Category Archives: Surrender

Surrender 5b

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message


Part 5b

Surrender. The daughter is given away. The daughter goes to her home. That’s how it is said, isn’t it? Has gone to her home. Beautiful!

This is surrender. This is the sign of surrender. The in-laws house , this word is not good. Has gone to her home. Leaving one parents has gone to other parents. That’s real fun! This is called surrender. Now she has starting putting vermillion on her forehead. I am somebody’s. She has put the sign of surrender. Now the entire world knows that she is married. When a person becomes the Lord’s then it is called surrender. This example is being taken for you. When she used to go there, the first thing would be to change her parents’ house name. Not now. The surname changes. The Sub caste changes. She accepts all their customs. The house is hers. Kids are born. They go to school too. Today parents have to go to school more than the kids.

Mother is calling home. She says the little sister is getting married, so come. Writes a letter, calling her. Kindly do come a month earlier. Help me with the work. She calls back saying – what are you saying ? Kids have to go to school. They have exams. They have this, they have that. The brother in law too is getting married, how can I come? Kindly excuse me. She has spent 20-25 years with her parents now her home has changed, surrender, giving oneself up.

I will not be able to come. At the most maybe one day before the wedding, that also with great difficulty. Don’t wait for me. Kindly do make your own arrangements. Now grown little more. What kind of home is it? Only dear ladies you have to put your feet in there. The moment the person puts his feet in there, he is surrendered. That’s it, then he belongs there only, this is surrender.

The kids are married now. The daughter in law has come. Has left that house and has gone to another house. What does she say- since the time you have entered my home, you have brought distress. This home is mind now. Surrender. The son has got married. Has become mother in law, has become the owner, surrender.

Those who offer themselves to the Lord, the Lord accepts them. Everything then belongs to the person, including the Lord Himself. This is surrender.

Dear devotees. Those who are accepted by the Lord, the one who becomes Lord’s , the Lord does not make him go according to his karmas.

How do we identify surrender? How do we know that the Lord has accepted us, made us His own, how do we recognize it? Dear ladies a very clear identification is there-

Then He does not go according to our karmas, our dirty karmas, our vicious karmas, no, He does not make us go through our own karmas. Then He makes us go according to His own wish. This is the sign that I have accepted you.

In The epic Mahabharata , there are beautiful examples. In Ch 18, 66th shaloka, everything started from here, Paarth! Renounce all religions you take refuge in Me! If Arjuna would have followed his own religion, then the outcome of the war would have been different. If Draupadi had followed her religion then she would have been different. Lord makes the surrendered devotee go as per His wish.

Next Sunday, we’ll continue with our discussion further.

Today allow to end here itself. Thanks. .

Surrender Part 4

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )


Last Sunday the discussion was going on, Paarth ! Renounce all religions take My refuge.

Ch 18’s 66th shaloka. Renounce all religions. Immortal Discourses from Gita ji are going on. This message cannot be called the last one, but this message’s discussion is going on. Renounce all religions and take My refuge. I will free you from all sins. Don’t worry. Don’t be sad!

Last Sunday it was requested that from the 1st chapter to the 18th one, the Lord has shown Paarth so many homes, but Paarth cannot find his home. You go to Nagpur or Pune. You get rest only when you come home.

Vishaadyoga – Communion with Lord through pain, he says not mine.Sankhyayog-Communion with Lord through Knowledge, Karma, etc, etc, so many homes Lord showed Paarth , but in none of the homes Paarth entered. He cannot feel that these are my homes! So at the end says, Paarth, your home is that which is Mine. What I am! Take My refuge. Renouncing all religions, only My refuge. Next Sunday’s we’ll also continue with this. Let’s begin .

Dear daughter! Try to understand. What is it to reach My home? So many words have been used, Refuge, surrender – meaning offering all to God. All mean the same.

What does it mean though ?

In simple language what do understand ? It’s a very High thing, surrender.

Surrender means to beget Lord. A drop hit one with the ocean. A river got one with the ocean. That’s it. The life’s journey is over. What one had to attain one attained.

Ordinarily, dear ladies, what is it’s meaning? Saints and Divine Souls, tell us in a very simple manner. They say- you do “ Kanyadaan” in a daughters marriage. Surrender while listening seems so simple , we are surrendered devotees, we are surrendered. He is of the one who is surrendered, there is no doubt in it. But are we surrendered or not? The actual thing to be pondered in is this. He is the One who has compassion for the poor , for the devotees , there is no doubt in it. But have we been able to make ourselves helpless or not? Have we been able to make ourselves as devotees or not? Doubt is on this thing. A big question mark ?

You did kanyadaan for your daughter. After that, you child leaves you and goes to her home. Talk of the scriptures. What does it mean today ?

God knows what scriptures say. You used to give blessings to your child. When she would go, or be in her parting time, you would cry and depart her. You are leaving my house, going to your house, be happy at your place, you used to give such blessings. As if this is no more your home. Your home is where you are going. Today it is called in-laws place. Earlier it was addressed as your home. You are going to your home, May your dead body come out from there and not you. These was messages of those times, education of those times. Accept that house, as yours. This was offering oneself.

What did the girl do? Now things have changed. Earlier the band too used to change. A stamp was there- the vermillion, The bindi, the bangles, clothes, auspicious clothes she was Mae to wear. Those parents were considered parents. The in-laws came now only. Those parents would change the name . Name got changed. Miss Priyanka Chopra, became Mrs. .. some other name. Mrs. Khosla. None got changed, the subcaste got changed.

But surrender not just this. Today it’s the festival of Rakhi. Brothers are waiting for their sister. Bd it brothers that go or sister that comes. Comes once a year. Later says- Mummy( birth Mother) here there is no custom of Rakhi. Discussion ends.

The name got changed, surname too, customs . If these things happen for the Lord’s home, then it’s called surrender, it’s called giving oneself.

Next Sunday, we’ll continue with our discussion. Kindly allow to end here.


Suurender 3c

Divine Discourse of Param PujyaShri Dr. VishwaMitr ji Maharajshri ( an amateur and a humble attempt at translating His Discourses in English )

Immortal Message



A handful of clay. You throw it with a great force up. How much force you could apply, you threw it. The earth is the whole. It pulls its part towards itself really’s law of Nature. From the ocean, water vapor go up then clouds are formed. At different places they pour. Till the Rivers, creeks, take it and again reach the ocean, it dies not find rest.

This person, this soul , till it begets the Lord, it remains unfulfilled. Whatever you may do. This is Nature’s law..Till the time, the part, does not meet the whole , till then fulfillment is not there. This unrest does not go. This disturbance does not go. Peace is there Paarth! Renounce all sectarian religions Take My, the word, Take My refuge only. I will free you from all sins. Don’t think too much. Don’t worry about anything. Such a huge assurance , we have received via Paarth!

What kind of solitude is this Paarth? This poison which is the world, till it does no communion with RAM, there is no solitude( vish-Ram). See the word- Vish-Ram. This world is like a poison. If you’ll stay connected with Ram, then it is Vish-Ram. If you get separated from RAM, this poison will eat you up. This is what is happening with us.

Why is there unrest? When we’ll not be connected with the Source of comfort, source of peace,then there’ll be unrest only. Worry only, fear, doubts, etc etc. Once we merge into Him everything ends.

A river starts from its birth point. She is flowing. Within herself there is a deep longing. I have to meet the ocean. All have the same desire , to reach the whole. No need for big long discussions. What is the objective? The part needs to meet its Whole. Call it Divine Communion, Oneness with Ram, Absolute peace, Supreme happiness, call it anything , a part has to meet its Whole. This is the life’s objective. This is the thirst, the longing, the hunger. Till the time it happens, this longing will be there. You will remain hungry, s d thirsty. Take as births you may. This thirst and hunger will go away only when the part will meet the whole.

This river is flowing, it’s the play of Nature, play of the Lord, what is it’s route? It passes through the desert. It has not crossed through the desert , it’s still in there, now what is left is dry sand and a little bit of wet sand. The whole star goes off in the desert. Today it is very upset. Like us, we also cannot find the whole. We are also upset. We lock our heads at different places. Everyday we come to ShreeRamSharnam. Why? We have not yet had a communion with our Whole. What else do we ask for? What do we want from here? Only this no? That we have not yet been One with our Whole. We have not found our home. Trying to find, searching for it, attempts are made, we keep going.

Today the river is very upset. Will I ever be able to meet the ocean? My route is this only. I cannot change my route by myself. It’s the Lord’s doing. If He blesses, then my route can change. I cannot change it. How can I change my router I have to pass through the desert. Today she is very upset. So she asks the wet sand, Is it not written in my destiny the Communion with my ocean? Will this part be never be able to meet it Whole? Have pity on me. Tell me some way out.

The wet sand tells the river- The pain of yours, the intense desire , longing in you, there is no reason that you will not meet your Whole. I will tell you a small way. The sand tells her the way.

Surrender yourself to the clouds. Lose yourself. You sing this hymn-

“ those who accepted RAM

They lose themselves

Then found Ram”

The middle part is very important. Lose yourself. Today the sand is telling the river what? Surrender yourself to the clouds, then you will reach the ocean by itself. The way you are going never like this. Surrender yourself. You take My refuge. Surrender means giving oneself up. We raise hands, as if we have offered ourselves. People offer flowers, fruit, prasaad, we don’t have anything. We offer ourselves. This is called surrender.

It’s been such a long time that we have been hearing about surrender. Do many years have passed by. The easiest, the fastest mode of begetting the Lord, surrender. To take His refuge means, Communion with God. There is no difference. Only thing needed is to take His refuge. We just need to raise our hands. We have come- surrendered. No wish of our own. The way You make us go. Whatever is your wish. That’s my wish. We are willing to be in your wish. Everything gets finished. Everything of ours gets erased. Such is surrender. Then one does not have to do any. Surrendered, kitten, regular person, knowledgeable person, meditative person, devotee etc. Surrender is above devotion. The ultimate devotion is surrender. It’s higher than devotion. A monkey’s child is a devotee too. Mother picks him up. Clings it to her chest. Stuck. If a father picks him up then it clings to the back. Bothe mother and father run, climb, jump, from one tree to another. From one home to another. But there is fear inside the baby. Now I fall, now. But surrender is not like that.

There is no fear in surrender. Kitten. The cat holds it from its own mouth. The kitten dies not ever get a scratch. You should see one day. The cat holds the kitten from its mouth. But does not let any scratch come in from the mouth. The kitten is so safe. Not afraid of falling. Till the time the cat dies not leave me, I have no fear.

This is surrender.

Here the Lord holds. A person who is surrendered. The Lord holds. That’s why , carefree, fearlessness, doubtlessness. It’s time dear seekers! We will continue this discussion dome Sunday’s. Surrender is ultimate. If you want to beget the ultimate then you have to use the ultimate mode. And that is surrender.

“ The way He makes you dance,

you dance that away”

Surrender- The real comfort

Divine Discourses from the Most Revered Dr. Vishvamitr ji Maharajshri (An humble attempt: translated to English)

Divine Message


Part 3a

Hundreds of salutations my dear Mothers and gentlemen at your feet. Kindly accept my salutations. Supreme teacher of Gita Lord Shri Krishna’s discourse on Immortal messages is going on.

Renounce all religions, you take My refuge. I will free you from all sins. Paarth don’t feel sad, don’t feel stressed out. Offer all karmas to Me and surrender them, offer your everything to Me.

Whatever you want to attain, it’s with Me. Dear Lord gives a huge assurance. Whatever you want in life, I have it to give you, only you need to take My refuge. come .

The other Sunday, the soldier who had lost his memory, he was taken to so many places, till he did not find his home, The Lord also showed Paarth many homes, Showed Him Vishad Yoga-but he didn’t like it. Sankhya Yoga- Communion through Knowledge, he don’t like it, this is not my home. Karmyoga-Communion through action, this is not my home. Karm-sanyas Yoga-Communion through renunciation, this is not my home. Dhyaan Yoga, Gyaan Vigyaan Yoga, Shradhatry vibhag Yoga-do many homes , Vibhuti Yoga, Vishwaroopdarshan, so many homes the Lord showed him, but Arjun is still not able to find his home.

Today, 66th shaloka of Chapter 18. Renounce all sectarian religions Paarth and take My refuge. My home is your home. Without going to your home, you do not get rest. One gets little rest. You are out from morning, till one reaches home, , till then, one is in unrest. One reaches home, takes a bath, changes clothes, meaning, one is rested. So where does one get rest, at one’s home.

Paarth has been shown his home. Now it’s your choice. Whatever you feel like doing, you do. I have shown you your home. You’ll find rest there only.

Saints Divine Souls explain 3 kinds of rest.

One is bodily rest. Talking too much, got tired. One is quiet for a while. Then again start talking. Bodily rest. All day one does work, slept at night. Morning, again ready to work with the sane energy, zeal, whatever got lost during the day, one got it back after a night’s sleep. Next day you are ready to work again. You walk. You get tired while walking. You stop for a while. Take rest. Again start walking again. Bodily rest, physical rest.

Second, Subtle rest. Which one is the subtle rest? What kind is it? Giving comfort to others. This is related to the heart, not the body. Subtle rest-you are hungry. The food is served for you. You are ready to eat. Done guests come in. Or done beggar. You gave it to him. The happiness that you received by seeing him, the comfort that you received from that, soul contentment, satisfaction, a strange satisfaction, it is subtle rest.

Whatever happens, I will not open my mouth in front of my mother-in-law. An amazing satisfaction one finds here. The mother-in-law says, how so much the daughter in law troubles me , but I will not say anything to her. This dear seekers, gives a wonderful soul satisfaction. This is called subtle comfort. It’s relation is with the heart.

Both these comforts are going to be taken away.

The third comfort is, the real comfort. Which is called solitude. Without Ram, without taking the Lord’s refuge, without holding His hand, this solitude does not come. Where will one find it? Take My refuge. You will find bliss. Because it is your home. Take My refuge. My Home your home is One! I am The Whole and you my part. It’s a rule of Nature no? The part comes from the Whole. and till the time it does no communion with it, till then the unrest does not go away. It’s the same for everyone! Till now the Whole has not been reached. That’s why again and again we are taking birth. The Communion is awaited. When the part is One with the whole then the cycle of birth and death ends. Till the time the part is not one with the whole !

Surrender 2c

Divine Discourses from the Most Revered Dr. Vishvamitr ji Maharajshri (An humble attempt: translated to English)

Divine Message


Part 2c

It’s about the time of 2nd world war. Terrible war was going on.On soldier got seriously injured, there was no hope of his survival. He was unconscious. Unconscious in the battle field. The enemy took off all signs of recognition from him. No name, no number, nothing about the place, where he stays, who is he, nothing was left on him. His soldiers saw him and said he is ours only. So took him to the hospital. The treatment went in for a long time. He was unable to get better. It was like, he was saved but has loss of memory. No sign at all. Memory loss. Nothing he remembers. Due to grace of God, He was able to walk and do his chores. As if there is no dependency on others. Specialists examined him.

The Army officer examined him and said, take him to his country. It’s possible that his memory may come back. Looking at him, one can say that he is a Britisher, a resident of UK. Two soldiers went with him. Took him to different places. Maybe somewhere his might remember something, such that they can leave him at his place. Do many months passed by. But no address can be found. Got disappointed, what to do with him. Army has its own problems. Own rules and regulations. The soldiers who were with him were feeling very frustrated. Poor thing, he must be having everything but inspite of that he is an orphan. Army might not have such provision where such people could be kept.

The soldiers are very sad. They are sitting in a local train. The local is going on. A small station has come. There everybody thought let’s have tea. They get down to have tea. While having tea, they see sign boards. Earlier also they made him see, but no recognition came. The road was written, the number was written , the name, etc, they showed everything. The injured soldier got up, started seeing the sign board. Started walking independently. Walking through the market, entered a street. As he entered the street he seemed to remember something. He kept going and said- this is my house. In his home were his parents, wife, children, he got the whole family.

Saints, Divine Souls explain, we seekers, we worldly people, whatever you say, are searching in the similar manner for that home. Struggling, we cannot find the home. The Supreme Teacher of Gita ji showed many homes to Paarth, dear Mother!

From Vishad Yoga – Arjuna’s grief to sankhya Yoga- Communion through knowledge, dhyaan yoga- communion through meditation, karm-Sanyaas yoga- communion through action and renunciation, gyan-vigyan yoga-communion through wisdom, many homes He showed. But Paarth is unable to find his home.

Paarth leave all sectarian religions, take refuge in Me. I am your Home. In this home only we all have to go. This is the objective. This only has been said in various different ways. Every part wants to be one with the whole. Every part wants to go to the whole!

Water may be from anywhere, a dirty channel, or from the Ganges, till it does not join the ocean, it does not relax. When will it get to it’s home, when it goes into the ocean. Surrender.

Today we started with surrender. A lady goes to her home. Goes to her husband’s home and becomes the owner. A son when goes to his home, is born, leave about going home, the moment he is born, after a few days he is called little master by the people. An undergraduate lady marries a MBBS Doctor, as if she is His now, then people call her a doctor. A poor lady, due to destiny , gets married to a rich person, becomes rich too. Where she would get only meager food to eat but now is addressed as a rich lady.

We’ll end the The glory of surrender here, kindly allow me to do so. We’ll spend some weeks on this discussion. Why? As everybody has to attain surrender, return back to our own home. The home of the Soul.

O Supreme Father Supreme Soul,

My Souls yearns for a communion with You.


Divine Discourses from the Most Revered Dr. Vishvamitr ji Maharajshri (An humble attempt: translated to English)

Divine Message


Part 2b

The Gita ji is going to end, is such an open manner, the Discourse is going to end, today he opens up the secret- Give up all the religions Paart! And take My refuge. I will deliver you from all sins.

Dear seekers ! What does this shaloka mean ? At so many places, the Lord has said, engross your mind in Me, be My devotee, Pay salutations to Me, pay salutations again and again to me. He has said all these things at some places. But not this direct.

Give up all religions you take My refuge. Surrender. Come back to your home. The body’s house is in Delhi, but the Soul’s home is The Supreme Being Shri Ram. Swamiji Maharaj has kept the name Shri Ram Sharnam. Where have you come? Your home? Shri Ram , that place is called Shri RamSharnam, Shri Ram who is the home of our Soul, our home.

Somebody is living in Chitranjan park, some here, some there. All these are the bodies’ home. Soul has only one home, Supreme Being Shri Ram. As if The Supreme Teacher Lord, Shri Krishna is telling Arjuna, – Return back to your home. Take My refuge, come to Me, where I live. That is your home too! Otherwise the whole life you’ll keep wandering! So many births you’ll wander. You’ll not come to know what your home is ! Dear Seekers! This is surrender, we’ll take some weeks to understand it. It’s the Ultimate, that’s why. The ultimate height of devotion, surrender.

Alright My Lord! We are yours! In spiritual terms surrender is , we are Yours. To be somebody’s, is surrender. The wife is of her husband’s, so she puts “ sindoor” in her head, a sign. We are somebody’s. A tag is put in the neck, we are the Lord’s. The dog who has a tag in his neck, it is said tat it is domestic. It’s not a stray dog. Slowly slowly we’ll keep discussing about this a little openly .


Immortal Message

Divine Discourses from the Most Revered Dr. Vishvamitr ji Maharajshri (An humble attempt: translated to English)

Immortal Message

Divine Refuge

Part 2a

Many many salutations at your feet my Mothers gentlemen . Kindly accept my salutations a Millions times more.Most reveres Swamiji Maharajshri’s announcement –

With devotion, no body can attain peace. If you meant to do devotion then form a relationship with Him. Then it is easy to do devotion.

Dear devotees! Summary of Gita is being discussed. Immortal Discourse, Immortal messages, directly from the Supreme Teacher, Lord Shri Krishna’s. Precious words. When go out of your home, never go alone. Take Lord always with you. First message.

The discussion on summary of Gita ji is going on.

Always be in constant remembrance of the Lord while performing your duties. – Second Message.

Discipline your mind in such a way, all the play is of the mind only, discipline your mind in such a way, that whatever you are doing – It May be in constant remembrance of the Lord. Why He insists on it? Because – “ Paarth who so ever at his last leaves his body remembering Me, he begets Me there is no doubt in it. Therefore, in my constant remembrance you go for war. Do your duties. After the immortal messages, today dear devotees, we enter the Third one.

Gita ji has 700 shalokas. Dear Devotees, 18th chapter is the longest chapter, Gita ji ends at 73rd shaloka. Total 78 shalokas. Rest 5 shalokas neither Arjuna asked a question nor Lord Krishna answered. Sanjay offers his point of view. Sanjay has heard the Gita ji. Whatever he has seen he talks about it in the last shalokas. What does Sanjay say? What does an unbiased person say? We’ll discuss this when it’s turn comes. Today, we discuss about the third message.

We enter the 18th chapter Salvation-Renunciation Yoga. Signs of it The Lord has given at many places, but what He has said today, he has never done it so openly before. Renounce all religions you take my refuge. I will free you from all the sins.


FAQs – समर्पण – हर परिस्थिति गुरू प्रसाद 

July 17, 2017

प्रश्न : मैं एक ग्रुप में थी । मेरी भक्ति को अव्यभिचारिणी कह कर वहाँ से मुझे निकाल दिया ? क्या व्यक्तियों के ” नाम” पर आधारित है भक्ति या राम नाम की धारणाओं पर ? 
जितनी विभिन्नता परमेश्वर के जगत में है उतनी विभिन्नता है मानव मन में । चाहे एक ही गुरू के शिष्य क्यों न हों, मन भिन्न ही सदा रहते हैं । 
हमारी यात्रा परमेश्वर व गुरूतत्व के साथ मन एक करने में है । पर उस यात्रा में थोडा सा मन संगति के साथ मिलता हो वह बहुत ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँचा देता है । 
जब साधक गुरूजनों के समर्पण राह पर चलना आरम्भ करता है तो उसका syllabus साधारण से भिन्न हो जाता है । 

समर्पण में पहली व शायद अंतिम चीज यही होती है कि हर चीज मेरे गुरू द्वारा मुझ तक पहुँच रही है । सो सब प्रसाद है । यदि किसी ने मुझे निकाला तो मानो मेरे गुरू कह रहे हैं कि बस! अब आगे बढ़ो ! सो लीला रची व निकाले गए । 
कभी भी अपनी भक्ति को किसी के कहने पर गौण नहीं मानना । यह बहुत व्यक्तिगत है। यह सबसे पवित्र संबंध है इस जीवन का । इसमे और निखार आ सके इसे जरूर विकसित कीजिए पर दूसरा क्या जाने न कि हमारे भीतर क्या है ! और हमें बताने की भी कोई आवश्यकता नहीं संसार को ! 
हमारे गुरूजनों ने तो कभी दूसरे पंथों व मंत्रों को तक नीचा नहीं कहा । केवल यह कहा – हमने वह नहीं जपा सो हम नहीं कुछ कह सकते । हमेशा यही कहा कि किसी गुरू के बारे में गलत नहीं कहना ! जब गुरूजनों ने दूसरों की निन्दा साधक के लिए मना किया है जो भक्ति तो बहुत ऊँची चीज है । 
कृपया जिनसे पीडा हुई उनके लिए सदा प्रार्थना करिएगा । कृपा माँगिएगा । 
निराकार राम ” नाम व रूप ” के पार ही पाए जाते हैं । जब राम अपनी इस राह पर ले जाना आरम्भ करते हैं तो संसार में भी नाम व रूप गिरने लग जाते हैं ।  
सदा स्मरण रखना है हमें कि हमें धार्मिक से आध्यात्मिक बनना है । स्वयं पर नज़र व स्वयं को ही सुधारना है । 
सबका मंगल करें प्रभु 
श्री श्री चरणों में

FAQ – इच्छाएं व समर्पण 

July 16, 2017

प्रशन : ईश्वर हर किसी स्वरुप मे सिर्फ वही अपनी प्रतिनिधी आत्मा देते है । पर हर किसी का मन, बुद्धि, और कर्म अलग अलग।ये हमारे पिछले जन्मो के कर्मो या प्रारब्धो के अनुसार। यही हमारी आत्मा पर जन्म लेते के साथ ही चढे होते है । इसलिये हर किसी के मन मे उठने वाली कामनाएँ भी इसी मन बुद्दि और कर्मो अनुसार अलग अलग, जबकि सबके शरीर मे आत्मा तो वही सत्य शुद्ध ईश्वर का स्वरुप।यदि किसी की इच्छा चोरी की होती है, यदि किसी की इच्छा किसी स्त्री के साथ गलत व्यवहार की होती है, यदि किसी की इच्छा दूसरो को कष्ट देने की होती है, तो इन सब इच्छाओ को हम प्रभु के द्वारा ही प्रकट की गयी इच्छाए कैसे मान सकते है। या ये कैसे कह सकते है कि ये सब प्रभु से ही उत्पन्न हुई चीजे । ये तो हमारे मन, बुद्धि और कर्मो के अनुसार उपजने वाली इच्छाए है? 
गीता जी में स्पष्ट लिखा है कि तीनों तरह के गुणों से जीवात्मा बंधा हुआ है । परमेश्वर के इलावा इन गुणों को कौन उत्पन्न कर सकता है ? संत गण कहते हैं कि परमेश्वर ने यह देह व इसकी इंद्रियाँ उसे जानने व स्वयं को जानने के लिए दी । पर यदि जीव ने अपनी इच्छा से इनका रुख संसार की ओर कर दिया तो यह उसका निजी चयन रहा है । 
यह बिल्कुल सही है कि हर जीवात्मा अपने कर्म संस्कारों से बद्ध है और उसके भीतर जो तीन गुण हैं वे समय समय पर उभर कर नाच नचाते हैं । 
जो सो भीतर से जो इच्छाएं उपजती हैं वे इन्हीं बीजों के कारण उपजती हैं । 
सो साधना निर्विकार व निर्विचार करने की ओर की यात्रा है । 

गुरूदेव कहते हैं कि जब साधक ऐसा हो जाता है तो भीतर की यात्रा आरम्भ होती है । उससे पहले तो मात्र चमकारे ही मिल रहे होते हैं। 
महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि सम्पूर्ण समर्पण क्यों कठिन है क्योंकि साधक यहाँ निर्विचार व निर्विकार हो चुका होता है । सम्पूर्ण सम्पर्ण मानो परमेश्वर साक्षात्कार ! उदाहरण हमारे गुरूजन, मीरा बाई, गुरू नानक देव, रमण महर्षि , श्रीरामकृष्ण परमहंस , इत्यादि ! 
जो सम्पूर्ण सम्पर्ण की अवस्था होती है वहाँ तो निजी विचार ही नहीं उठते वहाँ मन ही नहीं होता वहाँ राम के सिवाय कुछ न दिखता है न होता है ! मन समिष्टी मन हो गया होता है ! वहाँ जो देह है वह राम के कर्म करती है , ऐसा सब गुरूजनों ने कहा है। पूज्यश्री स्वामी जी महाराजश्री ने समर्पण कर्म के पश्चात राम के कर्म का भी उल्लेख किया है कथा प्रकाश में ! मानो कि राम यहाँ स्वयं कार्य कर रहे हैं ! यह समर्पण कर्म के पश्चात कहा है ! 
महाराजश्री तभी कहते हैं यात्रा बहुत लम्बी है । अंतिम स्वास तक नहीं रूकना ! 
महाराजश्री कहते हैं स्वयं को देखना है व स्वय को सुधारना ही आध्यात्म है । बाकि सब धार्मिकता है – सत्संग जाना, मंदिर जाना, हनुमान जी को मत्था टेकना, माता रानी को टेकना, श्रीरामशरणम् जाना, अमृतवाणी जी का पाठ करना , इत्यादि , इत्यादि , धारमिकता है ! हमें आध्यात्मिक बनना है ! स्वयं को देखना व स्वयं को सुधारना !  
श्री श्री चरणों में

FAQ- सब परमेश्वर का व उससे  

July 16, 2017

प्रश्न : मैं भगवद्गीता का पाठ कर रही हूँ और उसमें यह समझ आया कि हर चीज प्रभु से ही उत्पन्न होती है । तो हमारे मन में यदि कोई इच्छा है तो वह भी प्रभु से ही है फिर ? 
यह बात पूर्णतय सत्य है कि हर बात परमेश्वर से ही उत्पन्न होती है । हर चीज के स्रोत वही हैं । 
यदि हम यह सम्पूर्ण भाव से मानते हैं कि हर चीज परमेश्वर से आ रही है तो उसका फल हम हर हाल में स्वीकार होगा ! क्योंकि जो इच्छा उसकी तो फल भी उसका । 
गुरूजनों ने समझाया है कि भीतर हमारी कामनाओं के बीज होते है और वे इच्छाएं बन कर प्रस्फुटित होते हैं। 

उन्होंने कहा है कि सतत राम नाम का सिमरन इतनी क्षमता व शक्ति रखता है कि हर प्रकार का बीज जल भून जाए । कामना का बीज जलना आवश्यक है नहीं तो उसमें अंकुरित होने की सम्भावना रहती है । सतत राम नाम सिमरन कामनाओं के बीजों को मूल से जला देता है । 
साथ ही समर्पण । समर्पण में साधक की कोई अपनी इच्छा ही नहीं रहती । सब राम इच्छा में ही वह रहता है । न फल की चिन्ता न कार्य की । पूज्यमहाराजश्री के अनुसार यह करना सबसे कठिन है पर जो कर गया वह सब पा गया । 
यहाँ पूज्य श्री महाराजश्री द्वारा एक कहानी स्मरण हो आई – 

एक अमीर सेठ का मन हुआ साधना का । वह सब छोड़ छाड कर अपने भतीजे को देकर जाने लगे तो भतीजा बोला मैं भी चलूँगा । जंगल में जा तपस्या करने लगे । खूब साधना की । जब काफ़ी महीनों के बाद आपस में बैठे तो कहा आज खीर खाने का मन हो रहा है । तभी एक नन्ही सी बालिका आई और खीर का मटका दे गई ! जैसे ही खाना समाप्त किया तो बहुत ग्लानि से भर गए । कि इतनी साधना के पश्चात खीर की इच्छा भीतर रही । वापिस साधना करने लग पड़े ! तो माँ ने दर्शन दिए कि यदि मैं साधना की इच्छा डलवा सकती हूं तो खीर की इच्छा नहीं डलवा सकती क्या ? 
इसलिए यदि हम मानते हैं कि हर चीज परमेश्वर से ही केवल आ रही है तो उसका फल भी उन्हीं का मान कर स्वीकार करना है । यही समर्पण है ।