Category Archives: Surrender

ध्यान 3 – शरणागत (c)

परम पूज्यश्री डॉ विश्वामित्र जी के मुखारविंद से

ध्यान 3 – शरणागत (c)

10:11- 13:48

एक संत मृत्यु शय्या पर हैं। पता है सबको ।शरीर छोड़ने वाले हैं। यह शरीर के नाते से, एक चाची मिलने के लिए आई है। चाची कहती है अपने किए हुए पाप कर्म जाने अनजाने हुए उनको कर्मों की क्षमा परमात्मा से माँगी कि नहीं माँगी । भतीजे को पूछते हैं। भतीजा संत है इस वक़्त। भतीजा तो उसके लिए होगा । यह तो देवियों शरीर के नाते हैं न। यह आत्म संबंध नहीं हैं। यह शरीर के संबंध हैं । नश्वर संबंध । संत चाची ले कहते हैं चाची , मुझे एक ज़िन्दगी में एक क्षमा नहीं जब परमात्मा के साथ मेरा मन मुटाव हुआ हो। उन्होंने कुछ कहा और मैंने न मानी हो । मुझे कोई ऐसा क्षण याद नहीं। ऐसा अवसर मुझे याद नहीं। मैं उसकी हाँ में हाँ मिलाता रहा। जैसे उसने मुझे नाच नचाया मैं नाचता रहा। क्षमा किस बात की माँगूँ ? क्षमा तो तब माँगू जब मैंने उनकी किसी इच्छा को पूर्ण न किया हो। जो उन्होंने किया जैसा उन्होंने मुझे उंगल पर नचाया मैं सारी ज़िन्दगी नाचता रहा। मुझे ऐसा अवसर याद नहीं जब उनमें और मुझमें मन मुटाव हुआ हो। क्षमा किस बात की? वैसे तो मैं क्षमा हर समय ही माँगता रहता हूँ पर कोई ऐसा अपराध मैंने विशेष किया हो मुझे याद नहीं है। शरणागति ।

परमात्मा की हाँ में हाँ मिलाना भक्ति और भक्ति की पराकाष्ठा है। चर्चा यहाँ समाप्त हुई थी । ऐसे शरणागत । आपकी सेवा में उदाहरण दी है कि शरणागत कैसा होता है। ऐसे शरणागत को परमात्मा उसके कर्मों के अनुसार नहीं चलाता । क्या रह गया ज़िन्दगी में ? मौज ही मौज है अब । आनन्द ही आनन्द है अब । कर्म तो ख़त्म हो गए भस्म हो गए । तुझे मैं सारे पापों से मुक्त कर दूँगा । यदि यही नष्ट हो गए ख़ाक. हो गए तो दुख कहाँ से आएगा । उसे मैं अपने अनुसार चलाता हूँ। अपना वाहन । परमात्मा को अपना काम चलाना है कि नहीं चलाना । किनके माध्यम से चलाता है वह ? ऐसे शरणागतों के माध्यम से। जिनको परमात्मा अपना स्वीकार कर लेता है । जो परमात्मा के हाथों पहले बिक जाते हैं और फिर परमात्मा उन्हें ख़रीद लेता है बस। उनको अपना वाहन बना लेता है। उनके माध्यम से परमात्मा करता है। उनको मैं उनके कर्मों के अनुसार नहीं अपने अनुसार चलाता हूँ ।


ध्यान ( समर्पण ) 3 b

परम पूज्यश्री डॉ विश्वामित्र जी महारजश्री के मुखारविंद से

ध्यान ( समर्पण ) 3 b

5:32- 10:10

आज माधव के साथ अर्जुन कहीं घूमने के लिए निकले हुए हैं। भगवानश्री ने एक सफ़ेद कबूतर देखा और कहा देखो पार्थ कैसा काला कलूटा कौआ । हाँ माधव बहुत कुरूप है।काला कलूटा । देखने को मन नहीं करता । थोड़ी देर आगे गए, आगे वास्तव में एक काला कौआ देखा। माधव ने कहा देखो पार्थ कैसा चमकता हुआ सुंदर सफ़ेद कबूतर । पकड़ने को मन करता है। प्यार करने को मन करता है। गोदी में लेने को मन करता है।हाँ केश्व आप ठीक कह रहे हैं। भगवानश्री अर्जुन की इस प्रकार की प्रतिक्रिया को देखकर विस्मयपूर्वक अर्जुन से पूछते हैं। पार्थ ! एक बात बता , क्या तूने वास्तव में वहीं देखा जो मैं कह रहा था ? अर्जुन कहते हैं माधव ! आप जो कहते हैं वह स्वीकार करता हूँ । क्यों ? यदि वह नहीं है तो आप उसे बनाने में समर्थ हो । इसलिए बेहतर वही है उसी को स्वीकार कर लेना । शरणागति । इस तथ्य को अर्जुन समझ गया हुआ है। तभी उसे उच्चतम उपदेश उसे – सब धर्मों का त्याग करके पार्थ तू इक मेरी शरण में आ जा।मेरी ही शरण में आ जा । शर्त है। मैं तुझे सब पापों से मुक्त कर दूँगा । करना क्या है ? हो गया सब कुछ । कर दिया सब कुछ । शोक मत कर । चिन्ता मत कर । मैं तुझे सब पापों से मुक्त कर दूँगा ।

भगवानश्री पम्पा सरोवर पहुँचे हैं। मानो वह area जहां शबरी माँ रहती हैं। स्नान करने के लिए जाना था , हाथ में प्रभु ने तीर पकड़ा हुआ था। सोचा कि पम्पा सरोवर में स्नान करना है वहाँ तीर क्या करना है धरती में उसे गाढ़ दिया । स्नान के बाद आकर उस तीर को निकाला । तीर की नोक पर आगे खून लगा हुआ था। लक्ष्मण यह खून किसका है? देख ! धरती में कौन है? मैंने को धरती में इसे गाढ़ा था । देख धरती में कौन है ? खून लगा हुआ है। मानो की कोई जीव है अंदर । देख । थोड़ी सी खुदाई की और देखा कि एक मेंढक लहु लुहान । बड़ी सुंदर देवियों और सज्जनों उदाहरण समर्पण की । शरणागति व समर्पण की सभी की सभी बातें ही बड़ी कमाल की बातें हैं। क्योंकि शरणागति है ही इतनी सुंदर समर्पण है ही इतना सुंदर ।

अरे मेंढक ! जब देखो हर समय चर चर करता रहता है । जब तुम्हें तीर लगा, जब पीड़ा हुई होगी बोला क्यों नहीं ? कहा – मालिकों के मालिक , जब जीवनदाता ही जीवन लेने जा रहा है तो फरिआद किससे ? सोचा , न सोचने की ज़रूरत है न मुख खोलने की ज़रूरत है । पहले कभी कष्ट होता था क्लेश होता था तो पुकारता था कि राम मेरी रक्षा करो । रक्षक करने वाला ही अब भक्षक बना हुआ है तो फ़रियाद किससे करूँ ? यह शरणागति है।



Divine Dicourse from Param Pujyashri Dr. Vishwamitr ji Maharajshri ( These are literal, unedited translations)



Discussion on surrender is going on. Samarpan. The ultimate of devotion is being discussed. Before we continue from where we left last, let us take some examples of surrender and understand, what is it? Everybody has heard about it. We offer all our karma. We all have heard about it. What does a normal regular practitioner know about it? Where we have no desire of our own, that is surrender. It’s very easy to hear about it, but to actually do it, that is really challenging. It’s us the ultimate of Bhakti. Where there remains no desire of one’s own. This is surrender. Where there is no doership. That is surrender. Then who is doer ? These words are from the path of devotion and not of knowledge. In the path of devotion there is just one doer- the Lord. Only one wish is working. That is the Lord’s. When there is no personal wish then the one is there is the Lord’s. This is surrender. One becomes the vehicle of the Lord’s wish.

The lord fulfills His wishes through that person who has become His vehicle. His thought becomes the Lord’s thought, his words the Lord’s words and his doing the Lord’s doing. The does everything through Him. One who surrenders. The Lord works through him. When the Lord accepts the person as His own, then there is no personal wish left of that person.

If you want to surrender do it as fast as possible. There should be no place for your own personal wish, only one wish remains and that is called the Lord’s wish.

The issue my dear mothers is that we do not know what His wish is? A grave problem indeed! I don’t know if you all face this problem or not. But, for me, a low category devotee, it’s a nice problem. He does not say, cannot see Him, how do we know what does He want? That’s why man spends his life in doubts. He us unable to reach that state, as he is of low category. I am saying this for myself. Lord says what is actually this world? Do you see the world? Then you have not set foot on the path of devotion. This world appears as the world to the non-devotee. The devotee sees the world as the Lord’s form. Who so ever says anything, think that it’s from Me. This is surrender. That’s why, this path is very difficult. But if one does surrender then he does not have to do anything else. Everything happens by itself.


ध्यान 3 (a)

परम पूज्यश्री डॉ विश्वामित्र जी महारजश्री के मुखारविंद से

ध्यान 3 (a)

1- 5:22

शरणागति की चर्चा चल रही है। समर्पण की चर्चा चल रही है। भक्ति की पराकाष्ठा की चर्चा चल रही है। इससे पहले कि जहां पीछे चर्चा छोड़ी थी वहाँ से आगे शुरू करें, शरणागति के बारे में एक दो अधिष्ठान के माध्यम से शुरू करने की चेष्टा करते हैं कि यह है क्या ? नाम तो हर एक ने सुना हुआ है । शरणागति भी सुना है, समर्पण भी सुना है। प्रत्येक कर्म समर्पित करती हूँ सब बातें सुनी हुई हैं। आख़िर एक साधारण साधक एक सामान्य साधक क्या समझें कि यह समर्पण क्या है, शरणागति क्या है? जहां अपनी इच्छा कोई न रहे वह शरणागति। सुनना बहुत आसान है, देवियों और सज्जनों। करके दिखाना बहुत कठिन है। भक्ति की पराकाष्ठा है। जहां अपनी चाह कोई न रहे। यह शरणागति यह समर्पण है। जहां अपना कर्तापन कर्तृत्व न रहे। वह शरणागति है। समर्पण है। तो फिर कौन करने वाला होगा ? भक्ति के मार्ग के शब्द हैं यह ज्ञान के मार्ग के शब्द नहीं। भक्ति के मार्ग पर कर्ता एक ही है – परमात्मा कहा जाता है। एक ही की इच्छा काम करती है जिसे परमात्मा कहा जाता है। अपनी इच्छा रोई नहीं तो बस एक ही की इच्छा रह जाती है जिसे परमात्मा की इच्छा कहा जाता है।यह शरणागति है। परमात्मा की इच्छा का वाहक बन जाता है।

परमात्मा अपनी इच्छा उसके माध्यम से पूरी करता है। उसकी सोच परमात्मा की सोच उसके शब्द परमात्मा के शब्द । उसकी करनी परमात्मा की करनी। lord works through Him. शरणागत। परमात्मा उसके माध्यम से सब कुछ करता है। जिसको वह अपना शरणागत स्वीकार कर लेता है, तो अपनी इच्छा का कोई स्थान नहीं है। करना तो है, जितनी जल्दी हो सके करो। अपनी इच्छा कोई न रहे अपना संकल्प कोई न रहे।एक ही इच्छा बाकि रह जाती है जिसे परमात्मा की इच्छा कहा जाता है।

समस्या मेरी माताओं यह है कि उसकी इच्छा का पता नहीं चलता। बड़ी भारी समस्या । पता नहीं आप लोगों के साथ यह है कि नहीं। लेकिन मेरे जैसे घटिया साधक के साथ तो यह बहुत भारी समस्या है। बोलता नहीं, सामने नहीं होता, प्रकट नहीं होता ।कैसे पता लगे कि यह क्या चाहता है। इसलिए आदमी भ्रमित ही अपना जीवन व्यतीत कर देता है। इस स्थिति तक पहुँच नहीं पाता क्योंकि अभी घटिया है। जैसे मैंने कहा अपने लिए मैं घटिया हूँ। परमात्मा कहते हैं कि यह संसार क्या है? संसार दिखाई देता है। फिर अभी भक्ति के मार्ग में पग नहीं रखा आपने। यह संसार संसार अभक्त को दिखाई देता है। भक्त को यह संसार संसार नहीं परमात्मा का साकार रूप दिखाई देता है। जो किसी के मुख से शब्द निकलता है तो मेरा समझ, वह समर्पण । इसी लिए बहुत कठिन काम है देवियों और सज्जनों । लेकिन यदि हो गया तो बस उसके बाद कुछ करने की ज़रूरत नहीं। सब कुछ अपने आप घटित होगा।


Surrender 8 c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 8 c

Dear seekers, let us continue with the discussion of the charitable Karna. He is courageous, philanthropist Supreme. He is way expert in archery. In every way, say the scriptures, he is superior to Paarth.

What is the shortcoming ?

The entire power, the power that provides success, did not give support. That’s it.

Arjuna got that in entirety. Arjuna is considered His own. My Arjuna. My Arjuna should not get affected. The entire world may get destroyed, no concern for that. My Arjuna should not suffer in any way. Where the person gets surrendered, where the person takes the refuge of the Lord, this is the promise of the Lord, I do not make him go in accordance with his karmas. I make him go according to my wish. Wao! That’s the glory of surrender. What could be more glorious than this!

See, dear seekers, today, Karna has gone to Dronacharya. Says kindly teach me the knowledge of the weapon Brahmastra. I want the weapon and the knowledge too. Dronacharya understands his wicked move. Therefore says no. Goes to Parshuram. Taking the form of a Brahmin.

Deceit with the Guru, taking support of wickedness, lies, he is going to support the evil. How Will the Lord tolerate it? Taking the form of a Brahmin, telling I am a Brahmin, he knows that Parshuram has taken the vow that I will not teach any warrior class person this knowledge. Due to some reason, you might be remembering that he was in a war with Bhishma. A war of Guru and disciple. Since then he had decided, that I will not teach this knowledge of archery to any Brahmin. Therefore, Karna declares himself as a Brahmin, has gone to take His refuge. Taking support of lies, the results are going to be destructive or not. Ofcourse they will be.

Deceit with the Guru, wickedness, lies with the Guru, taking support of all these He has gone to Parshuram. He has declared himself as a Brahmin. Therefore, Guru Maharaj taught him the knowledge of archery. Many years passed in learning. Must have.

Today, the Guru Parshuram has put his head in his disciples’ lap and taking rest.,While taking rest, a poisonous insect, a demon of previous birth, previous era, some demon of previous lives, very cruel demon, Parshuram’s forefather Maharishi Bhrigu’s wife’s abductor, he got cursed, today he came and bit Karna. This insect creates a hole . It does not bite but but crates a hole. A deep hole. Understand that the blood started flowing. Warm blood. The drops fell on The Guru’d face. Not to move! If I move then Guru Maharaj ( word of respect) will awaken. The warm blood fell on the Guru’s face. He saw and opened his eyes. The insect turned into a demon. He told his story. But leave that part. Parshuram is a Guru. He is Lord Parshuram, a Brahmin, belongs to the family of Rishi Bhrigu, he is not an ordinary one. Therefore, it does not take him a second and said at once- Karna! Tell me the truth. Who are you? No Brahmin can endure this intolerable pain. You came to be as a Brahmin. You are not a Brahmin. Tell me the truth. You are you?

He dropped to his feet.

Anger of the Brahmin, Anger of Guru, who can endure? “ If a Guru gets upset, then there is no respite, if Lord gets upset then Guru is the respite. “ There is no respite, if the Guru turns away.

It’s time dear seekers. Kindly allow to end here. We’ll continue with this discussion. Today allow to end here. Thanks.

Surrender 7c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message



Part 7c

If the Lord has given you a talent , a quality, then you don’t accept the giver of those qualities , you don’t remember Him, you don’t acknowledge Him, then you are Egotistically talented. To kill any negativity you need a quality. If you need to erase enmity, you need to have a quality of forgiveness.

Saints and Divine Souls say that where did this quality come from? Surrender all to Him. I have only negativities and negativities in me. My life’s earning has been sinful and of bad karmas. If any quality is there, if any good karma has happened, it has occurred because of Your Grace, because of Your wish, Your energy. Dedicate this . If you do not dedicate to the Lord, then Egoistic Quality.

What happened with Karna? They say, Karna was in every way better than Arjuna, oldest Pandava. But the love , the care, the security what Arjuna received, Karna did not. When he turned himself away from the The Absolute giver of power then how? Whatever Lord gave Paarth, He did not give Karna. He is talented, has valor, patience, he is way superior in archery than Arjuna, etc. etc.

The Lord tells Arjuna Himself – Paarth! There has been no philanthropist as Karna not there will ever be. In this manner He has praised Karna fir his charity , burned his body on His hands, He did give Karna this respect, what quality he had. But he got pride because of his talents, then thought that this cruel person needs to be killed. He needs to go.

What has happened? Let us start today, dear seekers, we won’t be able to complete it.

Guru of Great-grandfather Bhishma is Parshuram. Learned archery from him. Due to some reason there occurred a fight between the Guru and the disciple. Parshuram pledged that he would never teach archery to any warrior class person. Karma wants to obtain the weapon Brahmastr. He wants to get the knowledge.

Dronacharya understood his wickedness, that it’s a wicked move of his, such that he would use it against Arjuna, hence, refused him. Said thus knowledge can be obtained by those who have practiced strict abstinence., be a Brahmin or Kshatriyas ( belonging to warrior class)

Karna was considered to be from a lower class. So when Dronacharya refused he went to Lord Parshuram. There Parshuram ji has pledged not to impart knowledge to warrior class. Therefore, he impersonated as a Brahmin , took the support of Negativity, to gain success, that also with the support of unreality. With whom? From the Guru! Wickedness from whom? From the Guru! So the result is going to be disastrous.

With the support of talents readiness for negativity. The consequence is not going to be good. The Guru accepted him as his disciple. He taught him the knowledge. Every kind of knowledge. Taught how to use the weapon brahmastr. Today, The Guru is resting in his disciple’s lap. One such insect, imagine the head of Guru in disciple’s lap, the disciple is not supposed to move, but the insect has come. Very poisonous. It not Karna. His wound is as if a hole is created deep , it’s not superficial. Poisonous insect. It goes deep within. Blood came out of the disciple. Warm blood when dropped on the Guru, he woke up. When the Guru looked at the insect, it turned out to be a demon. Told his story. It’s time dear seekers. We’ll continue with this discussion next Sunday. Today kindly allow to end here. Thanks..

We are servants of Your court Baba

Give us your vision in return as labor.

We are servants of the Lord, of our Masters. Do not create your own court. Never commit this mistake. The services then can be taken away in no time.

Surrender 6d

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6 d

Taking some examples from the Mahabharata, dear seekers, let us clarify this talk. Those people whose names will be discussed if they had not listened to Madhav, then Mahabharata would have been and looked very different. That’s why said – Do not worry about your religion. Leave them. What I say, you follow that. I will make you work according to Me. Not according to You. Not in accordance with Your karmas. I know what your karmas look like. But I will not make you work in accordance with your karmas. In accordance with Me.

Dronacharya’s Son Ashvatthama. Due to attachment with his son, Ashvatthama got immense love and attention. His father’s wish was that he should be the best in archery, surpassing Kauravas and Pandavas. But he was not very intelligent. He was immature. After great persuasion, he took the Narayanan astr from his father.

Father, while giving said – It’s due to attachment with the son. He did not deserve. But father, how to let go of son’s attachment. Dronacharya was unable to let go. He persuaded and took the weapon from his father. He said – son! I am giving you Fire! You will be able to burn the entire world with it. It’s so powerful. Thousands of bombs, atom bombs, cannot cause such devastation as this can. Remember one thing son – it will not work on the Lord or on His devotees. Second thing- he was given the weapon, taught how to operate it, but was not taught it’s return. In Dronacharya’s own words- He is immature. If I teach him how to bring it back, then he’ll use it again and again and make mistakes. So let him use it only once. It’s enough.

Dronacharya is dead. Ashvatthama has gone mad. Everything is finished. If he were not Dronacharya’s son, nobody would have known him. Who would remember a sinner or ignorant one. Very few. Today, everybody knows Ashvatthama. He is Dronacharya’s son. He is going mad. Behaving like mad. So to kill all pandavas, he released the weapon.

Very strange scenario was observed. Entire sky , entire planets got vanished. Nothing was visible. The weapon was multiplying itself and thousands more weapons appeared and every where there was fire . Whole sky was filled with fire . Some were getting burned, some dying. Ashvatthama was sitting on a tree and observing everything. To collect the ashes of the Pandavas. When they’ll die, when I’ll collect their ashes.

Paarth saw everything and said – Madhav ! What is this ?

I know Paarth what it is. Nothing can be done. If you want to be saved then leave your weapons and sit down. Pay salutations to this weapon. Then only you’ll be saved.

If he had not listened to this, then Mahabharata would have been different.

All big warriors , Bhim, etc opposed. They did not believe that Lord was Lord Himself. But for Arjuna, He had to do everything. Why? Arjuna is mine, Arjuna has surrendered. He would listen to opposition, insults too. Lord did Everything for Him. Only for Arjuna. Arjuna is mine, surrendered. After some time everything got quiet. The weapon Narayan, entered in Narayana ( The Lord) Everybody witnessed. That the weapon entered the Lord. Everything became quiet.

Ashvatthama is very disappointed. He asked Maharishi Vyas dev ji – I know the power of the weapon Narayana. What happened? It did not do anything?

Your father told that this weapon will be ineffective on the Lord and His devotees. Do t you know that the Lord is with the Pandavas?

Nobody can harm those, with whom the Lord is there.

So one example today. Rest on coming Sunday. Allow to end here now.

Again remember. It’s such a big achievement, where the Lord does not make us go according to our own karmas but according to Himself. Wao! Amazing ! The one who has surrendered and You my Lord! Thanks.

Surrender 6c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6c

A saint is on his death bed. Everybody knows that he is going to transcend his body. Due to the relation with the body an aunt came to visit. She asks her nephew- Have you asked for forgiveness from God for all sinful acts, negative actions, knowing or unknowingly committed. She asks her nephew. The nephew is a saint. He is nephew for her. These are relations of the body, these are not the relations of the Soul, these are of the body, mortal relations.

The saint says to his aunt- Auntie! I do remember a single time in my life when I was upset with God. I have always said yes, in His yes. How so He made me dance, I danced. For what should I seek forgiveness for ? Forgiveness one needs to ask, when, I have not fulfilled any of His wishes. Whatever He did, how so ever He made me dance on His fingers, I kept dancing my entire life.

I do not remember any occasion when there was a friction between Him and myself. Forgiveness for what? But I do keep asking for forgiveness every time. But I don’t remember doing any such act. Surrender. Saying yes, to the Lord’s wishes. The ultimate of the devotion and the devotee. Here we had stopped our discussion.

These are surrendered ones. There have been only brought in to offer at your service, that how a surrendered person is. Such a person, is not made to work according to his karmas.

So what is left in life now? Enjoyment and enjoyment ! Bliss and only bliss. All karmas are gone! All got burnt. I will free you from all sins, will take you beyond sorrow. If these are gone, finished, got burned, destroyed, then where will unhappiness come from? I make him work according to Me. I make him my tool. The Lord has to get His things done or not? How does He gets His work done? Through these surrendered Souls. Whom the Lord accepts, the ones who have sold themselves for the Lord! and the Lord buys them! That’s it! He makes them His tool. He manifests through them. I do not make them go according to their own karmas, but according to myself.

Surrender 6b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6 b

Arjuna has understood this concept. Today, he is going with Madhav ( Lord Krishna) on a recreational trip. The Lord, saw a duck, maybe a white pigeon. He says to Arjuna, Paarth! See a black crow. Yes Madhav, it’s really ugly. One does not wish to see.

They went further. There they actually saw a black crow. Madhav said- See Paarth! A shining duck! A bright white pigeon. One wishes, to catch it and live it. Take it in the lap. Yes, Keshav. ( Lord Krishna) you are right. The Lord, on seeing Arjuna’s response asked him with surprise- Paarth! Tell me one thing. Did you actually see what I was telling you?

Arjuna said – Madhav ! Whatever you say, I accept. Why?? If it’s not that, then you are capable to make it happen that way! That’s why it’s better that what you say, to accept it is surrender.

Arjuna has understood the concept.

That’s why the ultimate discourse he received- Give up all religions take My refuge. Gita ji says – Take My Refuge. I will free you from all your sins. What do you have to do? Madhav, the person has been freed from all sins! What he had to do, he did all. Everything is done. Don’t be sad . Don’t worry. I will free you from all sins.

Lord has reached river Pampa. It’s that area where Mother Shabri lives. Had to go for a bath. Lord had his arrow in His hand. He was thinking that I have to take a bath at the river, what do I need it there for? He put it in the soil. Will come and take it out. When He came back and took out the arrow, He saw that it had blood on it. Laxman whose blood is it? Just see who was revere in the soil. I just put it in the earth. See there is blood on it. As if some animal is there. See who Is it? He dug up a little bit and saw that a frog was bleeding. It’s a beautiful example of surrender, of offering oneself. All things regarding surrender and offering oneself are amazing. They are very beautiful, extremely beautiful! Why?

Surrender is so beautiful. And so is offering oneself. It’s beautiful.

Dear Frog! Lord says, whoever we see you, you are croaking. When you were hit with an arrow. You must have had pain. Frog said why not? Said – the Lord of Lords, when the One who gives life I’d taking away life, then whom to call out? I thought- neither I need to think, nor I need to say anything! Earlier also, when’re there used to be a problem or chaos, I would call you – Ram save me ! When the savior has become the predator, then whom to ask for help. This is surrender.

Surrender 6a

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 6a

My revered salutations my mothers and gentlemen at your feet. Infinite times accept my ob

The discussion on surrender is going on, giving oneself up is going on. The ultimate of devotion is going on. Let us start where we stopped. Let us try to understand surrender by way of some examples. What is it? Everybody has heard the name, hymns too, surrender too, offering oneself too. Every action I surrender, you have heard. For a normal ordinary seeker what does surrender mean to him? What is offering oneself?

Where there is no wish of one’s own. That is surrender. It’s easy to listen, but to actually do it, it’s very challenging. This is the ultimate of devotion. Where there is no desire Where there is no desire of one’s own, that is surrender. That is offering oneself. There is no doer ship of one’s own. Then who is the doer? These are words of the path of devotion. Not of knowledge. These words are of devotion.

Therefore there is only one doer in the path of devotion, one who is called God. Only one wish prevails. No wish of one’s own. Then only one wish prevails, that is called the Lord’s wish.

This surrendered person becomes a vehicle for the Lord’s wish. The Lord, fulfills His wish through him. His thought is the Lord’s thought. His words, are the Lord’s words. His actions are the Lord’s actions. The Lord works through him. The surrendered one. The Lord does everything through him. Whom the Lord accepts, then there is no space for one’s own wish. One has to do, that’s why don’t take too long. His early you can do, do it. Let there be no wish of one’s own. No objective of one’s own. Then only one wish remains and that is called the Lord’s wish.

But the problem my mothers and gentlemen is that we do not know what His wish is. It’s a huge problem. I don’t know whether you face it or not. But for such a low category seeker as me, it’s a big issue. He does not speak. Does not appear. Does not come face to face.How to know what He wants.

That’s why man spends his life in doubt. Is not able to reach this status. Is of low category, like I said for myself, that I am of low category. Lord says, what is this world? The world can be seen, but then you have not stepped on the path of devotion. This world is not the world. A non seeker or ignorant one sees this as the world. But To a devotee, this world does not appear the world. As if he sees the Lord’s form. Whatever comes out from somebody’s mouth, consider it mine. Then surrender. Then offering one self. That’s why it is a very challenging thing ladies and gentlemen. But if it’s done, then after that one does not need to do anything. Everything happens by itself.