped into the water, she removed the necklace. Everybody took bath, all Friend’s are with the princess. Everybody is enjoying a lot. She cans out of water, and sees that the clothes are there, but the necklace is missing. The search has started.

The king receives the news. My daughter’s necklace has got lost. Where could it have gone? The girl does not remember where it fell. She removed it outside but nowhere if could be found. Different kinds of divers, are trying in so many ways, but it’s not to be found.

Today, after some days a woodcutter, is coming back after cutting woods from the jungle. He went near the pond to drink water. The word was out from the king, that anyone who tells the whereabouts of the necklace or will find it, will get one lac ripped. The news of this prize money had spread far and wide. So to win that money, many people had been coming. In the same search, the woodcutter, while drinking water, what does he see? He sees the necklace in the water. He saw the necklace at the bottom. He dived in, he knew how to swim. But the necklace is not coming in his hand. Only dirt comes in his hand. He kept waiting for a while. I have seen it with my eyes. Where did it disappear? Again when the water cleared, he saw the necklace. Anyways, his job was done. He goes and informs the king.

O King! Your daughter’s necklace is in that pond only. I have seen it with my own eyes. I tried catching it also, but it was not coming in my hands. Now the efforts really increased manifold. Anybody who goes there, when the water is clear, if the water is still, not moving, then everybody can see the necklace. And anybody who dives in does not get the necklace but gets dirt in his hand.

When they hold the dirt, the water gets murky. Then it settles after a while. This is all that’s going on. Everyday huge crowd gathers. A wandering saint, happened to pass by. He asked, what happened? What do many people have gathered. He was told the whole story. Said, the king’s daughter’s necklace has got lost, in this pond, but nobody can find it.

Saints are after all saints. Said- brothers, the necklace that you are seeing is not the necklace. The necklace is hanging up there. The eagle took it up in its nest. There is the tree, whose reflection can be seen in this pond. Who can catch a reflection? You are seeing a reflection. The necklace is hanging up there. Anybody who goes up the tree will be able to get the necklace. If you keep trying for ages also, you will never be able to catch the reflection. Only thing you’ll get is the dirt. Not the necklace.

Dear devotees, the pleasure that we are acquainted with, the pleasure that we keep searching for in this world, it is the mortal one, linked with desires. This pleasure is a reflection of that Supreme happiness. This pleasure is not the real happiness.

The search is on for that Supreme happiness. The everlasting immortal happiness, that one that never finishes up. The one that does not have unhapiness related to it. That is called Lord, that is called absolute peace, that is called Supreme happiness. All are One. We have got this life to acquire that happiness.


Soul Content 1a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Soul Content


Part 1 a

The discussion regarding soul content is going on. Today Swamiji has started the topic of happiness. It’ll take about 2-4 days. The next is peace. We’ll spend couple of days on happiness and peace, to understand what they are?

Today Most Revered Swamiji Maharajshri stated that the source of happiness is the Soul. The distributor of happiness. It is as if, our own form, our true form, the real form is the source of happiness. From these soul content topics Swamiji Maharajshri is trying to make us understand that whatever you are searching outside it’s not true. Everything is within you, everything is in your Soul, everything is in the Lord. Search for it then you’ll get the real thing.

Outside it is pleasure, the mortal pleasure. The pleasure with which unhappiness is attached, the kind of life that is attached with death. These things are on the outside. Therefore the person is always wandering. He gains nothing. The way he came empty handed, in the same manner he goes empty handed too. This empty handed is not being said for something mortal. The real happiness, the Supreme happiness, the spirituality, if the hands are empty of them, then saints and Divine Souls say that the person goes empty handed. As if the life has been a failure. The life has been wasted. So dear seekers, let us begin the discussion on happiness.


आपकी आत्मा मेरी आत्मा रोग रहित है

Aug 31, 2018

आज का आत्मिक चिन्तन

आपकी आत्मा व मेरी आत्मा रोग रहित है

आत्मा पवित्र होती है। उसमें कोई दाग नहीं होता ! वह सदा परमानन्द में रहती है। ऐसा नहीं कि आज परमानन्द में है और कल नहीं ! नहीं !

अनुपमा कौन है ? कब नाम पड़ा अनुपमा । जब बच्ची का जन्म हुआ । या आजकल जब पता लग जाए कि पुत्र है या पुत्री तो तभी नाम दे देते हैं। सो किसको नाम दिया गया ? देह को नाम दिया गया ।

देह रोग ग्रस्त होता है मन रोग ग्रस्त होता है । संतगण कहते हैं कि मन से ही देह रोग ग्रस्त होता है । देह में ही जन्म व मरण है । किन्तु आत्मा में यह सब नहीं ! वह वैसे का वैसा प्रकाशमय ऊर्जामय रहता है !

मन में नकारात्मकताएं होती हैं । मन की नकारात्मकताएं देह में कर्म के रूप में निकलती हैं । मन में मलिनता होती है ! देह में व्यवहार रूप में निकलती है । पर आत्मा पाक् होती ही ! परमेश्वर का अंश !

पर इन मन के संस्कारों के आवरणों से ढक जाती है छिप जाती है ।

पवित्र होते हुए भी मलिन आवरणों में दब जाती है । और यही आवरण भिन्नता लेकर आता है !

इन आवरणों को गेरना केवल मानव जीवन में ही सम्भव है । इन आवरणनों के गेरने को ही आरोग्य होना कहते हैं । जितने आवरण गिरते जाते हैं उतना आत्मा उभर कर आने लगती है ।

इसी प्रयोजन के लिए मानव जीवन मिला है कि हर तरह का आवरण अपने असली स्वरूप से गेर सकें और मानव जीवन सफल बना सकें । सो रोग केवल मन व देह को होता है ।

अनन्त आत्मा चमकता , है तेरे सब ओर ।

मेरे आत्म- रूप हे, सर्व दिशा सब ठौर ।।

मेरी व आपकी आत्मा ऊर्जा का स्रोत

Aug 30, 2018

आज का आत्मिक चिन्तन

बहुत ही अनूठे ढंग से प्रभु यह आत्मिक चिन्तन करवा रहे हैं । पूज्य गुरूदेव ने कहा है कि जिन लोगों में संशय की प्रवृति होती है उन्हें आत्मिक भावनाओं का मनन व चिन्तन करना चाहिए।

यह पंक्ति आज सुनने को मिली, वह भी किसी मीटिंग में कि जिसमें जितना अधिक विश्वास होगा उसमें उतना तेज़ी से रूपांतरण आता है ! बात जैसे कि टिक गई हो !

यह विश्वास कि मेरे भीतर जो मैं हूँ वह अनन्त ऊर्जा का स्रोत है, वह बहुत कुछ करने में सक्ष्म है व उस ऊर्जा को किसी भी सकारात्मक कार्य में लगा सकता है ।

हम अपने मन के विचारों से हताश हो जाते हैं, परिवार के वातावरण से मायूस हो जाते हैं, काम न बनने के कारण उदास रहते हैं! किन्तु सदि इस पावन ऊर्जा के यदि सम्पर्क में रहें तो हर पल तरोताज़ा आनन्दमय व मुस्कुराता हुआ निकल सकता है । इसी ऊर्जा की शक्ति से सभी पाप ताप नष्ट हो जाते हैं,ऐसा संतगण कहते हैं।

बात ही उस ऊर्जा से बार बार संयुक्त होने की ! बार बार उस ऊर्जामें स्नान करने की ! और एक दिन उसी में विलीन हो जाने की ….. कल्पना !

तेरे बल सम्मुख कभी , खडा न होवे पाप ।

तेरी सुशक्ति ही हने, सभी शाप परिताप ।।

( श्री भक्ति प्रकाश जी )

मेरा व आपका आत्मा पवित्र है

Aug 29, 2018

आज का आत्मिक चिन्तन

मेरी आत्मा पवित्र है और दूसरी की आत्मा भी पवित्र है

कहां है मलिनता ? हमारे मन में ! केवल मन में ! गुरूदेव कहते हैं कि मन तो है ही नहीं ! तो कहां है मलिनता ? हमारे विचारों में ! विचार जब मलिन होते हैं तो व्यवहार भी दूषित हो जाता है ! पसंद न पसंद , सब विचारों में है ! राग द्वेष सब विचारों में हैं । उसने ऐसा कहा ! तो विचार टेढ़े बन गए ! उसने ऐसा क्यों नहीं कहा ! तो भी विचार टेढ़े बन गए ! विचारों में ही है मलिनता !

किन्तु विचार कर्म बना देते हैं और संस्कार बन जाते हैं ! चाहतें , इच्छाएं, भोग, लालसाएँ सब संस्कार बना देते हैं ! और बन जाते हैं आवरण ! करोडों आवरण जो ढक देते हैं उसे जो पाक है ! ढक देते हैं उसे जो आदि काल से अलग अलग देह धारण कर रही है !

गुरूजन कहते हैं कि आपकी आत्मा त्रेतायुग में भी थी, द्वापर में भी थी व हज़ारों युगों में भी थी ! भेद केवल देह का ही है ! विचारों के व कर्मों के संस्कार तभी से उसे लिप्त करते आए है ! वह तो पूर्ण पवित्र है ! परमेश्वर का अपना ही अंश जो ठहरी !

आपकी आत्मा मेरी आत्मा पाक ! भेद तो केवल उस पर पड़े आवरणों का है ! बस केवल उनका !

बहु का आत्मा स्वरूप भी पवित्र और सासु माँ का भी !

राजनेता का भी व संत का भी !

कैकयी की भी व भरत जी की भी !

भेद केवल विचारों व आत्मस्वरूप पर पड़े कर्म संस्कारों का है !

सो हम देह व मन के पार जाकर अपने आत्म स्वरूप को जब निहारें तो वह तो पूर्ण पवित्र ! पवित्र से भी पवित्र ! लेश मात्र भी दाग नहीं ।

उस पवित्रता को मन तक लाना है विचारों तक लाना ! इतना बढ़ाना है अपने पवित्र आत्म स्वरूप को कि वह हमारे रोम रोम में प्रकाशित हो जाए ! आज सम्भव हो तो ध्यान में और, और सम्भव हो तो चलते फिरते भीतर अपने पावन स्वरूप में हम डुबकी मारें !

तेरे विमल सुरूप में , नहीं दोष की लाग ।

तेरे अपने आप में , नहीं पाप की आग ।।

( श्री भक्ति प्रकाश जी )

मैं व सब प्रेमस्वरूप हैं

Aug 28, 2018

आज का आत्मिक चिन्तन

मेरी आत्मा या मैं भी प्रेम स्वरूप व दूसरे भी प्रेम स्वरूप ।

जीवन की भाग दौड़ में, संसार के कार्यों में बहुत आसान है मन के विचारों में घूमते रहना और हर पल अपनी देह व दूसरों की देह पर केंद्रित रहना ! या अपनी देह व दूसरों के व्यवहार पर केंद्रित रहना । और जब अपने साथ थोड़ा समय मिलता हो तो व्यर्थ समय गँवा दिया या अपने विचारों पर मनन कर मन का उदास होना अवश्यंभावी है ।

इसी बीच यदि हम देह व मन से पार निकल जाएं और अपने असली स्वरूप को निहारें तो हम पाँतें हैं कि वह तो प्रेममय है ! वहाँ का प्रेम तो कभी कम नहीं होता । सतत वैसा ही बना रहता है ! हम उसे छू नहीं पाते बहुत बार वह अलग बात है पर वह तो प्रेम हर एक के लिए छलकता रहता है । और अपने से हट कर दूसरे पर नज़र डालें तो वहाँ भी प्रेम ही है भीतर छलक रहा किन्तु सम्भव है कि अछूता है ।

आज कार्य में एक मीटिंग के दौरान कार्यकर्ता बोली कि जब भी दूसरे से मिले यह विश्वास रखें कि कि दूसरे की नियत सकारात्मक है । सांसारिक तौर पर यह सही बैठता है कि नहीं इसका मुझे समझ नहीं किन्तु आध्यात्मिक नज़र से यह कितना सही है ! दूसरे में प्रेम ही यदि दिखे तो मानो हम में भी प्रेम ही दृष्टिगोचर हो रहा है । क्योंकि संतगण कहते हैं जैसा मन वैसा संसार ! जैसी दृष्टि वैसी सृष्टि !

सो आज हम स्वयं को प्रेममय पाएँ व दूसरों को भी ! जब तार टूट जाए तो वापिस डुबकी मारें और अपने प्रेममय आत्मस्वरूप मे ही रहें !