Category Archives: Taming the Mind

गुरूतत्व अपने कार्यों के स्वयं कर्ता होते हैं 

Sept 12, 2017

आज का सुविचार

गुरूजन ही हर आध्यात्मिक कार्य के कर्ता होते हैं। 
हर सत्संग , हर साधना, हर प्रचार, हर दीक्षा समारोह, हर जप व ध्यान , सब के अधिष्ठाता गुरूतत्व ही होते हैं। चाहे बड़े सत्संगों में कार्यक्रम हों चाहे सत्संग online ग्रुप के कार्य ! सब के कर्ता वे ही होते हैं। 
एक बार किसी क्षेत्र में खुला सत्संग लग रहा था ! बहुत ही आनन्द सब को आ रहा था ! कई कार्यकर्ताओं की भी बहुत वाह वाह होनी आरम्भ हो गई । आखिरी दिन शाम की बैठक , कार्यक्रम शुरू होने में कुछ ही मिनट बाकि, कि सारा सिस्टम ठप्प । सभी connection चैक किए , दो दो बार चैक किए कुछ न चला । समय बीत रहा था । पर नहीं चला । सब ने फिर अरदास की गुरूजनों को और अपने आप पूज्य गुरूदेव की विडियो चल पड़ी ! गुरूजन साक्षात दिखाने आए कि गलती से भी नहीं समझना कि इसमें किसी साधक का योगदान है ! सभी कार्य गुरूजन ही सुचारू रूप से कर रहे व करवा रहे होते हैं!! 
कल एक साधिका जी ने मुझे एक फ़ोटो भेजी – मीरा के कृष्ण की ! मैंने मुस्कुरा कर कहा कि – अरे ! आपने भी पुस्तक मँगवा ली ! उसके कुछ घण्टों के पश्चात मीरा चरित लिखने की जो साधक सेवा करती हैं वे ग्रुप छोड़ गई । पर गुरूजन तो प्रबंध कर चुके थे । जो साधिका जी ने चित्र भेजा था उनसे प्रार्थना की कि वे आगे से ” मीरा चरित ” लिखना आरम्भ करें ! भारत की सुबह हुई और मेरी इंतज़ार की घड़ियाँ 

बीत ही नहीं रही थी । तभी सब जगह संदेश चला गया कि ” मीरा चरित” अब दीवाली के पश्चात ही आएगा ! लिखा गया – नहीं ! गुरूजन के कार्यों में विघ्न नहीं पडता ! 

तभी किसी और ही साधक जी ने मीरा चरित पोस्ट कर दिया !!!! उनका संदेश आया कि internet से उन्हें मिल गया ! और जिनसे मुझसे कहलवाया था उनका भी आ गया ! 

गुरूजनों ने एक द्वार बंद होने से दो दे द्वार खोल दिए !!!!!

जिससे इतने साधक आनन्द विभोर होते हैं व आनन्द लेते हैं सब गुरूतत्व के कारण ही तो हैं ! सो उनके कार्य ठप्प हों ऐसा सम्भव नहीं ! 
पर कितनी सुंदर अभिव्यक्ति उनके प्रेम की दी व सिखाया कि उनके कार्य वे स्वयं ही करने वाले होते हैं ! साधकों को तो प्रेमवश ही वे श्रेय देते हैं ! 
यहीं पूज्य गुरूदेव के दिव्य शब्द स्मरण हो आए कि प्रभु राम के लिए सेतु बनाना कोई मुश्किल कार्य नहीं था ! वे तो बाणों से ही सेतु निर्माण कर सकते थे ! पर उन्होंने अपने भक्तों का गुण गान करवाना था तो उनको सेतु निर्माण का श्रेय दिया ! 
इसलिए चाहे बडी सी बडी दीक्षाएँ हो, साधना सत्संग हों या online सत्संग के कार्य , प्रचार की योजनाएँ हो, सब गुरूतत्व के अधीन हैं व वे ही करनकरावनहार होते हैं । 
यहाँ तक गुरूतत्व तो संसार के कार्य भी बहुत सुचारू ढंग से करते हैं यदि उनका कोई हो चुका हो ! 
गुरू महिमा गुरू महिमा अपार महिमा गुरू महिमा !

FAQs for the week of April 8

April 8, 2017

मेरा मन नहीं लग रहा । पढने को भी मन नहीं करता । मेरा कोई मित्र नहीं है । जाप? 

जाप तो बिल्कुल नहीं हो रहा ! मैं घर जाना चाहती हूँ। 
परम पूज्य गुरूजन कहते हैं कि यह ” मन ” बहुत चलायमान है । और हमारी नज़र सदा बाहरी परिस्थितियों पर ही केंद्रित रखता है । 

मन क्योंकि परमेश्वर से संयुक्त नहीं है, जिसमें वह आनन्द लेता है, और यदि उस उसमें नहीं लगाया जा रहा तो वह उचाट होगा ही !! 
ऐसे में यदि हो सके , तो स्वयं का अज्ञात वास लेकर, सारा दिन जाप पाठ में लगाएँ ।मन को वह दें जिसके कारण यह उदास हो रहा है। एक साधक होने के नाते , जाप पाठ की कमि को दूर कर दीजिए । 
पूज्य गुरूवर की जीवनी से हमें वे सिखाते हैं कि पढाई के दौरान दो ही काम उनके गुरूदेव कहते, पढ़ना और यदि थक जाएँ तो ध्यान करके फिर पढ़ना ! उनके पास तो समय भी नहीं था मित्रों के लिए । सो यदि मित्र नहीं है तो राम नाम जो अनन्त के सखा हैं उनके नाम के साथ समय व्यतीत करना हर हाल में मंगलकारी है, शुभ है । क्योंकि वे न केवल मन को प्रसन्नचित रखेगे बल्कि कर्तव्य करने में भी सहायक होंगे । 
I am not able to concentrate. I cannot study. I have no friend . 


Jaap is nil. I want to go home ! 
Param Pujya Gurujan say that this mind is very unstable. It always makes us see outside situations only. 

Because the mind is not one with HIM, the One in which it naturally enjoys, and if connected there, it’ll bring us moods like that of being bored, alone or being depressed. 

If it’s possible, take time out from your normal schedule, take a Self time just for extensive jaap. Like, spend two days, just for jaap, paath! Being a sadhak, give the mind, what it is yearning for! 

For the autoiography of Pujya Gurudev Dr. Vishwamitr ji we learn that during His academic years, His Gurudev recommended only two things, studying and deep breathing meditation when tired! He did not even have time for friends. So if in the hostel, or college there are no friends, then RAM Naam who is the friend of all times and ages, spend time with if and this will not only be auspicious but bring in happiness too! Ram Naam not only will only blissful but also will assist in doing our duties ( which is studying here) well! 
All at Their Lotus feet 🙏

विपरीत परिस्थितियों में साधक की सजगता 

April 1, 2017

परिस्थितियां जब अपने मन के अनुसार न हों तो सचेत क्यों रहना है ? 
गुरूजन कहते हैं क्योंकि यह मन उस समय हमें हमारे प्यारे से दूर कर देता हैं !! 

हम उसके अंशी हैं यह विस्मरण करवा देता हैं ! 

हम उस माँ की गोद व चरणों का रस पान कर रहे होते हैं उन सब से दूर करवा देता हैं! 
अब देखना यह है कि वह दिव्य एकतारता पसंद है या संसारी परिस्थिति जिसने द्वार पर दस्तक दी !!! 
राम को चुनें या मन की उस अपूर्ण इच्छा को ?? 

यह चयन हमें ही करना है !!! 
जितना अधिक हम राम को चुनेंगे उतनी अधिक शान्ति के निकट होंगे , जितना संसार के सुधरने को चुनेंगे उतना अशान्त होते जाएंगे !!! 
चयन अपने हाथ में है !!! 
श्री श्री चरणों में

हम मन नहीं हैं 

Sept 10, 2016

हे भगवन! मेरे गुरूजन! आपश्री के श्री चरणों में कोटिश्य प्रणाम। बारम्बार प्रणाम। असंख्य बार प्रणाम । भगवन ले चलिए बाह्यमुखी से अंतरमुखी की यात्रा पर ! मेरे मालिक, मन व बुद्धि को छोड़ आत्मिक यात्रा पर। हे प्रभु! कृपा कीजिए, दया कीजिए !

परम पूज्यश्री महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि परमेश्वर कृपा हो गई, गुरू कृपा हो गई, शास्त्र की कृपा भी हो गई । पर मन की कृपा, स्वयं की कृपा तो करनी है। अभी के लिए,  स्वयं पर कृपा मतलब, मन पर नियंत्रण।  पूज्यश्री गुरूदेव ने बड़े स्पष्ट शब्दों में संकेत दिया है कि जब आप स्वयं को आत्मा समझेंगे पर स्वयं पर कृपा का मतलब ही कुछ और होगा।

कैसा होता होगा स्वयं को आत्मा समझना व फिर उसी में स्थित रह कर व्यवहार करना। यह केवल वही बता सकता है जो इस में रहता है। हमारे शास्त्र कहते है कि आत्मा को महसूस किया जा सकता है । पर उस अव्यक्त को शब्द प्रदान करना परमेश्वर की दिव्य लीला ही होगी !

पूज्य महाराजश्री कहते हैं हमें तो अभी मन व बुद्धि को ही नियंत्रित कर पवित्र करना है, ताकि इसके पार की झांकि मिल सके। हम अपनी दिनचर्या में मनोमुखी ही रहते हैं। बुद्धि से निर्णय लेने मन से सोचना। किसी के साथ मन नहीं मिलता, तो मन का रंग बदल जाता है । किसी के दोष दुर्गुण देख मन निर्पेक्ष नहीं रहता। या अपने व अपनों पर कष्ट सब डावाँडोल कर देता है!!! यह सब मन की ही क्रियाएँ हैं।

पर महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि हम तो मन नहीं ! न ही हम बुद्धि हैं। हम मानते ही नहीं हम आत्मा हैं। हम मानते ही नहीं कि हम पवित्र , पावन, आनन्दमय, नित्य, प्रबुद्ध, सत्य, निर्लेप, मुक्त आत्मा हैं। हम मानने को तैयार ही नहीं कि मल, इच्छाएँ , दुर्गुण सब मन , देह व बुद्धि से सम्बंधित हैं। हम मानते ही नहीं कि हम तो हर पल प्रेम हैं। हम तो हर पल आनन्द हैं ।न ही हम चंचल हैं न ही अस्थिर न ही आसक्त ! न ही देह ! मानते ही नहीं हम !  कारण कि हम बाह्यमुखी रहते हैं! यह सब बाहर नहीं है ! भीतर गहन में है।

महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि प्रेम करना सबको आता है पर हम नहीं कर सकते ! अक्ष्य प्रेम का स्रोत भीतर है पर हम सूखे। स्वयं भी प्रेम की एक बूँद के लिए तरसते हैं। क्योंकि भीतर जाते ही नहीं ! बाहर ढूँढते हैं सब! जन्मों जन्मों से बाहर ढूँढ रहे हैं… आदत पड़ गई है ! और जाती ही नहीं !

सो उस देवाधिदेव के श्रीचरणों में दण्डवत् होकर याचना करते हैं कि प्रभु कर दीजिए कृपा। मेरे जैसों को तो रोना भी स्वयं नहीं आता ! मेरे तो आँसू भी उधारे हैं…कि अबकी बार तो ले चलिए भीतर.. थक गए हैं बाहर भागते ! अब तो हिम्मत भी नहीं रही बाहर भागने की … कर दीजिए कृपा! पोथियाँ पढ पढ भी थक गए हैं… आपकी कृपा तो हर पल बरसती है हमें भी पार कर दीजिए इस मन व बुद्धि से ! कहिए तो कहाँ जाए ? आपके सिवाय कौन सा द्वार है जो खटखटाएँ ! जो आप न सुनोगे, तो कोई नज़र तक नहीं डालेगा प्रभु !! आगे जैसे आपश्री को ठीक लगे । जो आपको भाए … मेरे रामममममममममममम

सर्व श्री श्री चरणों में 🙏🙏

A thoughtless mind is a completely surrendered mind.

July 20, 2016

Thought of the day

My salutations O My Ram, my Gurujans! Gratitude and much more gratitude My Lord! For the constant learning, for teaching and cleaning that You provide on everyday basis, when this mind tries to go here and there, when this mind tries to be ungrateful, when this mind tries to go out, instead of in , at Your Divine Lotus feet! Many many thanks Prabhu for overlooking but treating those areas that need to be fixed! 

As the theme of Bhaktimaykarmyog comes to an end today, Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that he attains the highest abode, who follows the doctrines of devotion. He who likes the experiment with Naam jaap, no amount of negativities can come near him. 

Bhaktimaykarmyog, as Param Pujya Shri Maharajshri explains that it is complete surrender of body, mind and wealth. It is the ultimate Bhakti! A person who has surrendered his mind, Pujya Maharajshri says there is nothing now left for him to do! As he has given up all doership to His Lord! He is a mere instrument now! Such a person has the purest mind, as a mind that has thoughts is not considered surrendered. A thoughtless mind, has become a pure mind and that mind is now said to be surrendered. 

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri has also taught us that, we need to keep telling the mind, that you are now His. So no need to go here and there. You are now Ram’s. He says that by telling this to the mind repeatedly, it eventually becomes His one day! All negative attributes then get washed off! The mind works as Lord’s tool now ! It’s here that Pujya Maharajshri says that, the Lord, takes over the karmas of the devotee’s and makes him work as per His wishes and not as per His karmas! The person continues to go about in the world doing his normal responsibilities, but no longer as a doer. 

Allow us to realize this my Lord! Allow us to have the knowledge that stays. Let not forgetfulness take over such that we slip time and again! O My Master, all Yours, all Yours! 

Jai Jai Ram 

Till mind surrenders, refuge is incomplete!

July 9, 2016

Thought of the day

My salutations O Ram! My Gurujans! Gratitude O Divine Masters! As I offer myself at Your Lotus feet, kindly accept my everything in whole! The body, it’s senses, the material possessions that You have so kindly bestowed such that our stay on this earth is comfortable and the mind, intellect and my Soul ! O Ram all are Yours! Gratitude O Ram ! For letting me know that none are mine, and may I never call those things mine that are all Yours! 

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that a doubtful person is not a good one! Doubt erases love, and destroys peace, wellness among each other and unity!

As Gurujans continue to teach us about Bhaktimaykarmyog , definitely doubt has no place here! One must have noticed, that so many times we offer ourselves to our Gurujans and Ram saying that we are Yours and Yours alone, but still we get stressed out, or upset with life’s twists and turns or sometimes it just becomes too dry, we don’t feel like doing anything ! Why does it happen? Why after giving up ourselves, we are not continuously bathing in bliss or Ram Naam?

Param Pujya Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says, it’s because our mind has not taken refuge , it has not surrendered completely at the Lord’s Lotus feet! That’s the reason , we feel all the above mentioned conditions! Pujya Maharajshri says that till the time, our mind does not have thoughts only / solely of Ram, day and night, till that time, it is not surrendered! So Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says keep telling the mind, that You are now Lord’s. You have to follow Him! He is Your Master! So every thought that arises, it becomes His! Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that it’s the quality of the mind that wherever you’ll take it it’ll go there! So if we keep taking it into the world, our job, children, spouses, relations, it’ll continue to go there. But if we take it towards, the Lord, gradually, slowly it’ll start moving there!

O Ram ! It’s You and You alone ! With my Gurujans leading me, I tread that path! It’s Them that I owe my each and every single event of my journey! All at Your Lotud feet! All Yours !

Jai Jai Ram

Leading the mind towards Salvation through Satsangati

March 29, 2016

Thought of the day


My Ram , my very own , many many pranaams Prabhu! O Gurujans ! Kindly accept my soulful pranaams. Heartfelt gratitude for everything O Bhagwan! For every situation , it’s You who are working hard to make me inch more towards you! So many deep rooted past sanskaaras you have to work through O my compassionate Ones! So much hardwork You have to do , such that my vision goes and stays where it’s supposed to be! But I fail ! But I know, it’s Your hard work, so one day it’ll bear fruit! Many many many Thanks !

The theme ‘ taming the mind’ ends today. Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamji Maharajshri touched on various aspects of the mind, the reasons of its restlessness, numerous solutions for it to be tamed, consequences of taming the mind, so on and so forth! We now know that this mind is the key to bondage and salvation. Working towards its thoughtlessness, assures abode of loving Ram !

Param Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that the way a person suffers and writhes in pain on being afflicted by an ailment and yearns to get better, in the similar manner, the mind prays and begs for salvation , disregarding all lures of life!

Pujya Maharajshri very strongly says that the enjoyments of the mundane world will always result in pain, as the world has nothing else to offer! Maharajshri says, we go towards hill station we don’t have to ask for cool weather. It’s automatically there. We go to a satsang, we don’t have to ask for peace, it’s there ! Likewise we go to the world, meaning, we form attachments with the world, we desire for more material, we form varied likes and dislikes, automatically , we don’t have to ask for it, automatically, pain and suffering will enter our life, why ? Because, world has nothing else to offer !!

So Gurujans explain, that the mind of ours keeps repeating the same attitude of going to the world again and again, because, we still had not had enough! The day one gets tired of repeated pain and suffering, that day, the person, yearns for salvation or peace or true love, leaving aside the worldly pleasures ,in the same manner as one yearns to get better from a disease ! He says that feeding the mind wth Divine knowledge , scares it ! And Divine knowledge is attained only from being connected with Divine Souls, through their teachings! Thus satsangati plays a very important role for leading the mind towards salvation.

O Ram ! I do hope I have had enough of every worldly pleasures, such that I wholeheartedly turn towards You! O Ram! May this human birth be worthwhile in the true sense! Please make us go back our real home! We have been out of there since a real real long time! To be in the arms and lap of Maa and never ever to leave that most precious loving embrace ! Bless us please, bless us !

All Yours My Ram all Yours !

Jai Jai Ram

Anxious or tensed mind can be soothed by Raaum Naam

March 27, 2016

Thought of the day


My soulful salutations O Ram and to my most compassionate Gurujans. I prostrate at Your Lotus feet ! My heartfelt gratitude millions and millions of gratitude for holding my hand, for allowing me to be at Your doorstep, for allowing me to know about You , for accepting me the way I am, the list is endless my Lord ! It’s endless!

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says that installing Ram Naam  in our mind, is the easiest way to beget Grace ! And when the Ram Naam chant goes on by itself inside, that’s a sign that Grace is descending !

Gurujans say the even though life’s activities indulgences are mundane but this mind when stuck over them causes great trouble inside. We have great aspirations, we feel we can do it get it. We want to secure our future, make plans etc.But when those plans do not fructify, when we do not get the thing that our mind was after, it leads to frustration and then depression. Pujya Maharajshri says that all our ailments of the body are from the mind. Tensions, anxieties due to unfulfilled dreams or desires ruin the mind and the body !!

But it is at this stage Gurujans shower Their benevolence and offer the sadhak to take Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuum Naam, in an uninterrupted manner. One has to forcefully enforce it. Pujya Maharajshri says that we don’t have to tell Ram about our problems, but instead tell our problems that how strong, magnificent and powerful our Ram is ! Gurujans say that Ram Naam in these situations cannot come by itself! The mind is so clouded that it loses its ability to think and to do anything. So a sadhak has to push through the clouds by chanting Raaaaaaaaaaaaum, incessantly, walking eating working, with every activity that the body does, make the mind chant Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuum. This is the most easiest method of begetting Grace, so say that our Gurujans! It soothes the tensed nerves and blesses one with tranquility!

O Ram ! Bless us with sweet rememberance of Your name day in and day out! Allow us to remember it in the most tedious life situations! O Ram! May these mundane things not consume our time or energy ! O Raaaauum, kindly let us see our mind soaked in the divine nectar of Your Name ! Bless us ! Bless us Prabhu !

All at Your Lotus feet.

jai Jai Ram 🙏

Thoughtless mind leads to the journey within

March 27, 2016

Thought of the hour


O my loving Ram ! My most compassionate Gurujans, I offer my pranaams at Your Lotus feet! O Ram ! All acclaim is from you and all at Your Lotus feet !!My Prabhu You are the sole reality of this Universe! Kindly make me equitable in all situations! Let me remember that all situations are from You and from You alone !

Pujya Swamiji Maharajshri says that if we acquired all the so called knowledge of this world, but do not realize who we are, then the human birth goes futile! He says science does not teach about the Soul! He says Lord Krishna has suggested that the mind can be controlled through self control.

Gurujans say that even though our path is of devotion and chanting of Ram Naam is the major crux of our sadhna, but knowing about our Self is extremely important! It is with this knowledge that the sadhak can rise above the duality , and various attachments to the body and hence its relations.

Maharajshri says that taming the mind and leading it to a thoughtless state, helps to elevate a sadhaks’s soul to a higher strata. Thoughtless mind leads to the journey within, inside the unexplored realms of one’s own self. Understanding of the Soul, provides one with everlasting bliss and knowing the real attributes of our own Self fills one with radiance of Divinity. Hence an empty mind begins a journey towards Self realization.

O My Ram ! I pray for incessant Simran of Your Holy Name! As this has the power to ward off all worldly thoughts , desires and attachments . Constant rememberance is the sweetest nectar that one can beget as Lord’s grace ! Bless us Prabhu !bless us !

All at Yours Lotus feet!

Jai Jai Ram

Thoughtless mind progresses towards Self realization

March 26, 2016

Thought of the hour


O My Ram , my Sarvasav, My loving Gurujans, I prostrate at Your Lotus Feet. O Ram ! May You take my body anywhere , but kindly let my mind always be at Your Lotus feet! O Ram ! Nothing else I want or desire except for You and only You !

Param Pujya Shri Shri Swamiji Maharajshri says O mind ! If you lose everything is lost and if you win everything is attained ! As you discover yourself you attain salvation , freedom from the cycle of birth and death !

Gurujans say, even though mind is not an organ, it plays an extremely important part in our lives! We say today my mood is not good, I don’t feel like laughing or talking. And some days I am so active! So this mind plays a vital role in our lives!

Gurujans say that thoughts drive our mind. Maharajshri says it’s necessary to introspect the reason of thoughts. He says where our mind gets attracted or is attached, the same thoughts will repeatedly come. Either we’ll drive pleasure from them or get perplexed! A mind that has attachments, anger, pride, greed, lust, jealousy etc, the thoughts keep coming in large amounts. As jaap increases and as a result meditation increases, the tendencies towards these feelings too get reduced! Hence mind starts enjoying the Chant of the Mantra , as the cleansing process has begun from within! As these negative tendencies further get reduced , Pujya Maharajshri says that the mind starts yearning for peace of mind more and more . It feels restless if it’s mind goes away from Ram Naam even for a little while !

Gurujans thus say, that delving deep into meditation, starts progressing the mind towards a thoughtless state, which further progresses the mind to the realization of the Self! In order to reach this state, high degree cleansing of the mind is required. But everything is possible gradually. Pujya Maharajshri says that one needs to keep having faith and patience. Following Gurujans’ orders are a must for spiritual advancement. Keeping Their teaching foremost and never compromising on them leads to great results. If They say, get up early and do jaap , then one must try to do it as much as possible . If They say, one needs to do dhyaan twice , then one must do it, come what may ! If They say, try to be righteous in your deeds and thoughts, try for incessant simran, then with prayers and blessings, one must try, as much as we can!

O Gurujans! You are always with us in your Gurutatwa form ! You keep guiding us day in and out ! O Gurujans! Kindly keep leading us always ! May our mind be always be fixed on You and only You ! Bless us ! Please bless us !

All at Your Lotus feet Prabhu ! All Yours !

Jai Jai Ram