Category Archives: Relationships

Ram Naam is the Source of strength to deal with adversities of life. 

Aug 4, 2016

Thought of the day

O My Raaaaum, My Love, My Gurujans, my sarvasv, many many Pranaam at Your Lotus feet! Gratitude my Lord! For making these feet , tread Your path. Nothing in this life is more precious than Your thought My Lord! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the devotee who is steadfast in his devotion, Sri Ram’s power by itself descends on him. 

Pujya Maharajshri says that Ram Naam, is the ultimate source of love, peace, power, energy! He says, I attend this satsang , that sadhna, you make make me attend any number, there is never any fatigue! He says, fatigue comes with the doership! When there is no I left, then for whom is the fatigue? 

We as householder, with working or business class, all work! Many a times, the work is outside as well as at home! Umpteen number of responsibilities! Gurujans say, Ram Naam gives us the power to keep going! But if one is aware that He is the One who is keeping us going, converts the action into a Yog! Yog is to get joined! So if as householders we do the responsibility along with our mind fixed on Ram, we are actually doing sadhna! As Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says, Ek haath se Ram, doosre haath se kaam! 

Likewise, when there are conflicting situations at home, or some calamity ( in our language) has befallen, some illness has come over a loved one or there is loss of near one, Ram Naam is the sole pillar of strength ! Ram Naam gives immense energy and patience, when relationships are stressed out! It’s not possible to love when you are being lashed out or blamed! But it’s possible to still give out loving vibrations, if one is One with Him! He then does  the job of providing peace in conflicting situations. He then takes over our mind and smears it with love, when one loses a loved one! He gives support when one suffers the adversities of life!

It’s You and Only You ! So many forms may confuse us, or cause illusion to do its job! But Your name, causes disillusionment! your Name is THE only One, when all forms are dropped! It’s You and Only You! All Yours my Lord! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Constant Ram Naam Simran mellows the Ego to allow cordial relationships

Aug 3, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Ram!My Gurujans! My Jaduii Ram! My Raaaaauuum ! I prostrate at Your Lotus feet! Allow me to become the grain of sand that just remains stuck beneath Your Lotus feet! With these hands I touch Your Lotus feet! With my forehead on Your Lotus feet! I allow my eyes to drink the nectar of having Darshan of Your Lotus feet! My sarvasv! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says bathe in the constant rememberance of His name in this time. Rememberance of His name , i.e Simran, charity, selfless service, and devotion are the rich treasure troves! 

Pujya Maharajshri while teaching us about relationships, says that basis of all relationships is Divine love! But in its absence or if we have turned our face away from it, we get the fault finding vision. This corrupted vision then leads to unpleasant thoughts and thereby inappropriate usage of words! Which results in the unpleasantness in the relationships and hence the whole household! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that with this attitude, all suffer. Parents and children! But if during conflicting situations, one takes refuge of Ram Naam, then all tables can be changed! Intense Ram Naam, allows the ego to mellow down, and opens path to give respect to family members, way more than they deserve! It’s Ram Naam that holds the key to the dream of having a peaceful family atmosphere! What is not possible with Ram Naam! Impossible word does not exist for Raaaaaaauuum ! 

All at Your Lotus feet My Raaaum! My Gurujans! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Selfless love is Divine Love

Aug 2, 2016

Thought of the day.

My Ram ! My compassionate Gurujans! Many many pranaams at Your Lotus feet! O Ram! You brought us in this world, by Your wish! My Ram! Many many thanks! O Ram You came in our lives, as Divine Souls, many many thanks! O Ram , You’ll be there after we complete our time on this earth! But My most compassionate Maa! The transition from this to that world, is tough, O Maa! O Gurudev! Kindly hold our hands and lead us … In those moments let us remember You and You alone! O Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaumm ! My Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! My Sarvasav! Please bless! 

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that the air of sin is so polluted that it fills the mind and the body with it! But with the love of the pious Name , it can kept kept pure! 

Pujya Maharajshri says, that when Divine love gets replaced with lust, all other gunas or attributes are lost. Love in its purest form is Divine. Divine love does not need a ‘body ‘ per se’. It has no malice of expectations attached to it.There are no selfish interests or motive! Love just flows! When Divine love flows, one does not expect from anybody. One does not need anything from anybody. One just keeps giving keep blessing! Divine love does not force forgiveness , it does not force patience. Lovingly patience and forgiveness by themselves fill the heart! Pujya Maharajshri specifically mentions that Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has talked about Prem Path in the last chapters of Bhakti Prakash, and it is not lust, he stresses! 

Pujya Gurujans say that Lord is Divine Love! Or He is the Source of Love! In any relationship where there is selfless love , be it mother child relation, husband wife or between friends , it’ll be divine! 

O Ram ! Your name is our only hope! Fill us with Your Love please! Allow us to be One with Your Nature, as they all emit Your Divinity! All Yours! All at Your Lotus feet! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Presence of Divine love allows patience and forgiveness in marital relationships. 

Aug 1, 2016

Thought of the day

My Ram, my Gurujans, many many soulful pranaams at Your Lotus feet. Gratitude My Lord! For everything! For the path, for holding my hand, and making me see it, this moment, and many other moments too! Gratitude for varied souls that You make me come across! As its with Your permission only that we meet! Gratitude my Lord Gratitude!

Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri while teaching us about relationships today says that one should not consider himself big. One should not talk about one’s practice, what one attains, one’s composure and one’s meditative state! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that in relationships, especially in modern days, due to education, the couples in their egos refuse to bow or bend. Pujya Maharajshri says that bending is not a sign of weakness ! Only a very strong person from within can do it, without letting malice entering into his mind! He says a wife says, why should I comply and a husband says why should I, as a result both meet in the court! Pujya Maharajshri says that in earlier times, there used to be love, patience and forgiveness amongst the family members , as a result, the daughter in law would listen to all the rough talk of the mother in law , work and at the end of the day would serve her too! But today this is not there. Intelligent parents , in the beginning only  ask their son and his wife to occupy a different floor, such that conflicts are avoided. 

Pujya Maharajshri says that today, the conflicts are more between the spouses rather than in laws!! He says because instead of love there is lust! Maharajshri says that wherever there’ll be love, patience to endure other’s opinion will be there, and automatic forgiveness too will be there. But because there is absence of love , hence, conflicts, disagreements and fights reign supreme !

So as sadhaks, one need to fill ourselves with love! How is it possible? Maharajshri says by being connected to the Source of Divine love! Only by this connection that one can feel love and thereby spread love! Maharajshri says that whenever we’ll talk of love , it’ll be the Divine love! It’s Divind love that’s free from the malice of expectations and its this Love that knows only to give! So one needs to beget Divine Love by getting connected to its Source, that’s Ram! 

Bless us O Ram ! Fill us with Your Love!Fill us to the brim in such a manner that there is no leakage! All Yours my Lord, all Yours ! 

Constant rememberance of His name has solution to day to day conflicts! 

July 31, 2016

Thought of the day

Salutations O My Ram ! My Gurujans! At Your Lotus feet! Gratitude O Divine Ones! Gratitude ! For knowing my each thought and activity ! For having patience with me and lovingly teaching in silence! With every action and every thought and word under your Divine monitoring eyes, all are offered at Your Lotus feet as all come from You Only O My Divine Masters!

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri is teaching us about ‘relationships’ . He says, chant the Name, as that’s the good deed to do. Do the hard work of earning the name and hence ask for whatever you want!

Pujya Maharajshri says that it’s not easy for householders to perform sadhna, as the load of responsibilities is a lot. But Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has made it very simple for us. Naam SIMRAN ! A great way to stay connected with Divinity inside and alongside performing our duties! With constant rememberance of Ram Naam, no bad or negative thought can enter;  with constant remeberance of Ram Naam, we’ll be aware of our actions; with constant rememberance, attributes of Ram will automatically flow is us!

Pujya Maharajshri says that devotion, is not that we take Lord’s name, at a particular time, forget Him the rest of the day and thereby performing unwanted deeds! Devotion needs to be such , that it seeps in our daily life and our actions become more pious and like Ram day by day! That’s why He says, check yourself, has the anger reduced? Has ego settled down , has faith increased? Has attachment reduced? Have we reduced our masks?  This is only possible when throughout the day our mind is immersed in Ram and we start gaining His attributes! It’s only then, that conflicting situations at home can be dealt!

Pujya Gurujans say that in family relationships one needs acceptance of other’s thoughts,  one needs patience and perseverance to deal with other’s behavior and one needs to rise above likes and dislikes! All this is possible only with constant rememberance of Ram Naam! As Ram Mantra has the Divine power to absolve all negations, Ram Naam has the power to make one come out of dark conflicting depressing situations! And Ram Naam gifts us the tranquility that one really needs!

With my breath attached with Your name, with my heart beat attached with You, with my mind in You and You alone, allow me this O My Master, as this body walks the path as destined by You! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours!

Jai Jai Ram

His Name allows respite in conflicting relationships 

July 30, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Raaaaum ! My sarvasv! My Gurujans! Kindly accept my pranaams at Your beautiful Divine Lotus feet ! The ultimate source of love, ananda, peace and joy! The ultimate source of everything that’s beautiful and touches the heart! The Source that chooses to remain hidden but still strives hard to make us His own! Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude! 

Today Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the topic of ‘relationships‘ . He has taught us about parents and children earlier. He says that those who practice chanting the Name, Lord Himself takes over the life of such devotees. They do not face any problems or hiccups! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that  Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri’s sadhna is for householders. So in order to avoid conflicts at home, Gurujans have blessed us with a beautiful antidote of ‘Naam Simran’ Constant  rememberance of His Name, not only soothes the tormented mind and heart but gives strength to deal with conflicting situations. Pujya Maharajshri says that as one gets filled with Ram Naam, His attributes of contentment, patience and forgiveness by itself starts pouring in, one does not have to apply any extra effort! As one keeps on doing Naam Simran , with supreme faith and surrender, Lord takes over the devotee’s life . A sadhak then learns to see His leela , His play all around! Thereby accepting everything with not so constrained mind. 

It’s You O Ram , My Gurujans, that bring the sweetness is this life ! It’s with You that this life becomes a life of worth living! Allow us to remember you with every breath O Lord! Bless us Prabhu! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

His Name allows respite in conflicting relationships 

July 30, 2016

Thought of the day 

O Raaaaum ! My sarvasv! My Gurujans! Kindly accept my pranaams at Your beautiful Divine Lotus feet ! The ultimate source of love, ananda, peace and joy! The ultimate source of everything that’s beautiful and touches the heart! The Source that chooses to remain hidden but still strives hard to make us His own! Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude! 

Today Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri starts the topic of ‘relationships‘ . He has taught us about parents and children earlier. He says that those who practice chanting the Name, Lord Himself takes over the life of such devotees. They do not face any problems or hiccups! 

Pujya Maharajshri says that  Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri’s sadhna is for householders. So in order to avoid conflicts at home, Gurujans have blessed us with a beautiful antidote of ‘Naam Simran’ Constant  rememberance of His Name, not only soothes the tormented mind and heart but gives strength to deal with conflicting situations. Pujya Maharajshri says that as one gets filled with Ram Naam, His attributes of contentment, patience and forgiveness by itself starts pouring in, one does not have to apply any extra effort! As one keeps on doing Naam Simran , with supreme faith and surrender, Lord takes over the devotee’s life . A sadhak then learns to see His leela , His play all around! Thereby accepting everything with not so constrained mind. 

It’s You O Ram , My Gurujans, that bring the sweetness is this life ! It’s with You that this life becomes a life of worth living! Allow us to remember you with every breath O Lord! Bless us Prabhu! All at Your Lotus feet! All Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram