Category Archives: Tree series

समर्पण व झुकना

April 15, 2019

आज सैर पर निकली तो अपने ही ख़्यालों में जा रही थी कि मानो किसी ने कहा – Hi ! मैंने गर्जन ऊपर की तो देखा मेरे प्रिय मित्र वृक्ष थे ! मुस्कुराते हुए उनको देखा ! और फिर ग़ौर से देखा ! यूहीं तो बुलाया न था !!

जब देखा तो उस वृक्ष पर अभी पंखुड़ियाँ आ रही थी । वर अभी भी अपनी टहनियाँ ऊपर किए समर्पित भाव में था ! सर्दी मे मेरे मित्र समर्पित समाधि में जाते हैं। खाना पीना बंद टहनियाँ ऊपर आकाश की ओर किए समाधि में तल्लीन !!

साथ ही बग़ल का वृक्ष दिखाया ! उसे देख कर और मुस्कुराहट आ गई !!! उस पर फूल पत्तियाँ आ चुकी थी ! और टहनियाँ झुक गई थी !

मानो समर्पण के पश्चात जो फल मिलता है प्रकृति वहाँ झुक जाती है !! हम भी यही सीखें !! समर्पण की राह पर हैं तो झुकते जाना है! जितना समर्पण उतना झुकना !

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में

मेरे गुरूतत्व

March 19, 2019

आज एक चिड़िया अपने पड़ोसी की डाल पर बैठी । पड़ोसी की नन्ही बिटिया जन्मी थी । वह देख रही थी कि कैसे वह माँ अपने बच्चे की देखभाल कर रही है ।

चिड़िया बोली – आपको अपनी बच्ची का सब कुछ पता है !

माँ मुस्कुराई । हाँ ! क्या इसकी इच्छा है, क्या इसे नहीं अच्छा लगता । कब क्या चाहिए , कब क्या देना है , सब !

चिड़िया बोली – जब यह नटखट हो जाती है , या कुछ गड़बड़ कर देती है ?

माँ बोली – सब पता चलता है !! किस बात से परेशान है , कब इसे मेरे प्यार की ज़रूरत है , कब यह उदास होती है और जब गलत करती है तो पड़ जाती है !!

चिड़िया बोली – आप इसे कभी छोड़ते नहीं , जब इसके मन में गलत भाव उठते हैं ?

माँ बोली – नहीं !! कभी नहीं !

चिड़िया बोली – आपका हृदय इसके साथ ही लगा रहता है न , कि मेरे बच्चा ठीक है ! और फिर आप ही तो इसे उड़ान भरने में सहायता करते हैं !

हाँ ! डरते हैं बच्चे कि गिर जाएंगे ! पर मैं होती हूँ संग ! सदा ।

चिड़िया की आँखों से अविरल धारा बहती गई । उसने सुकून की लम्बी सांस ली । उसका भी कोई था , जिसको उसके हर सांस की चिन्ता थी । उसका भी कोई था जिसे उसके हर भाव का पता था । उसे पता था कि वे भी कभी उसे अपनी नज़रों से पल भर के लिए भी ओझल न होने देंगे और सदा सम्भाल लेंगे । चिड़ियाँ ने लम्बी सांस भरी और राम राम कह कर उड़ गई !

श्री श्री चरणों में

It’s only You

Nov 3, 2016

What happened – my friend asked?

What are those tears for ?

I hugged my dearest friend and sobbed .

Why do you disappear?

My friend said- No I don’t ! I am outside and inside too! Isn’t it ?

Yes! But outside cannot be with me always… and inside I cannot do without your form!! Even though You are formless … it makes me feel terrible !!!

I sobbed !!!

My friend, the tree became very quiet ! It allowed me to stay with it and pour my heart out ….

please don’t sidetrack me with your illusions… there is nothing I want or wish for except You! Nothing!!

Only You – I sobbed!

All other things are Yours… they are not mine.. not even these letters…this body or anything.. But You are !!!

He in ALL

July 26, 2016

After a long time I was visiting my dear friend, the tree.

Mere thinking about my friend always brings a smile within, which gets transmitted outside too! All worries whither away just by its thought!

I always look forward to our meetings… They are filled with complete Divinity, pure divine love !

I saw my friend and gave it a big hug! My friend lowered its lush green branches to reciprocate!

Birds were chirping , squirrels were playing, ants going up, doing their job, creepers were hanging ..

I said – They are all Yours? Ain’t they?

My friend replied – Yes!

You love and care for them equally , as a your own !

My friend smiled – Yes! I care for them equally ! I love One and only One!

My eyes sparkled !

My Master ! It’s Him I love ! But He blessed me with His vision, hence I see Him in all.. Hence love them all.. In that way! My eyes wished to see only my Master, feel only my Master! Hence He blessed me with His Grace! And I see Him.. No other form I see.. I see only my Love!

Tears rolled down as I heard my friend speak ! There was nothing more to say.. Just strange Oneness…

It was the Oneness that was caused by friend’s deep love for its Master… And I got enveloped in that ……

Tree- Silent teaching

April 25, 2018

As I stepped out for my routine walk, I really wanted to go to meet my friend, the tree.

My mind was not the usual calm self…

As I walked, I did not look here or there, even as the breeze brushed past my face , saying hello, I did not respond.. Even though I knew who was greeting me !!!

I was just watching my steps.. Keeping my mind just on the next step..

But seeing my friend, everything loosened up and I just went and hugged my tree! I didn’t let it go.. It didn’t even ask me anything !

I sobbed- All I want is My Lord’s love!!

My friend was very quiet, and it didn’t ask me to let go !

After a while I looked up and smiled and said

I AM Love !

I AM compassion !

I AM happiness !

I am with the One I love !

I looked up at the sky and smiled and said Yes ! I am limitless like You !

How SILENCE transmits, it’s amazing !

Tree- in Me

April 23, 2016

It was raining today, being weekend, I still wanted to take a walk … So grabbed the umbrella and off I went as everybody else chose to laze around….

It’s strange how Divinity, wants one to spend a particular moment … And it’s more amazing when we are not expecting anything !

So I could only hear… Pit pat…pit pat of the rain drops on my umbrella … And some chirping of the birds….And could see only that much path ahead that my next step would take… It made me go in the Now !

Today , I whispered to my tree, You surround me as I walk and You are in my heart as I walk…

While coming back , the familiar row of trees I was passing…. But Divinity made me look at the thick roots that bulge out, of each tree, as if asking me to pay my reverence my salutations to the One in varied forms ….

Mesmerizing …

Sky – open up

April 23, 2016

How Nature opens itself up for us is just amazing !

We were having a discussion on how one should be open and receptive personalities rather than closed boxed ones!

And guess who beckoned me !! the blue sky !!! It propelled me to look up !!

Yes ! As open as the sky and limitless.

The sky holds so many different objects, white clouds, dark clouds with water, clouds with hail and snow, up in space the moon, the stars, the sun, planets, asteroids, comets… So much more !

Like wise if we allow ourselves to open up , free ourselves from the closed shackles of our mind, we too can be limitless like the sky the space!

The sky pointed out that – I do have pollution though ! But that’s not my own !

I said – Yes ! That’s our created!

Same way as we make our own choices to inculcate negativities inside of us,which is NOT real us !

It’s amazing ! How the outside Nature that Divinity has created the macro cosmos resembles so much of our very own – a micro one !

Again ! We are the same …limitless ! Provided we choose to work on un layering ourselves !

So whenever we get bogged down by life!whenever we are saying no! Or not accepting things!

Sky ! Is where we need to look …. Open up our arms … And be one with it ! Saying Yes! You and I are the same … Limitless!!! I choose to let go ! Let go ! Let go ! And accept !!

Tree- in every form

April 22, 2016

I had question today… But the moment I stepped outside.. I was welcomed by the familiar fragrance of my friend…

It was an awesome weather.. Cloudy, not too warm .. And guess what ! I was greeted by a family of deer !! 5 of them.. Peeping at me from behind the trees!

I met the lush green grass, the other trees, the wonderful breeze just enveloped me… I knew it was all my friend… But I kept going.. I till reached my friend, the tree…

Before I could say anything , My friend said, outside your home you recognize me , why not inside too?

It was as if I were struck on the head !!??!!

What?? My friend asked! Why not inside .. Who else it could have been other than me? Is there anything other than me ??? Hmmm?

Don’t get stuck with only forms… I am formless too, my dear! And in you !!! You don’t necessarily have to come out to specially meet all my forms… You can meet yourself too ! My wise friend chuckled!

It’s you where I dwell my dearest…. It’s in You!

You looked outside … But there I was saying hello from within!! It smiled !

Tears trickled… And I gave my friend a big hug ! Yes… You are in me and here is where You dwell ! It was You only ! Only You !

I took a deep satisfied breath… And sat beneath the shade… Touching it’s roots…

My friend knew what I was doing !!!

Tree- Care and Love

April 22, 2016

The weather being awesome, I visited my friend in the evening.

Some kids had put on a make shift swing ! I was testing it if it would be ok for me to sit…

My friend laughed, I know you are fat now , but it’ll hold you.. And laughed aloud !

I giggled.. And sat .. It was perfect !

As I was swinging, I said – You know, I have come to know one thing..

The tree said – what ?

I said – It was you only who got me attracted to you !

My friend said – Is it ?

I said – Yes ! And then it’s You only who call me here !

My friend said – hmm..

I said – And it’s You only who make me see You in other trees, grass, sun, moon, flowers .. All nature .. People !

My friend said – Is it ?

I said – Yup ! All from You ! But why dear ?

Mr friend said – I don’t know ! You tell ! The nut is all lighted up today ! It chuckled !

I said – because You love me … Care for me ..Way more than I do ! Whatever love I have its from you only …nothing mine.. All Yours!

My friend was quiet..

I got down from the swing.. Gave it a loving hug and said Thank You ! I love you ! Thank you for making me know You ! Thank you for coming in my life ! Thank you so much !

Tree-Only One

April 21, 2016

My friend , the tree and I were enjoying each other’s company . I was sitting in it’s cool loving shade… The sun was warm.. It was nice..

I told my friend- You know, I met some other trees, the grass and the sun…

The strange thing is that even though I talked to them, I felt I was talking to You only !

There was a deep silence.. It felt even the birds and everything got quiet ..

My friend said, when I was young, before I was made all wise and all, (as per your definition! ) I told my Boss, my Lord, I said, I see your signature in everybody who comes to me, the birds, the worms , squirrels , ants, humans.. Everybody … But why is it that I do not see Your touch in me ? I feel so lost !!!

My Lord laughed, such a laugh that it appeared to resound from cosmos! And said- how can a speck of sugar, find itself in water ? HE chuckled ! And filled me all over !!!

I looked at my friend … I sat there ….. In complete silence ….. Time didn’t matter….