Category Archives: Human Birth

हमारा घर हैं राम । 

Oct 1, 2016

मेरे राम, परम पूज्य गुरूजन, श्री श्री चरणों में कोटिश्य प्रणाम । बारम्बार प्रणाम। आज के माँगलिक दिवस पर कृपया अपनी करुणामयी दृष्टि डाल,कृपया स्नेह सुधा बरसाइए। 

हमारे गुरूजनों ने हमेशा हमसे अपनी अपेक्षाओं का स्तर सर्वोच्य रखा है। हमारी काबलीयत या हमारे कर्मों को नज़रअंदाज़ करके कितने उच्च स्तर की अपेक्षा की है- कि हम सब अपने घर लौटें। गुरूजनों ने किसी एक को नहीं कहा, या किसी उच्च या वरिष्ठ साधक को नहीं कहा, बल्कि हर एक को कहा है कि तुम्हारा घर तो राम हैं । 

केवल यही कहने में ” कि तुम्हारा घर राम हैं” कितनी गहराई आ जाती है इसमें । पहली कि हममें कोई भेद भाव नहीं। चाहे कोई व्यवसाय के हैं, चाहे कैसे भी मट मैले कर्मों के हैं, किसी भी लिंग के हैं, हर एक का घर राम हैं ।

दूसरी कि हमें हमारी वास्तविकता का बोध करवा रहे हैं। एक को नहीं करवा रहे। ज्ञानी या भक्त साधक को नहीं करवा रहे। हर एक से कह करे हैं कि जहाँ तुम रह रहे हो यह तो शरीर का घर है, न जाने अब तक असंख्य घर व देह बदल चुके हो। यह वास्तविक घर नहीं है। न ही यह देह वास्तविक है। तुम आत्मा हो और केवल परमात्मा का घर ही असली घर है। 

तीसरी , कि शान्ति तो अपने घर जाकर ही मिलती है। जितना मर्जी घूम लें, सैर सपाटे कर लें पर विश्राम तो राम के पास, अपने घर ही मिलता है। 

चौथी , कि आत्माओं में भेद नहीं है। हर एक आत्मा का स्रोत राम हैं, परम पुरुष परमात्मा हैं और हरेक आत्मा का गंतव्य राम ही हैं । आज नहीं तो कल हर एक आत्मा को अपने घर अपनी माँ की गोद में पहुँचना है। 

इसलिए परम पूज्य महाराजश्री ने कहा कि जितनी शीघ्र हम इसका बोध कर सकेंगे कि हमारा असली घर राम हैं , उतनी शीघ्र हम पहुँच पाएँगे। क्योंकि यात्रा बहुत लम्बी है । 

इसी लिए , हे रामइया!!! आज के पावन दिवस से हमारी यात्रा अपनी परम पावनी गोद के लिए आरम्भ कर दीजिए। आपके दिए हुए इस मन मंदिर में आप विराजित हैं, वहाँ के पावन दर्शन करवा हमारी यात्रा रामधाम के लिए आरम्भ कर इस यात्रा को सफल बना दीजिए ! 

हे माँ ! हे करुणामयी जगजननी! आपश्री के श्री चरणों में असंख्य बार प्रणाम। बारम्बार प्रणाम ।कोटिश्य प्रणाम । 

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में । 

Serve to make human birth worthwhile

May 24, 2016

Thought of the day


O My most beloved Ram ! My Most compassionate Gurujans! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet! It’s You who are the doer my Lord! But due to the illusion , I turn my eyes on to my body and hence its mind! But O gracious One ! You out of Your immense compassion, hold my hand and turn gently towards Yourself, reminding me , that it’s You and only You who do everything, irrespective of the state, place or the condition, this body is in!

As the theme of ‘human birth’ comes to its conclusion, Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that, consider that person awakened, who, has lit up the lamp of Divine love in him and gives himself up for the well being of others.

Pujya Maharajshri says that what use is human birth if we are not able to serve others.He says, all animals live for themselves, eat, make a home , mate and have babies! So what’s the difference between them and us ! A human birth is worthwhile if we can serve others. But service with a heart lit with love of the Divine! Why is it important? As it becomes totally selfless. In that one does not even think one is serving others, it seems as if one is serving oneself !

Human birth is so precious that Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that every second of it should be devoted to the Lord’s name! One can even defeat death, while living in this body! Hence priority must be given to spiritual practices, so as make this birth fruitful !

O Ram ! My Lord! You being My charioteer, You know my intentions, O My compassionate Gurujans, as I am Your little baby, kindly lead me on Your path by Yourself! As You would be holding my hand, I will not have the fear of falling! All Yours my Lord! All Yours!

Jai jai Ram


Awakening is possible only in human birth

May 22, 2016

Thought of the day


Many many salutations O my Ram and My most amazing Gurujans! O Ram ! You are the most enigmatic one! But when You choose to come through human form , when you choose to spread the  fragrance of Your attributes through human forms, those forms turn magically mystic! Hidden You are! You choose to keep your forms hidden too!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri teaches that the awakened person demonstrates the basic traits : he is aware of his negativities and positivities. He knows his faults and does not blame anybody else for that!

Pujya Shri Maharajshri says that it is immense KRIPA or Grace when one is able to see where we have wronged! Once a sadhak is able to see it and accepts it as his own is a very big thing. Gurujans say that ignorance is the only reason for so many negative karmas being executed on this earth! If man understands the ignorance and gets awakened to the reality , then negative actions could reduce.

Punya Maharajshri says that false pride, ego and attachment is the major cause of pain and suffering , that causes one to take re-birth. If one has attachment to a property and dies with that attachment, whatever form he gets born in , a goat, dog, lizard etc, that seed of attachment goes with him! Gurujans repeatedly teach that it’s the good and the bad karmas/ actions performed by us that go with us after one dies. Nothing else. No body, no relation, no property, no name or fame, nothing accompanies us, except what good we did, what good selfless thoughts we had or the opposite ones!

Gurujans say that Its only in human birth that one is able to turn around. It’s only here that we can shun the animal like tendencies and improve our karmas. It’s only here that we can drop off greed, lust, and varied desires to elevate our souls and progress further!

O Gurujans only You can awaken us ! Only You can untie the knots of ignorance inside us,such that we walk the path of righteousness and realize the worth of our human birth! Bless us all O Divine Masters!Bless us all! All at Your Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram 🙏


Human birth is for shedding the layers of ignorance!

May 21, 2016

Thought of the day


My Ram ! O the One who rules my heart !My Gurujans! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet! My humble gratitude O Divinity, at Your beautiful lotus feet.

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that consider ignorance, and loss of true knowledge as actual sleep state with illusion as the night! The way the lazy lion sleeps, like wise the Soul sleeps forgetting it’s true Self!

Gurujans say that the knowledge we acquire from schools, colleges etc are just for to fill the tummy! To take care of the hunger of the stomach! This knowledge does not quench the thirst for true happiness, absolute peace or true divine love! As a result we spend our whole lives pursuing a fallacy! A notion, that a good job or, spouse, kids will give us everlasting happiness! But it never happens! Maaya or illusion keeps eluding us from the source of true happiness! As a result , the saints call it a night in the life of humans or complete ignorance!

Pujya Gurujans explain, Its only the saints that can make one aware of our ignorance! It’s through them that a spiritual aspirant can take a sneak peak at divinity amidst complete ignorance! It’s through them they that experience a mere reflection of Divine love which is pure selfless!! Ram Naam, it’s chant with every breath, mediation on its name and all actions performed with the Name, assists in un layering of the layers of ignorance ! But all this is possible only in the human birth! So Saints,Gurujans keep making us aware of the night of ignorance that we are living in daily, and ask us to make the best use of this life !

May we all in our own capacities, keep progressing towards the inner Source and realize our true Self! Rest all is mundane, and will keep happening according to the time line…. But we need to dive in for our own awakening! All at your Lotus feet! All Yours!

jai jai Ram

Salvation is everlasting happiness and being in everlasting Divine Love!

May 20, 2016

Thought of the day


O Ram Ji ! My Gurujans! My humble pranaams at Your beautiful Divine Lotus feet. O Gurujans, gratitude, for all You continue to do, but remain so hidden, so very hidden!!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that once awakened, I shall not sleep again, and shall do Ram Naam jaap. Letting go of the sleep of ignorance,I attain the abode of Ram!

Pujya Maharajshri says that, that awakening of our own Self is the main purpose of human birth! After that there is no looking back! All knots get undone! All differentiations fall off, one knows all, what the real knowledge is! To know that we are the part of the divine consciousness, that is the whole spiritual practice is all about!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, that, those who waste their time in sheer laziness, who turn their eyes from doing devotion or performing good deeds, they lose their chance of getting a human birth! Pujya Maharajshri says that a cow cannot attain salvation, a horse too cannot! It’s only possible for a human to realize his true Self and thereby attain salvation!

What is the need of salvation? What is the need of coming out of the cycle of rebirth ? Humans strive for happiness. We look for happiness in mortal love, marriage, kids, good living, good job, good income, painless life, struggle free life. But nobody gets it! Why? Pujya Maharajshri says, because, it’s not in this mortal world! That true happiness, in abundance, presence of it all the time, true EVERLASTING love, true EVERLASTING peace, is lying dormant in us! That awakening.. When all the above mentioned flows uninterrupted, which in infinite, everlasting, is salvation, is the freedom from cycle of birth and death!

O Param Guru! O My Master! Kindly hold my tiny little hand on Your strong hands, to lead me to Your abode! Allow my human birth to be worthwhile, allow me to merge in You and be Yours forever! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram


Repeated Practice and company of Divine Souls, ignites passion for diving inside to know ourselves.

May 19, 2016

Thought of the day


My beloved Ram! My most revered Gurujans, many many Pranaam at Your Lotus feet.Gratitude My Gurujans, gratitude. What you bestow, I am not qualified. But what You give is unparalleled! To be Divinity’s , to be taken care by the Divine, it has always been there..but the vision to see the care in minutest details, makes one spellbound.I am one in trillions My Lord! But still You care for the slightest detail!!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that O my mind, wake up! To see your real Self! Rise to have the deepest urge to see the purity  attribute Raaaum!

Param Pujya Gurujans say that to know our real Self is possible only in human birth! To make one desire to know the Self, only a soul who has realized itself can ignite that passion. Pujya Maharajshri says that we sit near a person with flu, we get flu. Likewise to have the desire to know ourselves, to know our Lord who is the absolute purity , to know the attributes of the Lord, to know about His love, His care, His compassion, one needs to take the refuge of those , who know Him. One needs to take refuge of those, who are enveloped and soaked in Him day and night! Only the company of such Souls, can ignite the passion to realize the major purpose of human birth!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, it’s practice. More and more practice to dive inside and seeing oneself. To dive inside and contemplate on Ram’s attributes. To keep oneself aware that we are part of Him! It’s practice He says. We fail many times. Due to loss of faith in His love. We take His love as mortal love. We think that because I am like this or that, hence, I will not be loved! But that’s not true! He showers His love and care irrespective of what we are! His love is infinite like He Himself and not given out in measly proportions !! It’s infinite…Gurujans say He has way enough for everybody…way enough!

O Ram ! One cannot know You.. The extent of Your Divine attributes cannot be easily understood by our ordinary minds! That’s why You come in forms similar to ours, to make us taste , what You are ! As You are perfection in love, compassion, care.. Things that we as mortals have in us.. But very much constrained and conditioned. It’s Your abundant Grace O My Raaum, that You choose to bestow on us, without ANY REASON !!My soulful gratitude My Lord! All Yours! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram


Attachments main cause of re-birth

May 18, 2016

Thought of the day


Praanam Prabhu, Pranaam my Gurujans. Even though I yearn for humility, yearn for my soul to be, free from my EGO, yet my Lord, I stand here everyday, with this face blackened with my own ‘I’. I know had it been in my power, I would not show my face to you again and again, but I know it’s You , who keeps bringing me here, inspite of what I am !!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that it’s only in the human form that the soul can get out of the cycle of birth and death, can attain victory over death and can know the true Self!

Param Pujya Maharajshri says that attachment is the major cause of re birth. He says there are varied kinds of attachments. Attachments with children, spouses,property, wealth, attachment to praise, attachment to power, attachment to name and fame, attachment to bring right, attachment to bring a leader, attachment to have followers, attachment to food, attachment to clothes, attachment to our work,  etc etc. Any one of these attachments can cause us to have a re birth again and again.

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that every second of this birth is so precious, that it should be spent always in chanting Ram Naam. But in reality we waste it like that free flow of water from Niagara Falls! We just don’t care, when Gurujans, keep pleading with us not to waste a single moment. But because of our attachments to varied things, we get so occupied that those precious moments just keep going in the drain and get converted into more karmas!

Pujya Maharajshri says that Lord’s illusion is very very very strong. It’s not at all easy to get across it. As it keeps coming forth in varied forms. Complete surrender, here helps the sadhak , sail through all adversities.Gurujans say that constant RAM Naam and awareness of the self, is extremely important, for a sadhak to progress further. The Journey is long, very long, but for surrendered Souls, it does not appear so, they float on Gurutatwa, where as rest, keep going in the circle! Maharajshri says it’s a circle ! Not a line! A circle! A circle has no ends!! One needs to  break this circle which is possible only in human birth!!

O Ram ! It’s only because I am not surrendered that I fail repeatedly ! All my precious moments are being lost, only because of my non surrendering attitude which is because of EGO. I have failed so many times, that I know, on my own, I would never have been able to get up from these failures!! The worst thing is I do not even learn from them! Cause it’s the same mistake I keep making! My EGO does not let me improve O Prabhu ! I am still jogging at the same place from my mind!! Have mercy on me ! Your Grace is ever flowing Prabhu! But my holes are still not filled ! Even a single hole will take me away from You and it does !!O My Lord! Have mercy! At Your Lotus feet.

jai Jai Ram

Human birth is too precious to be wasted in animal like activities

May 17, 2016

Thought of the day


O Ram ! My Beloved Gurujans! Many many pranaams at Your Lotus feet! O Raaaaummm, tell me My Lord, how to love You? O Raaaumm, teach me my Lord, how to love You!!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, in deep sleep , which symbolizes ignorance, eras and eras have passed. With immense love, now Chant Ram, remember Ram.

Pujya Maharajshri says, that it’s with immense Grace, that we have received this human birth, one should make the best use of it! It’s been so many births that one has spent wasting time by spending it like animals ! In some births due to animal like actions, one got birth as varied animals, ghosts, bugs, etc.! Now that we have received the most precious births of all, one has received the company of esteemed saints, one should NOT waste it!

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says, one who wastes this human birth in anger, jealousy, false pride, in lust, in violence, in attachments, once lost, will not be able to get this precious birth again!! What’s the use of such realized souls in our lives, if we still do not wake up!! If we still choose to spend our life, engrossed in mundane affairs of the world !! This most precious human birth is not for spending time in temporary pursuits, worries, in false attachments ! One should very seriously , with deep devotion and reverence, work towards the inner journey of the soul! Day and night rememberance of Ram is required. The mind needs to be immersed in Ram as sugar in honey. All other things are illusion, Maaya, all varied situations of life are His Divine Leela!

O My Ram ! My precious Gurujans, let our lives be worthwhile. Let Your hard work on us, pay off. Let us all realize the importance of each minute , each second. May our mind be forever and forever be inseparable from You! May our every breath be intertwined with Your Name! All Yours My Love! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

Priceless human birth

May 16, 2016

Thought of the day


O My Ram ! My Gurujans! My humble salutations at Your Lotus feet! O Ram! Let me always remember that what so ever You made happen for me, was for a reason! Allow me to see Your  beautiful Grace even in the pain that visited in the past and that is converting to fear of the future! But my Gurujans whisper that it’s illusion my child! It’s illusion!  O My most loving Ram! Let my eyes, my heart never see anything of Yours as pain, ’cause  My Love, except for love You give nothing! It’s my distorted vision that sees Your love as pain! O My Ram! Let me see Your love, in everything You do! Allow me to wear the glasses of Your Love and compassion!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri takes the topic of ‘ Human birth’. He says that human birth is the most eminent birth amongst all life forms.

Pujya Maharajshri says that getting a human form or by being born as a human is a rare opportunity! A devotee always considers that Lord bestowed His most compassionate Grace and because of that, we have received this priceless gift of human birth! He says that one should never think that because of my past karmas, God was forced to give me human birth! No! He says it’s only due to His akaaran KRIPA that we have this today!

Pujya Gurujans say that other life forms, like bugs, animals, birds, they too eat, sleep, reproduce! So as humans if we lose ourselves in doing the same thing as them, then there would be no difference between them and us humans! It’s only in this precious birth, we can really know our true selves. It’s here we can realize the purpose of our human birth. It’s here that we have the capacity to let go of karmas and attain the abode of Divinity! But all this gets lost, in our illusion of false happiness in temporary no transient objects !

To make one realize the worth of human birth, realize souls are needed. These souls are extremely rare and are extremely precious! But if one does get the opportunity to have them in their lives, Pujya Maharajshri says, keep taking their refuge with a humble and empty mind! Keep going at Their doorstep, as They are the ones to lead us to the abode of the Lord! But the only condition is that one needs to go to Their doorstep with zero pride!! And when these Souls bless, one never knows! When that auspicious moment arrives, one just never know!

O My Divine Master! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet! The water from my eyes  bathe Your Lotus feet!  Kindly allow my this birth to be worthwhile! Let it be the one that takes me out of the cycle of birth and death!! Who else can make it possible  My Divine Master! Other than Your esteemed Self! Bless us such that we do not waste anymore time in illusions! Oh ! Raaaaauuuum ! Bless us ! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

jai Jai Ram