Category Archives: 5th adhyay-Gyaan Yog

True knowledge – gift of Bhakti goes with us even beyond!

Sept 21, 2016

My Raaaaaaaaaaaam, My Gurujans,my Aatmik soulful pranaams at Your Lotus feet.

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji says that Shri Ram’s  abode is the source of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. With me flowered from within, I offer many salutations!

Raaam is the Source of every single piece of knowledge! Without His Grace, it’s impossible to understand even a single word! So all knowledge He reveals! Even if a person reads or listens to saints or Divine souls, till He allows, nothing can make any difference ! 

Acquiring knowledge and the processing it ,applying it and then experiencing it, transforms a person ! And this goes for any field for that matter! But in spiritualism it opens unknown gateways !

Pujya Maharajshri says Ram is the source of knowledge, if it comes as a gift of devotion or Bhakti, it’s way different, if it comes alone! With devotion, knowledge brings peace , supreme bliss, and opens doors to surrender! 

Gurujans say that it’s with this gift of Bhakti, the knowledge then leads to parabhakti! Wherein everything and everybody is seen as Ram! The fact that there is nothing and nobody other than Ram is understood without any effort or without any forced understanding ! Pujya Maharajshri says that this is actual knowledge, this is true knowledge and this brings utmost humility! All other knowledge stay here or are left behind but only this knowledge goes further .. Birth after birth….with this knowledge everything else gets submerged … Falls off like leaves in autumn ..

Spriritualism is mesmerizing as one just floats and things get revealed at their own time….but nothing, absolutely nothing is possible without His Grace! 

The Source of eternal bliss, My Ram, the source of eternal love, My Raaaaaaaum, many many many pranaams ! 

All Yours my Lord, all Yours! 

Raaaaaaaaaaam 🙏

Ram is the true companion who loves selflessly, without expectations! 

Aug 13, 2016

Thought for today 

Salutations O my Ram ! My Gurujans! So much You bestow! So much You bless! Many many thanks O Gracious Ones! O Prabhu! I am the most ignorant one, the one who forgets to count her blessings! O Ram the ungrateful one who forgets to see every second, how blessed I am! O my benevolent Ram, My Maa, crores and crores of blessings You Give as You make us remember Your Name! O Maa! Make my thinking straight , such that I appreciate what I have, I acknowledge what You continue to bestow on me! O Gurujans kindly teach me to be grateful!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri teaches from 5th adhyay of Shrimadbhagvadgita that Lord Krishna says that one who considers me a well wisher of all without any selfish interest, attains peace ! 

Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that, to know and understand that Ram is the true friend, Ram is the true companion of ours, who can never think, say or do anything bad for us, brings instant peace to the devotee. Pujya Maharajshri says that, if there is a conflict at home, and the mother in law has said something inappropriate, then if that at point, instead of reacting , the daughter in law remembers that my Ram cannot hurt me, it must be my karmas , I must have said something more worse to her in some birth and there must be some sort of KRIPA hidden here for me at present. Pujya Maharajshri says that this thought will fill us with immense peace instantly. 

It’s very hard when situations like these come up! Death of a near dear one, insult , suffering of somebody close due to illness, loss in business, conflict in the family, children not listening etc etc.. One can count so many instances. So if a devotee, during this time, remembers that Ram is my closest friend, He can never hurt me, He is still standing beside me, taking care of me during my tough time of my own karma, then one receives peace immediately!

But the question comes, that we always do not remember it! We forget! For that, Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that constant practice, really helps. Telling the mind, training the mind, again and again, that Ram Loves me in all situations, Ram loves me inspite of my ignorance, Ram loves me the way I am, Ram loves me like nobody else does! That’s why Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has given us the best give of Naam Simran. Constant rememberance helps to get us connected to Ram in trying situations! And then those situations no longer remain tough, as Gurujans say, that we get the greatest support of this entire cosmos! 

On top of that, Ram never ever expects anything from us, not even a thank you! Ram keeps giving unconditional love, without any credentials of ours! That’s how selfless He is! 

Bless us Ram! Bless us O Gurujans with the thought of gratefulness in all situations! 

All Yours and All at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram